Sunday, December 30, 2007

Jerry Maguire - Again...

I think it's at least the 3rd time i watch Jerry Maguire featuring Tom Cruise & Renee Zellweger. I can't believe it was first released back in 1996 though - ha, i'm really old cake i suppose...

Instead of Cuba Gooding Jr's overdoing "show me the money show me the money" quote, this is my favorite quote from the movie - when Jerry is getting back w/ Dorothy after Rod's great game:

"We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You... complete me."

how sweet....

I love this little movie....

Friday, December 28, 2007

Song from a friend...

I LOVE leon :P

Sayonara Oh (我的親愛)

*其實仍然懷念你 溫馨的愛
其實逐漸寂寞 還未有替代
仍是愛你 期望你會又不說自來
誰人能明白我 我將空虛掩篕
明白現實是現實 明白總有意外


Just maybe....

sometimes when one just expect too much the disappointment just magnify... yet when things just happen out of expectation it can just make one's day... :)

although it's just an hr at KFC, u made my day :D hahahaha

maybe that's called "surprise"...

但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。this is just exactly what I can do - which indeed I do feel grateful :D

how can u?

say that you don't care whatever i think? HUH?

maybe afterall i'm just thinking too much... stupid pisces (or just me being stupid again?)


I think it's me being silly that i'm upset about departure - it's not the first time, and for very sure it won't be the last time... i'm so sure we'll cross each other's life again...

but that emptiness is still there... hmmm.. maybe it's the holiday seasons act as a catalyst...




am addicted to Faye's version - just b/c... b/c it's Faye


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wine Tasting - First Frost Wine - Chabot 2004 (France)

so this was actually planned for try out when ed's here on christmas eve but turn out we didn't even touch it - so the goodies left to me (all by myself!) hahahahaha... so today's wine tasting - my first ice wine - French First Frost Wine Chabot 2004

Well, Ice wine was highly recommended by Clement at the beginning... I got this one at the DF on the way back from Geneva in March 2007. i don't remember how much it cost (probably 400 levels?).... the only thing i heard from Clem is that it's very sweet.... so here comes my first ice wine:

(close up here)

well, it wasn't too sweet - i mean, sweeter than normal white, kinda taste like plum?! but it's acceptable wor (maybe b/c i already had dinner and not having it w/ my meal?) it's very easy to "take in" , not dry at all, so ha, as u can see, i've already finished like half of it by myself - which, i don't think the rest of it will last too long :P

too bad ed miss this out hohohohohoho... too bad too bad :P

maybe next time i should try out Canadian one :) and for those who'll come back from the States or pass through Duty Free, u know what to get me! hahahahaha

Change Template again...

well, a couple of friends has "complain" about my new layout (always think their display card has problem) hahahahaha, so here i go,change the layout again.... i don't know if i've ever use this before - after all there's not much choice from the ready-made template from blogger - and i don't think i'll ever write one XDDDDDDDD


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas recap...

last nite was a bit drunk so missed out quite a bit *LOL*

Here's the few recap:

Dinner - Harubang Korean Restaurant 哈魯邦韓國料理
Made reservation earlier so at least we can have a table :D hahaha well, I would say the food is so-so, not bad but not great great either (er.. korean bbq, what to expect?!) the only thing i probably wanna complain is that they're waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too under staff so they will only stop by your table more than 30 seconds when you order Coke (wakakakakkaakakakakakaka) :D

Movie - National Treasure - Books of Secrets
Well, let's put it this way, it's not bad at all - full of actions, fast pace for the entire 120+min, although i think all the riddles / clues are just way too "easy" to solve, it's movie worth to go gae :D i personally like Da Vince code more lor :P

Side note: Kim cher said she actually watched TWO movies - one is rated R ah! aiya, missed tim! hahahahahahahahaha

actually we didn't get that crazy or sth.... the whole light only finished 2 bottles of white not that much hahahaha... but then all the recent trials i still like the last one i had :P

The red I got for my birthday from smartone was =666666666 - maybe b/c i don't like red in the beginning.. well, let's put it this way, the smell and taste itself is very "complicated" - but the most outstanding taste is the wood @_@'' maybe it spse to taste like that?! just.. not my cup of tea lor hahaha

Games, DVDs...
I got sooo "prepared" for this little gathering - tons of chips (different types), chocolates, drinks, monopoly (although never play XD), UNO, DVDs... hahahaha... here's the final score:

Ed - 655
Kim - 892 <--- Queen of UNO la wakakaka
Yekini - 549
Emily - 620 (I was leading all along.. but then someone added me like 80 / 90 pts in the last few rounds lor)

I do had fun, hope the rest too...

P.S. not to mention, we actually have to go to Youtube to see how to open the wine using the wine opener hahahaha

Christmas eve's drinking party

so after the movie National Treasure - books of secret, we finished the movie at around mid nite - which is the christmas 2007 :D

we went back home and .. well, start out drinking with a couple games of UNO.. and watch some DVD (Leo's concert and David to's)... well, update score for now:

Ed Yekini kim me
286 274 607 201


how much have we drink? let's see.. we finished 1 bottle of semillion chadonnay from australia, half a bottle of the red, and begin w/ the 2nd white now.. not that much at all (ha, i drank most of it anyway)

oh, and numerous chips..... and chocolates :D

i'm having a fun time :D

Saturday, December 08, 2007

FW: article from Facebook

hmm... lately got a whole bunch of fwd articles about relationship and how to maintain them... ha, i think this is another twist :D

感嘆男人 :
有才華的長的醜, 長的帥的掙錢少, 掙錢多的不顧家, 顧家的沒出息,
有出息的不浪漫, 會浪漫的靠不住, 靠的住的又窩囊.

感嘆女人 :
漂亮的不下廚房, 下廚房的不溫柔, 溫柔的沒主見, 有主見的沒女人味,
有女人味的亂花錢, 不亂花錢的不時尚, 時尚的不放心, 放心的沒法看.

老婆是電視, 情人是手機, 在家看電視, 出門帶手機, 破產賣電視, 發財換手機,
偶爾看電視, 整天玩手機, 電視終身不收費, 手機欠費就停機.

做女人一定要經得起謊言, 受得起敷衍, 忍得住欺騙, 忘得了諾言 ,
寧願相信世上有鬼, 也不能相信男人那張嘴 ……

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Reminder to myself...

when 2 women are fighting - never get oneself into it - as it ends up as 3 women's fight and things will only get worse


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Miriam - 陌路

whom i've love in the last 10 yrs? many faces come up... but i guess most of them are like this song - my current favorite...


作曲 / 編曲/監製:雷頌德

這世界到處也有面善路人 擦過了多少腳印
誰人能合襯 遠或近 最終都可接吻
有人 便有美滿人生

喜歡你 無奈再見到你已像陌路人
情能夠陷到幾深 這麼近 這麼近
卻彷似相差一世 至少 分手也甘心

我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
對我最大的感慨 你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海

重遇你 發覺你再美也像面善路人
而懷緬又有幾真 這麼遠 這麼遠
至少 客氣得可親

我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
對我最大的感慨 你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海

而其實我早應該 絕口不說舊愛
從前受夠了傷害 若得到有人愛
我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海


"Another 10 year" - 903 concert


Thanks to my friends got a chance to go to a concert organized by 903. Well, it's WAYYYYYYYYy far out at the Asia Expo (we later found that time required to commute back and forth is as long as the concert itself!) but then overall the concert is well worth it :D

The theme of the concert is "10 yr - review". The whole show is about 3 hrs (2050 to 2330), with 7 sections with a storyline (although weak), trying to ask the audience to review whom they've love, what they've learn, what they've got etc in the last 10 yrs. Also remembering some of the big stars like Lo-man, Leslie, Anita, Lam Mun Chung & Wong Jim together.

Nice run down as far as one can tell all 6 singers have been well prepared and put efforts to rehearse. Audio setting is a LOT better than many recent concerts I've been. For the individual live performance-wise, I think miriam hasn't done enough homework and didn't really "warm up" until later part of the concert; eason was soooo into the concert, barvo! hocc can dance VERY WELL and i think her voice is a lot more "stable" now!! Joey - well, nice voice, but found that she can't sing others' songs well, nor she can duet good w/ others (swap many songs in between); Leo - just average, not much special; lastly andy hui - well, he can really sing, but then it's a pity he can't survive in the entertainment business like before due to his behavior...

one of the surprise is that at the very end there's a surprise guest - Sandy Lam!! Although i'm not a fans of her but i think she is really a great singer - none of the female singers tonite can match w/ her performance.

One of the many good things - there's practically NO TALKING / BLOWING WATER in between!! Just plain music! :D Good show!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Another Friday's Happy Hr...

So tonite big den fly aeroplane (what's new!?) hahah.. so anyway, turn out only my friend and cute classmate came for happy hr *LOL* ANYWAY, it was cool to just get together and have a few beers -esp. after a FEW hrs WAITING at HSBC V.V Anyway, it's always good to get together, well, probably except the fact that we had just a bit too much peanuts XDDDDDD

one interesting thing my friend pointed out though - although i have been back for so many yrs, most of my "new" friends (whom I know AFTER i came back and can get well / along) are mostly w/ "out of HK" background. I didn't really think about it until my friend pt it out - well, i don't think it is something "bad" - but definitely i think it's a "problem".... is it b/c i still haven't get rid of that "gwai low" style? am i just being discriminative? or???


ANYWAY.... i just think the most important thing when it comes to friends are having a good time together, regardless whether we're drinking beer / wine / dining (or in this case, "study") *LOL* Back to the point, i think i've to admit that even nowadays I still think (and feel) that it's just so much easier to "click" w/ those "out of HK" background ppl if u know what i mean...


after the drink (+dinner) my friend and i were thinking to watch 神探 (Mad Detective) at Taikoo but then when we got there all good tickets are sold (well, it's FRIDAY!) hahaha.. oh well, maybe some time later - also realize that I haven't been to a movie for a very long time... hmmmmm

Life is suppose to be more "in order" but frankly speaking the last 2 "free" wks are just totally screwed... okay, after tmr (903 concert) and sunday (Captain's wedding banquet) I will switch back to a "more-normal" life style - as 1st module of CPM exam is less than 10 days from now! >.<