Monday, July 30, 2007

Queen's Pier...

Well in the last few days news it kept coming up w/ protesters trying to stop the gov't of removing the historical place - Queen's Pier at Central.

皇后最遲明日清場 - 林太單刀赴論壇 兩陣各不相讓

I personally don't have much attachment to it (ha, i'm still young) - yes, i feel sad that they moved the old Star Ferry (well, mainly is b/c it's so inconvenient now! so far away from 720 station)... Well, anyway, back to the pt, while I've no doubt that Queen's Pier is really "historical" - Queen Elizabeth? Prince Charles and many other Governors of HK had boarded there... many movies were taken place there.. etc etc.. YET, those ppl camping there and trying to stop the gov't just kinda annoyed me - of course, they've the right to express what they feel - yet, the decision of removing it - i'm sure, is not only started recently - it should have "consultation" period a while back?

at one pt of time i wanna go there and take a pict too - as a memory or sth - but then w/ all those ugly banners? i don't wanna remember the place like that...

besides, the gov't already doing relocation plan... so what's the big deal?? i mean, i don't know, maybe i'm just not care / sensitive enough w/ "historical" stuffs....

I don't know if the gov't "do it in the right way", i didn't really look into details of who's right / who's wrong - I just think some times we've to move on from the past - same w/ real life - easier to say than to do, of course.... but.. just need to some time...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

FW: Before and After Marriage...




FW: Friendship in HP, and Chinese Literature

I like To's writing from time to time... only can't really dedicate in his political view... anyway, although i ain't good at chinese literature, do agree with his view on HP...


《哈利波特》第七集問世,全球暢銷。一本小說超越了國界,得到全世界讀者的喜愛,一定有不 凡的地方。《哈利波特》講巫術世界,以英國的寄宿學校為背景,小說的情節富有英國的地域文化特色,然而幾個人物之間堅貞的友誼,卻訴諸人類的普世情感。

小孩子看《哈利》,情迷書中的魔法世界,都把自己代入主角哈利波特,而不知道哈利是一個孤兒,不知道沒有父母的童年是多麼悲痛。成年讀者看《哈利》,反而更喜歡哈利的好友榮恩(Ron)。榮恩是書中的綠葉,榮恩比較平庸,哈利得到全世界小讀者的恩寵,榮恩活在哈利的 影子。但榮恩來自大家庭,他填補了哈利波特的孤獨,他是哈利的好兄弟,危難時總站在他這邊,他與巨人象棋對決、對付佛地魔。對於哈利,榮恩不計利益,他們不是成人世界的「合作夥伴」,而是真朋友。成年讀《哈利》,最情傷處,就是驚覺真正的友情,只在童年和校舍的樓廊和青草地之間滋長,離開了學校,那樣純潔的友情歲月卻一去不回頭。

英國小說描寫友情是高手,像福爾摩斯系列的福爾摩斯和華生。一個是偵探,一個是醫生,華生的專業判斷往往為福爾摩斯破案提供科學的靈感。因為十九世紀末,英國的許多謀殺案都流行用毒藥,偵探身邊有一位醫生朋友,往往為作者省了許多解說的筆墨。史提芬史匹堡監製過一部電影《少年福爾摩斯》(港譯《魔笛追魂》),講福爾摩斯與華生在寄宿學校結識的經過,可見英雄情義 ,往往侶出少年 。



沒有友情,也就沒有中國文學;沒有俠義,也沒有了中國文化的古典精神。不但李杜相從,蘇子與泛舟的友客留下了佳話,在江湖綠林,由荊軻刺秦的易水風蕭,到大刀王五的去留肝膽,兩千年來的中華兒女,經歷了多少戰亂,相濡以沫,兩忘江湖,友情的香火從來沒有斷絕過,直到「反右」的告發,「文化大革命」的摧殘,人情斷絕,倫綱傾圮,最好的朋友,往往成為檢舉自 向「黨」表忠的「反革命言行」的最凶險的敵人。今日大陸,連中國當局都承認「國民素質」空前危機:寡情薄恩,失信無情,一切以金錢利益為盟,連擇偶也講「條件」,現代的中國,如果還有所謂「文學」,詩歌和小說,還有幾篇是友誼的紀錄?


Saturday, July 28, 2007

"you've the right to remain silent"....

it has been a wk already... i guess afterall "talking to each other daily" is only MY initiative....

just the thoughts of having a piece or 2 of the dark chocolate u gave me can help me to "cast a Patronus".... esp. whenever i feel u're so far apart - yet i don't dare to take too much / too often - as it'll run out, i know, sooner or later...

and the 1st box is almost gone.... :(

anyway, there's no school of Hogwarts.... i'm just a Muggle... one that has been kissed by the Dementors...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mission Complete: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

so i'm like a wk behind many of you - yep, I only finished HP7 just now.. was going to finish it last nite, but was feeling sick so saved that last 20 pages for today after dinner...

Hmm.. agree w/ Uarzen that the book is very fast paced (i think i shouldn't even read his comment although he claimed it's "spoil free"!) hahahahaa... anyway, the book indeed is good, so many fighting battles - and just moving so fast!!!! it's very dark on the other side, too many deaths to deal w/ - not to mention one of my favorite character died like right at the beginning!! (who's that?! well, dig out my ICQ user name!) hahahahahhahahaa

Anyhow, i do feel like the ending is "huh? just like that?! what?! it's over? have i missed something!?" and the last last ending i think is a bit "drawing legs for snake"....

Anyway, it has been.. 6 yrs for me since i started reading HP - still remember i only started it in 2001 after wondering why Dirk (Hagrid to me!) reading a "children's book" - and ever since i just got so hooked and bought Book 3 from UK Bloomsbury directly (since back then HK release later than UK - and that, of course, is the most expensive HP book i bought! charged in GBP!!!!)... hahahahahaha

Also started the 1st HP newsgroup ever in HK (ha, am still groupmaster - although i'm under my invisible cloak ever since.. the last few yrs!?) hahahaha.... watched HP1 at Admiralty while someone is visiting HK that winter (and with the newsgroup cosplay ppl too!).... watched HP 2 @ AMC, and the 3rd one in Amsterdam!! Oh, and of course, the HP door hanging thingy I got from Boise still on my door.....

it's a bit sad to see it "ends"... i guess it's like departing w/ a friend - even though it's not the first time i depart w/ friends whom i know for long - and every time i wonder if that would be the last time we ever cross in our life - well, in real life most of the time wasn't (although still sadden me), yet for HP case, i don't think i'll re-read it in a short time - some times letting go and letting memories to fad is a good way anyway....

anyway, for those who hasn't read / finish the story - happy reading :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sleeping in a funny way... :P

so elvin sleeps in the room at nite (with a/c!) ever since he's back home... here's one i took just now - and he sleeps so deeply that he doesn't even notice a thing when the flash went on!!

can u see he's actually half tilted? :P

elvin does sleep in funny ways :P I just hope his neck / back won't hurt when he wake up :P

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Books updates...

In case you may be interested in some of them...
  • 志雲飯局 (Be my guest) by 陳志雲
    • I've watched some of them - just wanna have a taste what it'll be different if i'm reading them....
  • 我的低能之道 by Little Horse
    • how can i skip her book - afterall her icons is like part of my life - MSN loh
  • 愛不愛之書 by 凱西.陳
    • Cathy's new book this year, just have to buy it
  • 神秘谷 3 - 白巫的夢囈 & 神秘谷 2 - 斷崖的騎士 by 李敏
    • well, 2nd one was bought earlier - but then it was at baby's place - thanks for princess A to bring it to me! :)
  • 腦前額葉又一天:神經外科女醫師的黑色喜劇 (Another Day in the Frontal Lobe: a brain surgeon exposes life on the inside - original by Katrina Firlik)
    • For some reason i just fond on books based in Dr's (er.. nope, i'm not a fan of ER) :P
  • For one more day by Mitch Albom
    • i like mitch's style with Tuesdays w/ morrie and the fiver ppl you meet in heaven... it's "short".. but also give a chance to "think"... want to complete the series
  • Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarden
    • just want to try this...
  • Monet by Janice Anderson
    • Nicely print and a great collection of Monet's - can learn more about the background of his drawings....
And these are - something practical??

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Book Exhibition 2007!!

omg, really getting old - spent ONLY 4 hrs in the book exhibition this yr and both my friend and i just called it for the day - as we can't handle those loads anymore!!!!! hahahahahaa well, in general both of us think this yr's price is more expensive - was planning only buying 2 books - but end up w/ 13!!!!!!! (oh, not including 3 Old Master Q Comics I got for Ceci, and HP7 i pre-bought from Page 1) so, here's what i got:

probably too tired to start HP7 tonite - will take it easy but definitely for sure will pick up some reading for the next few months :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Something I learn from work today...

nil admirari

Defn: To be astonished at nothing

wow, i never seen this word before - not the mention in official email!

just.... disappeared?!

That's why you just... disappeared?!



Sunday, July 15, 2007

Elvin's home....

After spending 3 days in the clinic my dear son can finally get home........ although it's ONLY the beginning of the treatment - still have to take antibiotics, and also quite a few #s of skin medicines - but at least he's home - he's finally home...

i think he's still a little upset (ha, have the big "la ba" collar around his neck), but i think he did show some improvement since he left home....

i'm just glad that he's back... back home....

thanks again for all who's pray for him :) i hope he'll recover and show better result on the test 10 days from now...

add oil elvin :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 2 in the clinic...

so today is the 2nd day elvin's in the clinic - got off work and rush to tin hou (tried to get off sharp 5:30 but it's just not possible), anyway, luckily i got there before 6:30 so can still meet son (one weird thing - at 6 o'clock MTR is actually NOT crowded!!! had seats!!)

So anyway... i think i was in a much better EQ situation today (than yesterday) when discussing elvin's situation with the staff (geez)... ANYWAY.. it's not really a troke - but rather the vet suspected he got tick fever - one of the very last things i would like to hear.... Elvin's temperature is still high today, and to the vet tick fever is a lot worse than his skin problem so they've started him off the 20 days antibiotics treatment (and his skin problem will only come next - for now they only got his right palm bandaged with some medicine)...

he is still on 吊鹽水... the dr. said hopefully elvin's body will respond to the treatment quickly... that's the "best scenario" - his temp has to come down, and the blood platelet has to climb up back to normal....

i saw him tried to get up when he saw me.. but he's still very weak...

geez... really heart hurt :( i really hope he will recover and rest there just a few more days.....

P.S. a very good reference for dog's tick fever (some english down the page)

P.P.S. Thanks for all your calls, SMSs, MSNs, msgs to show u care... thanks... it really means a lot... ;~)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Updates - Elvin is hospitalized....

so i maybe half a day late to rush Elvin to the Vet.....


the dr said he's overheated (what's the english word for 中暑 stroke?) I was kinda surprised b/c i don't even bring him anywhere - most of the time he just stayed home!!!!!

and the nurse said that it's probably b/c we only left him sleep in the kitchen at nite (which kinda offended b/c he has been living w/ us like that ever since he was with us - he's not the type of dog from alaska or sth so how do i know he needs a/c 24 hrs???) ANYWAY.. he was still okay 2 days ago, why all of a sudden he's NOT okay?? it has been hot ALL WEEK this wk since last wk, why only now??

the Vet took him in and said he has to be "吊鹽水", hospitalized and "observe"... the nurse said situation is really bad as he's over heated (she claims its' so high that she can't even take her body temperature!) anyway, since he's over heated his blood vessel may also be "amplified" and may cause internal bleeding - which won't know in the until later (is it really THAT SERIOUS!??!?!??!) he can't walk b/c his palms and feet are all infected (due to the high body temp)....

i heard she ordered other nurses to get ready setting up ice pack / cooling towels.....

no clue how long he'll stay, only know we can only visit him daily from 14:00 - 18:00 (who can make this hrs when one has to work!!!) omg... I'm not ready to loss elvin yet.. his toys are all over the living room, what do you mean he's leaving?????? no, i'm not ready..........

life sucks....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elvin's sick!!!!!

don't know why he couldn't stand up - something's wrong w/ his hands.... poor puppy so poor that he can't walk around - usually he jumps all over me when i got home every day... but then today when i got home he just sit there - looking at me - trying very hard to get up - but failed!~~~~


I'll take him to the Dr. tmr afternoon - i JUST HOPE that the Dr. can really help him (to me his palms look pretty normal to me!)

*sigh.... so worry :((((

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I wanna play fireworks together as well lei

*sigh* :(

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Danish aries said....

You will find someone. Open your eyes. Put this pisces thing aside and try any others opportunities. He really do not deserve you.

Everyone have one or two this kind of emotional burden evenafter they married. If you are lucky, it could be in a naive, harmless memory. If you are obsessed, it could be a real burden.


Day dream: what if we win mark 6?

went out with wittybb and her sis last nite for dinner - among the many things we talked about, of course couldn't miss the 33 million (HKD, of course, not US!) Mark 6 lottery - what IF, yes, what IF I win???????

had numerous talk about winning mark 6 (ha, even a daily topic now!?) go back to school - oh, and of course, the travel around the world talk....

how come we've all those UNREALISTIC talks and dreams "together"? do you know that lies become "real" after numerous talk?? sigh... why am i still "wasting" my time in unrealistic dreams.... why should i bother?

and why we've to go to work??????????????????????

FW: Don't care...

i haven' t chk out my friends' blog for a while... and a great time to catch up their blog during the long weekend... here's something - well, too me, 深雪's writing is a bit too "girly" - but then doesn't hurt to know about it gae....




















Monday, July 02, 2007

Fw: Do I really KNOW you?

From a friend's blog.. hmmm... do i really know you?

要找到真愛 便要找一個懂你的人
但因為他懂你 所以你就認為他是十全十美的


當你遇到挫折時 他不說一句損你尊嚴的話
當你心情不好時 他絕不和你一般見識而大吵大鬧
當你遠隔千里難得見面時 他也深信你
當你愉快時 他也愉快而且會告訴你
當你煩惱時 他也煩惱但不會輕易告訴你

懂 是需要多少的了解 多少的體諒 多少愛心
要找一個懂你的人 也許很難 但要有信心
找一個懂你的人 也期許自己做一個懂他的人

hmm... interesting....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mission Accomplished - posting trip's picts - DONE!

actually i haven't post any picts on either Kodakgallery / slide show for a very very long time (actually i didn't post any picts on kodakgallery in 2007!!!) anyway, with all those jet lags / "do not want to sleep as it's wkend" etc etc i've finally uploaded ALL the picts tonight - in both kodakgallery and slide :D heehee.. mission accomplished!

Here's a "condensed" version that i've put up in Slide - let me know if you wanna see the FULL version XDDDD