Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tonite's treat - W. Gisselbrecht - Riesling 2005

W. Gisselbrecht, France - Riesling 2005

so Park'n Shop (at least the one near home) no longer carry the McWilliam's white i tried the other time (grrrrrrrr!!) so i went back to the wine store and ask the lady to recommend me another one.

So tonite she suggest another one from W. Gisselbrecht - same brand as the last one I had (w/ strong laichee smell) - so far i've finished my 2nd glass and i think it's only so-so - not as good as the last one i've - stronger grapes taste (b/c it's Riesling?) but i think the texture is rougher (not as smooth), dryer, and sourer...

The "only" good pt i like is that the grape taste is really good - so the smell i'll give a 8 out of 10, yet taste-wise probably a 6-7 out of a 10; with the cost of HKD188 per bottle i'll give it a overall score of 6 - probably won't be one of my favorite la :P


Friday, April 25, 2008

Stay... Stay "ah"..... :P

my son is such a good boy....

i need to take him to the Vet AGAIN this Sunday as after 2 wks of antibodics, he WAS FINE after "confirmed" by the VET a few days again but since yesterday SAME PROBLEM AGAIN!!! X.X

getting worry :~( Elvin you're all i've now - u can't leave me, yet (okok i might think too much and he should be alright as he still eat, play, sleep like normal)... just not sure why the same problem came back again and again V_V''

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fw: "Either her or me"... by 陶傑

got this article from one of my buddy's notice blog - an article written by 陶傑 which he keeps reading.....

obviously i counldn't be as strong as obama - I was believe that as a scropio i either take a black or white answer... but in this case, i think i was "enjoyed" in the grey area....

不 是 她 , 就 是 我


擺出一個三貞九烈的姿態,拼一個魚死網破的結局。這個黑人這一手是得分的。不要讓選民腳踏兩 船,不是她,就是我,你可以不選我,但失諸交臂,你會終身遺 憾 。

對付腳踏兩船的男人,也要如此爽脆。他跟你拍拖,外面也 keep 一個,你發現了,叫他作一了斷。

人永遠有很理性的理由,像「我認識她在先,跟她只是好朋友」,或者「我們大 家還年輕,可不可以有一點選擇」。這一切都是藉口,是他還不夠深愛你,才是真 理由。



但是,女子的青春有限,再拖磨下去,你取勝的機會最多只有五成,現在就迫他挑選,機會是百分 之百,或者是零。

如果是零呢?其實你也贏了,贏的是光陰和青春。及早了斷,義無反顧,人海中好再尋下一個對象 。他今天面對抉擇,如果遲疑不決,明天叫他再選,他還是不會選 你的,倒不如現在就釋疑而結局。

你真的是失敗者嗎?倒也未必。他默不作聲,呆呆目送你扭頭就走的背影,你留下 給他的,不僅是 去跟他一起的一點回憶,還有未來的一個謎團。他娶了另一位,但在餘生的日子,當浪漫消減,情 褪,他飽受現實生活的折騰,當他的妻子蓬 頭垢面氣勢洶洶追問他手提電話殘留的一個號碼,他會 起你。

他會不斷猜想,如果當天,他把你留住,然後與你一起宿棲,會是怎樣的光景?一定會比今天的那 至少你比她沉靜,比她溫柔,你不開心時只會獨自飲泣,不會跟他咆哮。想想,他就會懊恨交加,為什麼那關鍵的一天,他不追上來,告訴你,我要的是你,不是她。


不選我,你們以後會遺憾─這是奧巴馬的權術─錯過了我之後,將來遇到一個爛局,你們永遠會猜 奧巴馬是總統,一切或許都不一樣,或許。這是身為第三 者,最有力的武器,他沒有追出來,以為自己是王者,他跟你擦身而過,他輸的是 餘生,永遠沒有答案的美麗的一個謎團,那個嚙人心底的答 案 。

i don't know why...

i still care about your reaction.... i didn't realize it still hurts when i found out you don't care anymore - and your answer is just so cold :(
i thought i've put you down but obviously not yet... *sigh*

Saturday, April 19, 2008

1st typhoon of the year - NEOGURI (浣熊)

so since yesterday we've our first typhoon signal in the yr - right now it's Typhoon #3.

Typhoon usually don't start until like May / June or even July yet due to the Elina (?sp) effect Typhoon Neoguri hit us as early as mid April - as a matter of fact it's the 2nd earliest in the yr since after the WWII (wow... not that it matters!) :P Nevertheless from the latest update (as below pict) i think it'll be darn close to HK on Sat night lor... (yet even it's #8 we won't benefit from a typhoon holiday..)

Not that I think it's good to have such type of holiday (seriously think of some poor ppl might not have good shelter)....

Reminds me about last visit of one of Macau's light towers - still remember it has all the typhoon signs inside one of the buildings (during non-typhoon time of course) and we messed around w/ it? *or i should just say ME* those are the HUGH ONE use for hanging out the light tower during real typhoon time....

anyway... hope the weather won't be too bad during the wkend....

P.S. I don't know what's the difference between "TROPICAL CYCLONE" vs. Typhoon? I remember all along (as I grown up) we learn the word "typhoon" but the HK observatory (as well as most other US / overseas weather channels) use the word tropical cyclone... hmmmm...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Farewell our favorite sports commentator





more on Ng

one of the funny news (綿羊大賽) he has reported

i had a very bad day at work today... no matter how hard i try i couldn't do good at current job... *sigh....

Life is just so... dark...

some of the famous quotes from Ng:

「 波 係 圓 ! 」
「 朗 拿 甸 奴 好 波 起 上 , 其 實 真 係 好 好 波 。 」
「 烏 龍 波 都 係 靚 波 。 」
「 12 碼 只 有 兩 個 可 能 性 , 一 係 入 , 一 係 唔 入 。 」
「 救 到 呢 球 世 界 波 , 唔 係 龍 門 , 而 係 條 柱 。 」
「 有 乜 比 入 一 球 波 更 好 呢 ? 答 案 梗 係 入 多 一 球 啦 ! 」
「 千 祈 唔 好 以 為 呢 場 波 好 緊 張 , 係 我 講 得 緊 張 咋 ! 」
「 幾 時 都 話 龍 門 柱 係 守 門 員 最 好 朋 友 。 」

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tonite's treat... McWilliam's Hanwood Estate Chardonnay 2004 (South Eastern Australia)

Tonite the nearby wine shop is closed (as the shop lady went out "trip" to japan) so just stopped by nearby Park'n Shop for this wk's treat.... and got this:

Chardonnay 2004 - South Eastern Australia HKD85.00

Turn out this is a very easy white. the taste is very simple (to simple?) but not dry and easy to drink - and i ended up finishing the whole bottle by myself tonite (while singing Sammi's Mi 2007 concert DVD). This wine has a strong grape taste (very young taste) but easy to drink. definitely a good one to drink w/ (and price is good).. i wish i could have got 2 bottles instead....

"wing wing" dei... and really really really miss Pisces a lot.. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

Sunday, April 06, 2008

fwd: when it comes to changing job...

quite interesting - i guess also explain part of me in terms of switching job here and there....


毌庸置疑,薪酬待遇是最吸引打工仔跳槽的主因之一。通脹高企,米又加價,蛋又加價,幾個百分點的加薪幅度可能追不上通脹,轉工跳槽實乃不甘受壓的自保策略。但我最近聽到幾個朋友自述的轉工理由,隱約還感覺到另一股龐大社會動力在蠢蠢欲動。[more here]

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Tonite's treat... Marques Casa Concha - Chile Chardonnay 2005

i wrote a long blog to recap this long wkend but push the wrong button so all gone @#$%^$#$%^$#... oh well, never mind - so anyway this is tonite's treat:

the lady said it should have wood + hazelnut taste but i can't taste none - i guessi just can't taste much tonite...

oh and this is from last Tuesday's supplier's evening - (yeah, on April fool's day).. this is the team i belong to:

Close up:

too bad i didn't meet the park'n shop guy @_@; sigh...

anyway.... time to go for a shower.... need to get up early tmr to bring elvin to Vet...