Saturday, September 23, 2006

Toothache - worse than being sick!!! :(

so for no reason one of my "big tooth" on my upper left jaw started to hurt this morning.... it shouldn't be a cavity (hey, i brushed at least twice a day ga!!) anyway, so it's getting worse - which made me actualy PICK UP THE PHONE and make an appointment w/ my dentist... (and change it from tmr (Sat) to tonite!!!!!

this dentist of my... have been my dentist since ... i was 8? or 6? something like that!! well, i haven't been very good as a patient - as the LAST time i was there - guess how long it was?! it was back in 2001!! *OMG!!* it's not that i'm particular "scare" to go to the Dentist or sth - i just think that it doesn't "worth" it - sit down on the chair for like 10-15 min - there you go, done! hahahaha... and touch wood my teeth has been ALRIGHT...

anyway, after all these yrs - today's toothache made me go ALL the way to Cairn Road - wow, when was the last time i was here - oh, actulally not that long - Charles' wedding is in the church on Cairn Road too... anyway.... after about... 30 min check (WOW!), 2 X-rays, quite some time to "wash" my teeth - the dentist couldn't quite understand WHY and WHAT exactly cause the pain @_@;;;

she gave me some pain killer, just in case, but man, i get some bad feeling about it................

hope by the time i got up tmr it'll be GONE....

i hate toothach :((((


WittyBB said...

i visit my dentist every 6 months ah ... =) ... well ... of course, i have dental insurance la ... ;) u take care of your teeth ah!

JC said...

hope your toothache will go away soon.

I've been lazy looking for a dentist. I have dental insurance too.. but it's hard to find a good one around town... I googled some of the dentists on my PPO list. To my surprise, one was on probation with drug charges. Scary!

Gerrillaz said...

咁你今日仲有冇痛呀? 係唔係要睇過第二個牙醫呢? 你個牙醫都幾搞笑喎! 唔知你仲乜痛就俾D止痛藥﹐就咁就算! 佢用醫生角度想你自己好番呀?

Anonymous said...

Normally an x-ray + close visual inspection of the tooth should reveal the cause. If it's not cavity, chances are you might have an infection (gum disease). Do you mouthwash everyday? If not, you should. Brushing teeth can only clean so much. Use something like Listerine Antiseptic and rinse twice a day to help fight germs and gum disease. Also floss your teeth after each meal. Rinsing with lukewarm salt water may help.