Haven't read mag's blog for a while, hey this is quite an interesting article she'd found:
欣賞會讓人積極, 喜歡會讓人開心, 但愛卻會讓人傷心。
當你和他搭訕時,剛開始那只是出於“欣賞” 。 當他們交往一段時間後,可能會變成“喜歡”,但也可能永遠只能停留在“欣賞”,至於“愛”,很難說,說不定你一輩子都找不到。
Rough Translation:
LOVE = LIKE = ADMIRE (appreication)??
"LOVE" is a 100%,
ALL the time you'll think and miss him/her a lot;
"LIKE" is 80%, sometimes you'll think and miss him/her, on and off; and
"ADMIRE" is only 60%, you'll only think and miss him/her once in a while.
"ADMIRE" will motivate someone;
"LIKE" will make someone's day; but "
LOVE", will hurt someone.
When you
"ADMIRE" someone, you probably won't
"LIKE" him/her, not to mention to fall in
"LOVE" with him/her;
When you
"LIKE" someone, it is probably because you
"ADMIRE" him/her; you may also have a chance to fall in
"LOVE" with him/her;
When you
"LOVE" someone, it must be based on the
"ADMIRE", which, slowly evolves to
"LIKE", and eventually become
"LOVE".When you talk to him/her, to start with is probably just
"ADMIRE". After knowing each other for a while, it may becomes
"LIKE", but keep in mind it may stay at the
"ADMIRE" stage forever! and about the
"LOVE" stage - it's difficult to say - maybe you won't reach there for the rest of your life!
wow... hmm... i'm quite sure it's not
"LOVE" (as i think when it comes to
"LOVE" , on top of the above, it HAS TO BE a 2-way street).... anyway, so is it
"LIKE" or
"ADMIRE"?! hmm.... i ain't too sure~~ @_@ !!!