Sunday, December 30, 2007

Jerry Maguire - Again...

I think it's at least the 3rd time i watch Jerry Maguire featuring Tom Cruise & Renee Zellweger. I can't believe it was first released back in 1996 though - ha, i'm really old cake i suppose...

Instead of Cuba Gooding Jr's overdoing "show me the money show me the money" quote, this is my favorite quote from the movie - when Jerry is getting back w/ Dorothy after Rod's great game:

"We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You... complete me."

how sweet....

I love this little movie....

Friday, December 28, 2007

Song from a friend...

I LOVE leon :P

Sayonara Oh (我的親愛)

*其實仍然懷念你 溫馨的愛
其實逐漸寂寞 還未有替代
仍是愛你 期望你會又不說自來
誰人能明白我 我將空虛掩篕
明白現實是現實 明白總有意外


Just maybe....

sometimes when one just expect too much the disappointment just magnify... yet when things just happen out of expectation it can just make one's day... :)

although it's just an hr at KFC, u made my day :D hahahaha

maybe that's called "surprise"...

但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。this is just exactly what I can do - which indeed I do feel grateful :D

how can u?

say that you don't care whatever i think? HUH?

maybe afterall i'm just thinking too much... stupid pisces (or just me being stupid again?)


I think it's me being silly that i'm upset about departure - it's not the first time, and for very sure it won't be the last time... i'm so sure we'll cross each other's life again...

but that emptiness is still there... hmmm.. maybe it's the holiday seasons act as a catalyst...




am addicted to Faye's version - just b/c... b/c it's Faye


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wine Tasting - First Frost Wine - Chabot 2004 (France)

so this was actually planned for try out when ed's here on christmas eve but turn out we didn't even touch it - so the goodies left to me (all by myself!) hahahahaha... so today's wine tasting - my first ice wine - French First Frost Wine Chabot 2004

Well, Ice wine was highly recommended by Clement at the beginning... I got this one at the DF on the way back from Geneva in March 2007. i don't remember how much it cost (probably 400 levels?).... the only thing i heard from Clem is that it's very sweet.... so here comes my first ice wine:

(close up here)

well, it wasn't too sweet - i mean, sweeter than normal white, kinda taste like plum?! but it's acceptable wor (maybe b/c i already had dinner and not having it w/ my meal?) it's very easy to "take in" , not dry at all, so ha, as u can see, i've already finished like half of it by myself - which, i don't think the rest of it will last too long :P

too bad ed miss this out hohohohohoho... too bad too bad :P

maybe next time i should try out Canadian one :) and for those who'll come back from the States or pass through Duty Free, u know what to get me! hahahahaha

Change Template again...

well, a couple of friends has "complain" about my new layout (always think their display card has problem) hahahahaha, so here i go,change the layout again.... i don't know if i've ever use this before - after all there's not much choice from the ready-made template from blogger - and i don't think i'll ever write one XDDDDDDDD


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas recap...

last nite was a bit drunk so missed out quite a bit *LOL*

Here's the few recap:

Dinner - Harubang Korean Restaurant 哈魯邦韓國料理
Made reservation earlier so at least we can have a table :D hahaha well, I would say the food is so-so, not bad but not great great either (er.. korean bbq, what to expect?!) the only thing i probably wanna complain is that they're waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too under staff so they will only stop by your table more than 30 seconds when you order Coke (wakakakakkaakakakakakaka) :D

Movie - National Treasure - Books of Secrets
Well, let's put it this way, it's not bad at all - full of actions, fast pace for the entire 120+min, although i think all the riddles / clues are just way too "easy" to solve, it's movie worth to go gae :D i personally like Da Vince code more lor :P

Side note: Kim cher said she actually watched TWO movies - one is rated R ah! aiya, missed tim! hahahahahahahahaha

actually we didn't get that crazy or sth.... the whole light only finished 2 bottles of white not that much hahahaha... but then all the recent trials i still like the last one i had :P

The red I got for my birthday from smartone was =666666666 - maybe b/c i don't like red in the beginning.. well, let's put it this way, the smell and taste itself is very "complicated" - but the most outstanding taste is the wood @_@'' maybe it spse to taste like that?! just.. not my cup of tea lor hahaha

Games, DVDs...
I got sooo "prepared" for this little gathering - tons of chips (different types), chocolates, drinks, monopoly (although never play XD), UNO, DVDs... hahahaha... here's the final score:

Ed - 655
Kim - 892 <--- Queen of UNO la wakakaka
Yekini - 549
Emily - 620 (I was leading all along.. but then someone added me like 80 / 90 pts in the last few rounds lor)

I do had fun, hope the rest too...

P.S. not to mention, we actually have to go to Youtube to see how to open the wine using the wine opener hahahaha

Christmas eve's drinking party

so after the movie National Treasure - books of secret, we finished the movie at around mid nite - which is the christmas 2007 :D

we went back home and .. well, start out drinking with a couple games of UNO.. and watch some DVD (Leo's concert and David to's)... well, update score for now:

Ed Yekini kim me
286 274 607 201


how much have we drink? let's see.. we finished 1 bottle of semillion chadonnay from australia, half a bottle of the red, and begin w/ the 2nd white now.. not that much at all (ha, i drank most of it anyway)

oh, and numerous chips..... and chocolates :D

i'm having a fun time :D

Saturday, December 08, 2007

FW: article from Facebook

hmm... lately got a whole bunch of fwd articles about relationship and how to maintain them... ha, i think this is another twist :D

感嘆男人 :
有才華的長的醜, 長的帥的掙錢少, 掙錢多的不顧家, 顧家的沒出息,
有出息的不浪漫, 會浪漫的靠不住, 靠的住的又窩囊.

感嘆女人 :
漂亮的不下廚房, 下廚房的不溫柔, 溫柔的沒主見, 有主見的沒女人味,
有女人味的亂花錢, 不亂花錢的不時尚, 時尚的不放心, 放心的沒法看.

老婆是電視, 情人是手機, 在家看電視, 出門帶手機, 破產賣電視, 發財換手機,
偶爾看電視, 整天玩手機, 電視終身不收費, 手機欠費就停機.

做女人一定要經得起謊言, 受得起敷衍, 忍得住欺騙, 忘得了諾言 ,
寧願相信世上有鬼, 也不能相信男人那張嘴 ……

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Reminder to myself...

when 2 women are fighting - never get oneself into it - as it ends up as 3 women's fight and things will only get worse


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Miriam - 陌路

whom i've love in the last 10 yrs? many faces come up... but i guess most of them are like this song - my current favorite...


作曲 / 編曲/監製:雷頌德

這世界到處也有面善路人 擦過了多少腳印
誰人能合襯 遠或近 最終都可接吻
有人 便有美滿人生

喜歡你 無奈再見到你已像陌路人
情能夠陷到幾深 這麼近 這麼近
卻彷似相差一世 至少 分手也甘心

我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
對我最大的感慨 你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海

重遇你 發覺你再美也像面善路人
而懷緬又有幾真 這麼遠 這麼遠
至少 客氣得可親

我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
對我最大的感慨 你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海

而其實我早應該 絕口不說舊愛
從前受夠了傷害 若得到有人愛
我怎可能離不開 捱到現在
那次偶遇你的愛 你不愛 我肯愛
縱使感情離不開 人已不在
你不愛 他會愛
可惜他也許 與我擦過于滄海


"Another 10 year" - 903 concert


Thanks to my friends got a chance to go to a concert organized by 903. Well, it's WAYYYYYYYYy far out at the Asia Expo (we later found that time required to commute back and forth is as long as the concert itself!) but then overall the concert is well worth it :D

The theme of the concert is "10 yr - review". The whole show is about 3 hrs (2050 to 2330), with 7 sections with a storyline (although weak), trying to ask the audience to review whom they've love, what they've learn, what they've got etc in the last 10 yrs. Also remembering some of the big stars like Lo-man, Leslie, Anita, Lam Mun Chung & Wong Jim together.

Nice run down as far as one can tell all 6 singers have been well prepared and put efforts to rehearse. Audio setting is a LOT better than many recent concerts I've been. For the individual live performance-wise, I think miriam hasn't done enough homework and didn't really "warm up" until later part of the concert; eason was soooo into the concert, barvo! hocc can dance VERY WELL and i think her voice is a lot more "stable" now!! Joey - well, nice voice, but found that she can't sing others' songs well, nor she can duet good w/ others (swap many songs in between); Leo - just average, not much special; lastly andy hui - well, he can really sing, but then it's a pity he can't survive in the entertainment business like before due to his behavior...

one of the surprise is that at the very end there's a surprise guest - Sandy Lam!! Although i'm not a fans of her but i think she is really a great singer - none of the female singers tonite can match w/ her performance.

One of the many good things - there's practically NO TALKING / BLOWING WATER in between!! Just plain music! :D Good show!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Another Friday's Happy Hr...

So tonite big den fly aeroplane (what's new!?) hahah.. so anyway, turn out only my friend and cute classmate came for happy hr *LOL* ANYWAY, it was cool to just get together and have a few beers -esp. after a FEW hrs WAITING at HSBC V.V Anyway, it's always good to get together, well, probably except the fact that we had just a bit too much peanuts XDDDDDD

one interesting thing my friend pointed out though - although i have been back for so many yrs, most of my "new" friends (whom I know AFTER i came back and can get well / along) are mostly w/ "out of HK" background. I didn't really think about it until my friend pt it out - well, i don't think it is something "bad" - but definitely i think it's a "problem".... is it b/c i still haven't get rid of that "gwai low" style? am i just being discriminative? or???


ANYWAY.... i just think the most important thing when it comes to friends are having a good time together, regardless whether we're drinking beer / wine / dining (or in this case, "study") *LOL* Back to the point, i think i've to admit that even nowadays I still think (and feel) that it's just so much easier to "click" w/ those "out of HK" background ppl if u know what i mean...


after the drink (+dinner) my friend and i were thinking to watch 神探 (Mad Detective) at Taikoo but then when we got there all good tickets are sold (well, it's FRIDAY!) hahaha.. oh well, maybe some time later - also realize that I haven't been to a movie for a very long time... hmmmmm

Life is suppose to be more "in order" but frankly speaking the last 2 "free" wks are just totally screwed... okay, after tmr (903 concert) and sunday (Captain's wedding banquet) I will switch back to a "more-normal" life style - as 1st module of CPM exam is less than 10 days from now! >.<

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Start~~~~

so, here it's, new layout! :D

i also formatted my computer today - the display card just wouldn't work properly... so, backup all the stuffs in the last 6 months (just picts is 3.5+Gb!!!) *LOL*

Well, just like any other time w/ new computer - need to reinstall and setup whole bunch of stuffs (like the Wireless V_V... oh, i think iTune will be a pain too)... I am wondering if i should buy m/s office and acrobat writer.... HMMMM....

and i really need to clean up my room this wk.... *LOL*

new start, it's time, to start a new life - at least from the personal level (still looking for jobs)... well... i know pisces too... but hmm.. i'll take it step by step XD

Friday, November 23, 2007


i guess funny that i always have many guys around me in my life.. yet i can't find one for life....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Miriam + Daniel...

was just surfing youtube and found some of miriam's songs... i still don't remember why i skipped this movie?? but probably this video has the whole storyline already... daniel is sooo cute XD

千杯不醉 (Drink drank drunk)

but of course the "best" (i think first?) movie between miriam and daniel is Love Undercover (新紮師妹)

2nd one is funny too (but i think the theme song 咬唇 is a bit "not fitted")

But between Miriam and Daniel, i think the best is 飛女正傳 MTV... hahahahaha

P.S. I don't remember watching these interviews before woh:
新紮師妹2 拍攝花絮 - 芳華再現

新紮師妹2 拍攝花絮- 情傾黃埔江

新紮師妹2 拍攝花絮- 方麗娟悍衛愛情

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Skip class for dinner?!

no calculation... cute guy vs. boring teacher - i chose the "more interesting" one XDDDDDDD

Monday, November 19, 2007

This wk's review...

well, want to jog down this wk's event... i've been very bad in blogging these days (too much time spent on facebook i guess! XD) Anyway, i don't think there's much "difference" than any other ordinary days :P except the fact that other then Monday i've never got up before 10 *LOL* (well, hopefully i can change that to 9 by this wk) :P

so Monday was my last day at work. yep i think i've downloaded all the stuffs i wanted (although may not be appreciated anyway). So, that's it. I'm STILL WAITING for their pay cheque (yeah, they still haven't pay me!!!!). To be honest for the last few days from time to time i've a flash thoughts of "regret" that i quited so "early" - but then i keep telling myself if i haven't quit they won't let me stay anyway. Afterall i still think my decision is correct.

So i've been keeping myself busy (for?) haha.. well, i should have study for today's exam (*LOL*) but didn't really start until like Wed XDDDD Tuesday i just had dinner w/ ah goh and man's family w/ mom at Thai Simple. Mom got me tiramisu birthday cake (yeah!) so it was great :)

On wed (birthday), actually didn't have much birthday celebration *LOL* Went to visit grandma & grandpa's grave - it has been a LONG time since the last time i visited them. I got some cakes, milk, and duck wings (as one nite i dreamed about grandma having chicken wing haha). i do miss her though, time sure flies and she had left for 2 yrs... hmmmmm..

After that had dinner w/ ASAT folks at Dan Ryan - Captain's turn to hand us his wedding invitation. well, frankly speaking i think Nelson being there is kinda weird but anyway, guess just had a gathering time and who cares :P had ice-cream (at Pacific coffee again!) afterward so didn't get home until like after midnite

well, Thursday i just stayed at home and had dinner w/ mom (yeah, john fly me aeroplane)... oh well, really go irritated by his childish behavior some time, but oh well, had a long discussion w/ gerry - and afterall i think i shouldn't be so stubborn on things anyway

Friday had dinner w/ aunt connie and grandma - it's kinda weird - just awkward. i don't enjoy the dinner, can't feel the bond and etc etc.... (and made me waited 40 minutes for them to show up! gosh!)... hmmmmm

last nite had dinner and drinks with eric and rest of purdue gangs... well, it was okay to hang out i guess... nothing much special though (as half of the ppl graduate after 2005!!) ha... oh, richard is getting marry next Sept... 2nd after vicky in our gangs...

today's exam was alright and the module 2 had finally finished.. 1 down, 3 more to go (and 4 more public exam to go). Need to study for module 1's exam on the coming wk. night class was canceled so just got home and had dinner. mom isn't home during wkend as usual....

so, that's i turn to another "digit" of my age XD

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Annual Dinner - Bubba Gump (and Cheesecake Cafe)

ops, some old entries XD

so tonite (Nov 11) went to the annual dinner w/ my eating buddy - MY TURN to pick! *LOL*

know about this Bubba Gump restaurant during last visit of the Peak w/ Ceci & Andy - and many of you might have know Forrest Gump is my all-time-favorite - so this yr i just wanna chk this out :D

Hmm.. well, i forgot my camera so i didn't take much picts - the rest. decoration are just awesome - as forrest quotes is everywhere - and they've funny signs everywhere like "Run Forrest Run", or "Stop Forrest Stop" (to stop the server for assistance)

Let's dig in what we've ordered... well, we've ordered Cajun Shrimp as appetizer, the sauce taste good but think would taste a lot better if the food is HOT instead of just temperature warm! then we'd caesar salad (so-so)... for entree we ordered shrimp scapmi and shrimp linguine - my shrimp scapmi taste good but the portion is just a bit too big! :P haha I'll give 5/5 for my drink though - "Jenny's favorite" - it's actually quite refreshing as i didn't expect the taste to be anything special (it's strawberries, cranberry juice, and raspberry non-fat yogurt)

me w/ my food! *LOL* and the garlic bread is nice too! :D

although we're sooooooo stuffed we still ordered desert - chocolate chip cookie sundae! (alright, this is taken when we're almost done wakakakkakaka)

Service level - I'll only give a 3/5, $ wise i think it's 3/5 (at the Peak of course expensive ga la). i didn't ask them to sing a birthday song for me as i heard 3 times during the time i was waiting for eating buddy loh (hahaha, huge line at the Peak Tram woh). We did walk around the peak after the dinner - nite was spectacular (very clear sky!) but it was a bit chilly so didin't stay too long...

took the tram back down to admiralty (it's super crowded!) i had a great time and feel very grateful eating budding squeeze out his busy schedule and celebrate for me. :)

P.S. i can't believe they now charge ppl $20 to go out the roof of the Peak building to see the view! it used to be FREE! $%^&^%$#@

P.P.S. went to Megabox Cheesecake Cafe for eating buddy's birthday - food is alright... cheesecake is fabulous - and i couldn't finish my linguine so gotta take home :D

Friday, November 09, 2007

No more "serious" happy hr on wkday!

so last nite ended up happy hr at Inn Side Out from like 730 - 10(?) just kinda lost count how many beers i had (wakakakkaka) - well, i guess JUST below the line as I STILL KNOW HOW TO GET HOME BY MYSELF XD


It feels good to expand the social network. seeing more things and "out of the box". and some times some ppl can just click, u know what i mean? I don't remember when was the last time i can know someone and call "friends" that is not through work. It is also good to know that things u're doing facing at work is not the "only" world... i guess networking with ppl in the same field really helps out, which i found quite difficult previously...

Anyway, one side note is that this type of "serious" happy hr (i.e. serious drinking) isn't really my cup of tea XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *LOL*

- Actually i had.. like 3/4 beers... 2 i ordred... the last 2 glasses someone ordered and insist sharing (@_@;)
- No, it wasn't a date, it's a social gathering with classmateS XD <-- note that "s"
- FYI he's another scropio too! *LOL* (and cpm14, i didn't bring a hororscope book with me, although i think ur idea is quite "innovative" wakakakakakka

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Updates & Long Vacation Plan

so i turned in my letter this Monday - will be a jobless bump in a wk's time. ha! actually i'm not really full gear in terms of looking for jobs. Feel lazy and want at least a few days break. Oh well i promise I'll start next Tues / Wed ;)

what else is going on.. oh yeah, i am/was SICK - seriously, not faking... got that big infection thing comes back.. on antibiotics for the last 5 days already but not yet fully recover...oh well the Dr. said it's recovering so I guess i just need to give it some time to heal... i think i might have got a cold too.. starting to have headache today >.<

mom is on "honeymoon" this wk so i'm home alone w/ elvin. the living room is already like a mess hahahahahahahahaa okay la, can clean up later ma wakakakaka..

here's the list i wanna achieve during my "holiday":
  1. study study study!! exam next wkend!!!!
  2. room "remodeling" - no no no, no major modification, just wanna fix my closet, and the books i got from Taiwan
  3. study GMAT and give 1st shoot before.. Dec 1st (too aggressive??)
  4. finished the book "completing in the flat world"
  5. exercise more?
  6. less facebook?
  7. more blogger?
  8. FIND A JOB?!

talk about next wk... although last day is Monday, next wk is pretty much fully book - well, actually the dinner started just Monday - katie's treat! hohohoho... and then followed by the 2nd "annual" dinner w/ eating buddy this Sat (HERE on my request!) wakakakkaa.. then Monday nite class, Tuesday i guess i should have dinner w/ mom.. Wed dinner w/ ASAT ppl, thursday reunion with Eric S... Friday free? and Sat k woh keekee


oh, and not to mention, this Thursday will meet up cute classmate! hahaha (but of course, just for class stuffs) :P

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'll never sleep in the MTR again... >.<

On the way to work i ran into one of my classmates this morning - but man, it's sooo embrassed when he said, "oh i don't wanna disturb you earlier" and i was like "SXXX, how in the world i don't realize we're on the same train for the whole 20 min!?

it's because i WAS SLEEPING @#$%^ *&^$#@

I should have just read my book all along.... and show the "better" side of mine ma!!!!!!

*Alright i know it's kinda funny when i look back, but i am totally totally not expect to run into him on the way to work as he spse to WALK to work daily - taking MTR today just b/c he has to go to China for biz trip*

geez.. no luck XD

mood swing...

i really thought i've put you down - but NOPE, it's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the other way around!!!!

but then at least u don't know - if i were in your position i'll also feel terrible as i'll feel so squeezed and running out of space!!

Negative energy has been evaluated to a level that is reaching.. oh i don't know! decision at work has been made, and i don't think that's what bothers me all along, just a matter of a few more days... so what's it then? everything i "feel" can make my tears comes out.

what's it? maybe it's the marriage? but at one side i know that it's nothing much i can do... i'll just let it flow...

but then what's it????????????????????????????????????????

my friend always said i think too much... i also feel like lately i think WAY TOO MUCH - am i sick and start imagining things?? i even imagine how it would be if you're just right here this moment!

but of course, i know it's not going to happen...

was watching the Healing Hands III earlier, 1st episode of the 3rd season tonite. it's just sad to know that 唐永全 (Jackie's dad) has passed away due to SARS, and at the end of 1st episode also Tracy committed suicide. Why making everyone dies? i still think Paul goes the best with Jackie. (not even Tracy). maybe b/c of 1st impression? I feel sorry for Paul, and Henry too. maybe they just want to make the drama "dramatic".

but in reality life is bitter anyway

hmmm... i think i'll go crazy when i start sitting home and do nothing in the next few weeks.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

FW: horoscope vs. ur loved one.... (appledaily)

so i'm 疑心重又小器, don't mess with me! hahahahaha

(well, i think only 50/50 true je) hahahahaha just another reference loh.. jhohoh

星座露底 摸透情人

一個人的優點,同時是他的缺點,聽來矛盾,卻也有其道理。例如凡事有主見的人,他也容易流於固執;對別人不斤斤計較,就難免自己也隨便起來,做事得過且過。今日就看看各星座性格中隱藏了的缺點;讓你全面掌握愛人或工作上夥伴的優缺點 知己知彼,百戰百勝啊!

金牛座 - 固執死撐不認錯
金牛座以固執馳名,當他認為自己是對的,便絕不輕易改變,更自以為 IQ 及 EQ 高人一等。就算結果錯了,還是死撐,不肯認錯。


白羊座 - 自以為是太可笑


雙子座 - 虛有其表扮晒
雙子座只會做對自己有利的事,並且用盡方法掩飾其不足,又喜歡「借用」他人 idea ,跟他相處日久,自會發現他虛有其表;一切只因他缺乏安全感。


巨蟹座- 怕人中傷乜都記


獅子座 - 讚美至聽


處女座 - 最緊要家開心


天秤座 - 永遠失衡的秤子


天蠍座 - 疑心重又小器


人馬座 - 軟皮蛇沒骨氣


山羊座 - 墨守成規野心大

對付方法:享受他給你的生活情趣,但時不時要回報一下,這樣大家 Happy,又一日。

水瓶座 - 我行我素走精面


雙魚座 - 混淆現實與幻想


Saturday, October 27, 2007

it's here it's here!!!!!

it's here it's here :D

P.S. well, i KNOW it's not going to be the CORRECT version.... hahaha.. now should i just keep my "collection" with 2 WEIRD edition?

P.P.S.i didn't know US post office no longer offer vessel shipment - REALLY????

Updates updates...

okay, as complained by a "certified (dead)" blogger I will give a CPR to my blog :D

just want to jog down some random misc. stuffs...

Today: it's here it's here it's here!! just got the notice from the post office (okay, i THINK that's it, i don't know, let's see tmr! XD) well i didn't expect it arrive so quickly?? i thought it was shipped by VESSEL Hmm... maybe he didn't send it out by himself but only send through online arrangement?? nevertheless it's HERE! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

earlier tonite - went hh w/ some of the purdue folks - it's nice to get around with some YOUNGER folks :D too bad not many can make it but still good to go for hh - it's always nice to have a beer :) then went to "window" shopping w/ natalie, sometimes i think she's just soooo naive - i mean, in a 'good" way if u know what i mean. it's so comfortable to hang around w/ someone u don't have to worry about... very difficult these days to know new friends w/o the sense of "pushing away / keeping distance" if u know what i mean

this wk was a "okay-wk" at work - in the sense that ppl @ work do not give nonsense time consuming / energy wasting meeting - just ive up on me (Oh well)... i'm still struggling between the decision - i thought i had made the decision, but today i AGAIN have 2nd though. Still have NO CLUE what i will / wanna do?? best scenario is of course w/o choosing either decision..... i don't know... let's see.

haven't studied for the 2 wks as last wkend went to Kenting + Kaoshung with yekini... it was quite a rush trip (finished almost ALL tourist spots in the shortest time!!) hahaha... sure had fun though... next time we need to plan for a more relaxing one :D here's my "harvest" during taiwan trip:

(side note: probably spent too much on books!!! also got another book Completing in a Flat World by the Li & Fung's brother.. think will be quite interesting~~)

need to catch up some studies tomorrow... :P

Before the trip talked to cees for like 2 hrs for 1 bad news and 1 good news... oh well! she also wrote me a "pre-caution" email today and i replied with a 3 pages long email... didn't have a good chance to catch her up on the phone though.. hmm.. maybe during the wkend i spse....

alright i'll stop.. .it's 0338 and i better get some sleep - then get up and go to the post office before it closes at 1300 :D

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i think i realize what the problem is...

it's the difference between "us/we/ours..."vs "i/me/my"

while u're in my every single "phrase" of my "spring autumn big dream", i see your version is only "you"....

that's the reason why "it's not clicking" yet, neither's fault, just, "not matching...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Concert Review: Miriam's All About Love 2007

it has been a long time since i went to last concert (when was it?!) Anyway, so last nite went to Miriam's concert - it's the 1st nite :D hohoho

with the recent canton pop female singers i like miriam all along - as a person i think she's very "real" in many occasions, and also her songs are very k-able ma~ :P I didn't realize it has been THREE yrs since her last concert (i think i went to that one as well)... i'm surprised there's quite some songs i don't know (probably before my days in HK)... but in overall i think the concert has been well planned, many new ideas / figures / fresh feelings (Including half an hr game show in between - look under your chair to see if you've been "tagged" for free watches!) hahaha.

well although i didn't win any watches I did enjoy a lot :) i still have no clue what's the hair stylists are sponsoring for the dancers' hair designs - as practically the wear hat all the time!? hahahaha.. and oh, i think one of the best part is this:

koo is so cute hohohohohohohoho XD

One things after miriam changed her company is that - she didn't LAUGH THAT HARD as much anymore - oh, and not to mention, she talks like Leon (xxx - depends on "yuen"...)


did have fun... thanks for yekini always being there and go to show together :) next time i won't shout that loud!! hahahaa

Sunday, October 07, 2007

失 戀 症 候 群?

which one r u? XD


墮入愛河的男女,愛得癡纏,愛得轟烈。然而一旦失戀,就好像世界末日。如果當戀 情消逝,你仍抓緊不放手,整天沉醉於緬懷昔日的甜蜜,不停思想分手的原由,並拒絕發展新的戀情等這些徵兆,那麼你便有可能患上「非君不要」失戀症候群了。以下的測驗可讓你知道自己對失戀所持的態度是否健康。


1. 到現時為止,曾交往過的男友有三個以上 。
是 → 3    
否 → 2

2. 工作上(包括兼職)沒有試過持續一年或以上。
是 → 5    
否 → 6

3. 有參加影迷會或有支持偶像。
是 → 4    
否 → 7

4. 買衣服時總是猶豫不決。
是 → 10    
否 → 11

5. 能夠接受朋友的伴侶。
是 → 8    
否 → 9

6. 愛侶跟其他異性一起會妒忌。
是 → 9    
否 → 10

7. 分手多是無聲無息。
是 → 9    
否 → 11

8. 拍拖的時候你是經常主動約會對方的那個。
是 → 12    
否 → 13

9. 喜歡賺人熱淚的小說及電影。
是 → 12    
否 → 13

10. 很少異性朋友 。
是 → 13    
否 → 15

11. 目前,除了戀愛還有其他夢想。
是 → 15    
否 → 14

12. 相信命運安排。
是 → A    
否 → B

13. 開始新戀情之前,會跟前男/女友比較。
是 → B    
否 → C

14. 有時會想起舊男/女友。
是 → C    
否 → D

15. 戀愛多次也沒有問題。
是 → D    
否 → C


A. 認定一人

你對戀愛抱有非常「純 潔」的憧憬,認定這是命中注定、「非君不要」的戀情,所以不能接受失戀的事實,並認定對方是生命中最好並唯一的情人,常緬懷過去。


藥方:要放開胸懷,認識多些不同性格的異性朋友,由普通朋友開始,讓自己對其他異性發生興趣 。

B. 舊情難忘

當 戀愛結束後,雖然你會很理智地忘記戀情,重新開始,只是當新戀人出現後,你又會想起舊情人,甚至對新戀情抱有罪疚感,覺得對不起以前的男/女友。



C. 偶爾失神

對 於擁有豐富戀愛經驗的你,在處理失戀時能夠表現理性,馬上收拾情緒積極地發展新的戀情。但說到底都只是頭腦上明白,稍一不留神便想起舊情人的種種。



D. 重蹈覆轍

你 是完全不介意失戀的。你認為失戀後,便應該馬上四出找機會發展新的戀情。然而,由於缺乏反省及對愛情的激情不足,每次失戀都不斷重蹈覆轍。

病情嚴重程度: ★


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Another post for my dinner tonite....

So it's weekend and mom isn't home and so i decide to cook tonite... XD

well, i was out around lunch time as i've to stop by the post office to mail 3 parcels to HI, MI and IL (hahahaha..) anyway, so on the way back i was thinking about what to have for dinner (as i don't wanna climb 6 floors again!) hahaha...

so what to have?! well, i feel like trying another wine from the wine shop nearby, and considering i can cook 'italian based" only (wakakkaka), i decided to have some fettuccine with white sauce....

i got some canned soup (clam chowder), and the noodles - then go to the wine shop - and GEEZ, it won't open until 3 pm!??!? WHAT?! it was only 13:30! #$%^&*#$%^&*(

FINE, so i went to another park'n'shop to finish my shopping (the one near my place sucks - they don't even have the cream needed for the white sauce base!) I tried to pick up some wine too but all they have are either too dry or - just red wine @_@; i figure out anything i've at home is probably better than what they've there! XD

so ANYWAY, here's what i'd tonite:
  • Potatoes - just boiled, flavor with garlic salt, italian mixed herbs
  • Chicken filet - pan fried with olive oil, similar seasoning as potatoes, adding a bit more black pepper
  • Sweet peas - boiled
and added some cream sauce with white mushroom on top of it (not the "gold mushroom.. hm... i don't know what it call?!

oh, wait, that isn't quite yet done, this is the "done" version:

yep, turn out i didn't have any fettuccine - as i figure out the potato shall fill me up alright. (I was thinking to have mashed potatoes - but noah, too much work) wakakkaa...

turn out the taste is really okay ga ! hahahahaa.. just that it got a bit cold (i cooked too slowly gwa)... and it's a pity i didn't have any wine to go w/ the meal loh...

hahaha... time to sharpen my cookery skill again :D

Thursday, October 04, 2007

become dumper...

while yekini is talking about 強迫症, I think i'm totally addicted to the internet (facebook / email) - and one more thing - NDS...


i used to "forbidden" myself to play NDS during wkday (it's so severe!!) but now i played daily - same game - i don't know what I'm doing, just "played" - not even watching TV completely... what's scarier, is that one of the program is "brain training"... repeating some "brain exercise" daily (used to be), u know... and seeing my "brain scorecard" i found that my brain Q has be on a downward trend!!!!! although the sloop is quite flat, but definitely i was "dumber" than i was a month ago!!!

OH NO!! what to do now?? i think it's b/c i keep playing a "relaxing" NDS game, and not doing enough brain training (er... not to mention the ppl working aroud w/ now)....

i really need to study more.... read more, and play nds.... V_V

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

weird dreams - test subj??

i always have weird dreams (more weird that i remember quite good amt of it...).. figure i shall start blogging my dreams XDDD

Dream of the day - Test Subj...

Last nite i dreamed that i was a "medical testing subj" - testing" a new medicine or sth...

so i was lying on the "surgery" bed (those stainless steel type)... and they injected something into me.... From my understanding that injection suppose to "decompose" me into particles and "reunite" me in the other place - u know, just like those "space travel" in sci-fri...

but after they injected the thing i realize (from the Drs around me) that the injection doesn't work what it suppose to - i saw their face are w/ weird expression - and the only thing i know is that my hair changed to yellowish grey (no mirror around but i had super long hair then)... my muscle became hard and I don't feel a thing...

My friend thinks it's FUNNY but i think it's scary loh @_@.... Maybe it's b/c i watched Doraemon the day before?!

wakakakkakakakaka, alright, it's indeed kinda funny XD

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thai Simple Kitchen....

well today i am so stupid - i THOUGHT there was class but NOPE, there wasn't... @_@; ANYWAY so, i went for thai w/ yekini instead (and yes, i had "dinner" before) wakakakakkaa

so the first one is snack - it's called "woh" "ba" - rice crispy with a special sauce (taste like curry).

turn out it's very good - the rice crispy is very fresh (crispy, still hot!) and the curry is very tasty!! wow, it's really good and out of expectation...

then we've tong yum gong - well, to me it's just so-so - the taste it strong, but i think it's a bit too salty - can be a bit spicier, and i think for some reason can't taste much of the seafood...

lastly we ordered this "wooden bucket rice" (afterall yekini haven't have dinner yet) - it looks just so-so - but then after we mix it we found it's also very tasty too!! i mean, the depth of taste is very rich.... yummy!!!!

I think it's really a surprise (maybe we haven't expected much?) i mean, i think it worth to wait for half an hr (although we got there at 9!!!) a definite on "will visit again" list :D

Price wise is absolutely okay, i think this is definitely better than my 'used-to-be' favorite thai restaurant in Times Square.. hahahaha

After dinner also ran into Adley on the way to bus stop (we chose to walk 2 bus stops - the one down on the other side of Victoria Park - we were just too full (can't even finish the meal!) i can't even remember when was the last time i met him in person!! must be years ago.... so he has changed his job and moved to Wong Tai Sin... wow... i think i should call him out and catch up with him...

it's just... so different.... my friend said one's life depends on oneself rather than family... true.. but still.. it's so.. just so different....

anyway, although i've a bad hair day... thanks for yekini being my company for such a great meal :D

Mid Autumn Fest and Misc....

only 3 posts in the whole Sept! record low! oh well... i don't know, guess just getting lazy XD

alright, just finished yesterday's holiday for mid-autumn fest - here's the fullest moon of the year....

Well i know i know, it isn't the best pict - just taken when i was taking elvin to bathroom w/ my mobile XD so okay la...

so what did i do for the mid autumn fest? well, sadly i was home alone - well, not quite as I was w/ elvin... well, too bad that i needed to take him to the vet during day time (yeah, some problem w/ him AGAIN).... but hopefully it will clear up within the next few days (yeah, after all my $$ gone AGAIN!)... hmm.. what else.... slept in very well - probably slept too deep so i got - "sleep" "short""neck" - neck still hurt today @_@;;''

what else... well, i did do "traditional" thing for mid-autumn fest - ate moon cake (too much~) hahaha.. .and ate "crystal pear" - mom also made some "icy skin" mooncake which i also ate one XD (small one la of course)....

hmm.. what else?! nothing much la.. haha, no study, nor cleaning up my room - just like another typical holiday XD

***now you know what i didn't blog much - just nothing special*** kekeke

wow.... Mid Autumn Fest and Misc....

only 3 posts in the whole Sept! record low! oh well... i don't know, guess just getting lazy XD

alright, just finished yesterday's holiday for mid-autumn fest - here's the fullest moon of the year....

Well i know i know, it isn't the best pict - just taken when i was taking elvin to bathroom w/ my mobile XD so okay la...

so what did i do for the mid autumn fest? well, sadly i was home alone - well, not quite as I was w/ elvin... well, too bad that i needed to take him to the vet during day time (yeah, some problem w/ him AGAIN).... but hopefully it will clear up within the next few days (yeah, after all my $$ gone AGAIN!)... hmm.. what else.... slept in very well - probably slept too deep so i got - "sleep" "short""neck" - neck still hurt today @_@;;''

what else... well, i did do "traditional" thing for mid-autumn fest - ate moon cake (too much~) hahaha.. .and ate "crystal pear" - mom also made some "icy skin" mooncake which i also ate one XD (small one la of course)....

hmm.. what else?! nothing much la.. haha, no study, nor cleaning up my room - just like another typical holiday XD

***now you know what i didn't blog much - just nothing special*** kekeke

A (back dated) note from Venetian Resort Hotel - Macau

Almost forgot - last weekend went to Macau (for a bit more than 24 hrs) - and stayed in the legendary Venetian Resort hotel - haha, of course i'm not paying USD400 per nite out of my pocket - it's company sponsored leisure trip (yeppy!!) a total of 170 ppl went! wow...

Well, what can i said? i'm just lucky as it turns out my assigned roommate "disappeared" and i've the Suite ALL BY MYSELF! hohohohoho.. it's so crazy... the room itself is LARGER than my apartment i'm staying in HK now @.@ Of course i had a LONG and WONDERFUL BATH wakakakakakkakakaka... they even have TWO TV in the room - one opposite the beds (have i mentioned it's 6X6?!) and the other one located in the little living room area... a fax machine, free internet (too bad i don't have my laptop)...

here's the video... YES, i KNOW YOU CAN'T TILT for a video, wakakak but still!!! it's just crazy kekekeke

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Current listening - Avril Lavigne


When you're gone official video

Other tracks like Innocent, The Best Damn thing are also good... cool!!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Tonite's dinner...

Well although mom cooked with a dozen dishes (literally!) and got both the fridge filled, I wanna have something difference tonite:

Actually it's b/c on the way home i pass by a nearby wine shop - so just ask the lady for a white wine which is "sweet, not too dry"... turns out this is indeed pretty nice (maybe don't have much expectation?!) it's not dry at all, and not too sweet / fruity... pretty nice

Updates... miscellaneous

all of a sudden wanna write blog in Chinese... but oh well, don't have a handy way, so forget it..

haven't blog for a very long time.... timing, mood, laziness.. etc etc... "new" work is still stressful - quite a challenge indeed. the job nature itself is easy no problem, but the EQ required is terribly HIGH standard...

2 out of 3 classes just started this wk - was an intensive wk as 1 of the classes reschedule to this wk (so 3 classes altogether).. man, it's very tiring (mentally) to have 2.5 hrs lecture after work.. I just have to hang in there... for another 10 months minimum.....

in terms of relationship... some times it's really out of anyone's control... when i think things are "low" it actually wasn't too bad - and when i think things are "doing okay" it always strike my back... I guess i'm not "sad" or anything, just disappointed after all these yrs someone still doesn't understand me as much as i expected (why expect at the first place lei!?)

Reminds me of Wyman's lyrics

OH well.. still my favorite k song....

on the other hand i do thankful for the friends i've.. although some just "blow water" daily, still shows the "heart" and sincerity - and not to mention those who's w/ me side by side and takes up all the crabs i repeat and repeat and repeat all the times... i really do feel lucky and thankful - "what i do w/o you" - as stated on my MSN, is not to a particular individual, it's to all ppl around me - those who went crazy concert w/; those who just hang out w/ me and sing k / talk on the phone marathon; those who went fine dining w/ me, those who... just around me - or just ask how come i haven't blog for a long time. You don't know a little word / act can mean so much to me and cheer up my day! :) *alright, those who said will have dinner but turn out haven't met for the last 3 months and the souvenir from my US trip 2 months back still lying in my room so you better treat me double dinner when u're back from ur heaven holiday! hahahahahahaha

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Saving" my life....

DAVE~~ THANKS FOR "SAVING" MY LIFE... ;P I can't imagine if i ever have to migrate to sth like gmail... you know you're the best!!!! THANKS FOR SAVING MY LIFE.... XD

Sunday, August 26, 2007

When it comes to different horoscope.....

Hmm.. your view?

星空傳說:巨蟹座 愛到殺死你



巨蟹座 十分愛

金牛座  多藉口

雙子座 太直率

天蠍座 愛指揮

處女座 太自信

雙魚座 愛叻人

人馬座 愛冒險

天秤座 重友情

獅子座  忽略人

水瓶座 欠細心

山羊座 求長久

Sunday, August 12, 2007

When it comes to jealousy....

well well well.... scropio is famous as "easily jealous" hahahah... was just reading appledaily earlier and found this... have to agree to certain degree

順 口 溜 : 醋

男 人 不 吃 醋 , 感 情 不 豐 富 ;
女 人 不 吃 醋 , 家 庭 不 和 睦 ;
小 孩 不 吃 醋 , 學 習 不 進 步 ;
老 人 不 吃 醋 , 越 活 越 糊 塗 ;
大 家 來 吃 醋 , 社 會 才 進 步 。

Friday, August 10, 2007

Typhoon # 8 - PABUK

SO PABUK (帕布) was weaken when it past through us yesterday morning - but then it regain strength AND BOUNCED BACK - so now everyone's home as we've typhoon #8 since today 14:30 (well, i didn't leave office until 15:30) though...

well, only 2 hrs off, still good though.... on the way home it was crazy - first of all, all mobile line were jammed since like 2 o'clock (reminds me of new yr's eve or sth).... then my MSN mobile was so not stable - MTR was crazy - i've never seen so many ppl jammed on Admiralty platform (during transit)... I stayed there for like 15 min before i got my ft on the train - and it was just sooooooooooooooo crowded!!!

anyway, glad i'm home now.. that's all matter i spse :D

and for your information - the last time HK has Typhoon #8 was dated back in July 2004 - wow, 3 whole yrs we haven't enjoy "the day off" due to typhoon (again, i know, it shouldn't be a nice reason to take a day off)....

anyway, glad to be home early :)

P.S. i think the Weather Channel & HK gov't do entitle to certain credits for ensuring our citizen's safety - u know? my friend just told me they still have to go to work (no warning from the gov't or system to follow) even though they've a THREE FEET FLOODING!! that sucks!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Typhoon... not...

so i was thinking we'll have a day off tmr as the typhoon just HIT HK right on spot - and DREAMING of a day off...................

but nope, the typhoon has became weaker and become a tropical storm @.@

well, think in the other way, shall feel blessed as if it's really typhoon # 8, maybe a lot of family will suffer..

oh well, better stop dreaming and get ready for bed....

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In memories of Uncle Andy...

Today is the day when Uncle Andy (三姑丈) left us.... just got the news from cousin a while back..

well.... actually i've never met Uncle Andy - he left HK and return home (UK) way before i born - and never has he come back (at least not when i was here in HK). I only "know" him through picts - know that he's a handsome guy, and love my dear auntie connie deeply.. a typical Brit - very gentleman type...

it's a pity i never met him in person, cousin said he left while he was sleeping - guess that's the best way for a patient to go - with least pain...

rest in peace, uncle andy, hope we can know each other in person next life....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"you've the right to remain silent".... con't....

So after 9 days it had been... the "silent" broke.. but then.. i'm already half way done the book

愛不到你,也要助你幸福2 - 用祝福代替憤怒的愛情智慧


FW: Psy Test: Chinese word

日字加一劃, 你最先想到乜野字:

answer to be provided in the next post :P

Monday, July 30, 2007

Queen's Pier...

Well in the last few days news it kept coming up w/ protesters trying to stop the gov't of removing the historical place - Queen's Pier at Central.

皇后最遲明日清場 - 林太單刀赴論壇 兩陣各不相讓

I personally don't have much attachment to it (ha, i'm still young) - yes, i feel sad that they moved the old Star Ferry (well, mainly is b/c it's so inconvenient now! so far away from 720 station)... Well, anyway, back to the pt, while I've no doubt that Queen's Pier is really "historical" - Queen Elizabeth? Prince Charles and many other Governors of HK had boarded there... many movies were taken place there.. etc etc.. YET, those ppl camping there and trying to stop the gov't just kinda annoyed me - of course, they've the right to express what they feel - yet, the decision of removing it - i'm sure, is not only started recently - it should have "consultation" period a while back?

at one pt of time i wanna go there and take a pict too - as a memory or sth - but then w/ all those ugly banners? i don't wanna remember the place like that...

besides, the gov't already doing relocation plan... so what's the big deal?? i mean, i don't know, maybe i'm just not care / sensitive enough w/ "historical" stuffs....

I don't know if the gov't "do it in the right way", i didn't really look into details of who's right / who's wrong - I just think some times we've to move on from the past - same w/ real life - easier to say than to do, of course.... but.. just need to some time...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

FW: Before and After Marriage...




FW: Friendship in HP, and Chinese Literature

I like To's writing from time to time... only can't really dedicate in his political view... anyway, although i ain't good at chinese literature, do agree with his view on HP...


《哈利波特》第七集問世,全球暢銷。一本小說超越了國界,得到全世界讀者的喜愛,一定有不 凡的地方。《哈利波特》講巫術世界,以英國的寄宿學校為背景,小說的情節富有英國的地域文化特色,然而幾個人物之間堅貞的友誼,卻訴諸人類的普世情感。

小孩子看《哈利》,情迷書中的魔法世界,都把自己代入主角哈利波特,而不知道哈利是一個孤兒,不知道沒有父母的童年是多麼悲痛。成年讀者看《哈利》,反而更喜歡哈利的好友榮恩(Ron)。榮恩是書中的綠葉,榮恩比較平庸,哈利得到全世界小讀者的恩寵,榮恩活在哈利的 影子。但榮恩來自大家庭,他填補了哈利波特的孤獨,他是哈利的好兄弟,危難時總站在他這邊,他與巨人象棋對決、對付佛地魔。對於哈利,榮恩不計利益,他們不是成人世界的「合作夥伴」,而是真朋友。成年讀《哈利》,最情傷處,就是驚覺真正的友情,只在童年和校舍的樓廊和青草地之間滋長,離開了學校,那樣純潔的友情歲月卻一去不回頭。

英國小說描寫友情是高手,像福爾摩斯系列的福爾摩斯和華生。一個是偵探,一個是醫生,華生的專業判斷往往為福爾摩斯破案提供科學的靈感。因為十九世紀末,英國的許多謀殺案都流行用毒藥,偵探身邊有一位醫生朋友,往往為作者省了許多解說的筆墨。史提芬史匹堡監製過一部電影《少年福爾摩斯》(港譯《魔笛追魂》),講福爾摩斯與華生在寄宿學校結識的經過,可見英雄情義 ,往往侶出少年 。



沒有友情,也就沒有中國文學;沒有俠義,也沒有了中國文化的古典精神。不但李杜相從,蘇子與泛舟的友客留下了佳話,在江湖綠林,由荊軻刺秦的易水風蕭,到大刀王五的去留肝膽,兩千年來的中華兒女,經歷了多少戰亂,相濡以沫,兩忘江湖,友情的香火從來沒有斷絕過,直到「反右」的告發,「文化大革命」的摧殘,人情斷絕,倫綱傾圮,最好的朋友,往往成為檢舉自 向「黨」表忠的「反革命言行」的最凶險的敵人。今日大陸,連中國當局都承認「國民素質」空前危機:寡情薄恩,失信無情,一切以金錢利益為盟,連擇偶也講「條件」,現代的中國,如果還有所謂「文學」,詩歌和小說,還有幾篇是友誼的紀錄?


Saturday, July 28, 2007

"you've the right to remain silent"....

it has been a wk already... i guess afterall "talking to each other daily" is only MY initiative....

just the thoughts of having a piece or 2 of the dark chocolate u gave me can help me to "cast a Patronus".... esp. whenever i feel u're so far apart - yet i don't dare to take too much / too often - as it'll run out, i know, sooner or later...

and the 1st box is almost gone.... :(

anyway, there's no school of Hogwarts.... i'm just a Muggle... one that has been kissed by the Dementors...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mission Complete: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

so i'm like a wk behind many of you - yep, I only finished HP7 just now.. was going to finish it last nite, but was feeling sick so saved that last 20 pages for today after dinner...

Hmm.. agree w/ Uarzen that the book is very fast paced (i think i shouldn't even read his comment although he claimed it's "spoil free"!) hahahahaa... anyway, the book indeed is good, so many fighting battles - and just moving so fast!!!! it's very dark on the other side, too many deaths to deal w/ - not to mention one of my favorite character died like right at the beginning!! (who's that?! well, dig out my ICQ user name!) hahahahahhahahaa

Anyhow, i do feel like the ending is "huh? just like that?! what?! it's over? have i missed something!?" and the last last ending i think is a bit "drawing legs for snake"....

Anyway, it has been.. 6 yrs for me since i started reading HP - still remember i only started it in 2001 after wondering why Dirk (Hagrid to me!) reading a "children's book" - and ever since i just got so hooked and bought Book 3 from UK Bloomsbury directly (since back then HK release later than UK - and that, of course, is the most expensive HP book i bought! charged in GBP!!!!)... hahahahahaha

Also started the 1st HP newsgroup ever in HK (ha, am still groupmaster - although i'm under my invisible cloak ever since.. the last few yrs!?) hahahaha.... watched HP1 at Admiralty while someone is visiting HK that winter (and with the newsgroup cosplay ppl too!).... watched HP 2 @ AMC, and the 3rd one in Amsterdam!! Oh, and of course, the HP door hanging thingy I got from Boise still on my door.....

it's a bit sad to see it "ends"... i guess it's like departing w/ a friend - even though it's not the first time i depart w/ friends whom i know for long - and every time i wonder if that would be the last time we ever cross in our life - well, in real life most of the time wasn't (although still sadden me), yet for HP case, i don't think i'll re-read it in a short time - some times letting go and letting memories to fad is a good way anyway....

anyway, for those who hasn't read / finish the story - happy reading :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sleeping in a funny way... :P

so elvin sleeps in the room at nite (with a/c!) ever since he's back home... here's one i took just now - and he sleeps so deeply that he doesn't even notice a thing when the flash went on!!

can u see he's actually half tilted? :P

elvin does sleep in funny ways :P I just hope his neck / back won't hurt when he wake up :P

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Books updates...

In case you may be interested in some of them...
  • 志雲飯局 (Be my guest) by 陳志雲
    • I've watched some of them - just wanna have a taste what it'll be different if i'm reading them....
  • 我的低能之道 by Little Horse
    • how can i skip her book - afterall her icons is like part of my life - MSN loh
  • 愛不愛之書 by 凱西.陳
    • Cathy's new book this year, just have to buy it
  • 神秘谷 3 - 白巫的夢囈 & 神秘谷 2 - 斷崖的騎士 by 李敏
    • well, 2nd one was bought earlier - but then it was at baby's place - thanks for princess A to bring it to me! :)
  • 腦前額葉又一天:神經外科女醫師的黑色喜劇 (Another Day in the Frontal Lobe: a brain surgeon exposes life on the inside - original by Katrina Firlik)
    • For some reason i just fond on books based in Dr's (er.. nope, i'm not a fan of ER) :P
  • For one more day by Mitch Albom
    • i like mitch's style with Tuesdays w/ morrie and the fiver ppl you meet in heaven... it's "short".. but also give a chance to "think"... want to complete the series
  • Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarden
    • just want to try this...
  • Monet by Janice Anderson
    • Nicely print and a great collection of Monet's - can learn more about the background of his drawings....
And these are - something practical??

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Book Exhibition 2007!!

omg, really getting old - spent ONLY 4 hrs in the book exhibition this yr and both my friend and i just called it for the day - as we can't handle those loads anymore!!!!! hahahahahaa well, in general both of us think this yr's price is more expensive - was planning only buying 2 books - but end up w/ 13!!!!!!! (oh, not including 3 Old Master Q Comics I got for Ceci, and HP7 i pre-bought from Page 1) so, here's what i got:

probably too tired to start HP7 tonite - will take it easy but definitely for sure will pick up some reading for the next few months :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Something I learn from work today...

nil admirari

Defn: To be astonished at nothing

wow, i never seen this word before - not the mention in official email!

just.... disappeared?!

That's why you just... disappeared?!



Sunday, July 15, 2007

Elvin's home....

After spending 3 days in the clinic my dear son can finally get home........ although it's ONLY the beginning of the treatment - still have to take antibiotics, and also quite a few #s of skin medicines - but at least he's home - he's finally home...

i think he's still a little upset (ha, have the big "la ba" collar around his neck), but i think he did show some improvement since he left home....

i'm just glad that he's back... back home....

thanks again for all who's pray for him :) i hope he'll recover and show better result on the test 10 days from now...

add oil elvin :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 2 in the clinic...

so today is the 2nd day elvin's in the clinic - got off work and rush to tin hou (tried to get off sharp 5:30 but it's just not possible), anyway, luckily i got there before 6:30 so can still meet son (one weird thing - at 6 o'clock MTR is actually NOT crowded!!! had seats!!)

So anyway... i think i was in a much better EQ situation today (than yesterday) when discussing elvin's situation with the staff (geez)... ANYWAY.. it's not really a troke - but rather the vet suspected he got tick fever - one of the very last things i would like to hear.... Elvin's temperature is still high today, and to the vet tick fever is a lot worse than his skin problem so they've started him off the 20 days antibiotics treatment (and his skin problem will only come next - for now they only got his right palm bandaged with some medicine)...

he is still on 吊鹽水... the dr. said hopefully elvin's body will respond to the treatment quickly... that's the "best scenario" - his temp has to come down, and the blood platelet has to climb up back to normal....

i saw him tried to get up when he saw me.. but he's still very weak...

geez... really heart hurt :( i really hope he will recover and rest there just a few more days.....

P.S. a very good reference for dog's tick fever (some english down the page)

P.P.S. Thanks for all your calls, SMSs, MSNs, msgs to show u care... thanks... it really means a lot... ;~)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Updates - Elvin is hospitalized....

so i maybe half a day late to rush Elvin to the Vet.....


the dr said he's overheated (what's the english word for 中暑 stroke?) I was kinda surprised b/c i don't even bring him anywhere - most of the time he just stayed home!!!!!

and the nurse said that it's probably b/c we only left him sleep in the kitchen at nite (which kinda offended b/c he has been living w/ us like that ever since he was with us - he's not the type of dog from alaska or sth so how do i know he needs a/c 24 hrs???) ANYWAY.. he was still okay 2 days ago, why all of a sudden he's NOT okay?? it has been hot ALL WEEK this wk since last wk, why only now??

the Vet took him in and said he has to be "吊鹽水", hospitalized and "observe"... the nurse said situation is really bad as he's over heated (she claims its' so high that she can't even take her body temperature!) anyway, since he's over heated his blood vessel may also be "amplified" and may cause internal bleeding - which won't know in the until later (is it really THAT SERIOUS!??!?!??!) he can't walk b/c his palms and feet are all infected (due to the high body temp)....

i heard she ordered other nurses to get ready setting up ice pack / cooling towels.....

no clue how long he'll stay, only know we can only visit him daily from 14:00 - 18:00 (who can make this hrs when one has to work!!!) omg... I'm not ready to loss elvin yet.. his toys are all over the living room, what do you mean he's leaving?????? no, i'm not ready..........

life sucks....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elvin's sick!!!!!

don't know why he couldn't stand up - something's wrong w/ his hands.... poor puppy so poor that he can't walk around - usually he jumps all over me when i got home every day... but then today when i got home he just sit there - looking at me - trying very hard to get up - but failed!~~~~


I'll take him to the Dr. tmr afternoon - i JUST HOPE that the Dr. can really help him (to me his palms look pretty normal to me!)

*sigh.... so worry :((((

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I wanna play fireworks together as well lei

*sigh* :(

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Danish aries said....

You will find someone. Open your eyes. Put this pisces thing aside and try any others opportunities. He really do not deserve you.

Everyone have one or two this kind of emotional burden evenafter they married. If you are lucky, it could be in a naive, harmless memory. If you are obsessed, it could be a real burden.


Day dream: what if we win mark 6?

went out with wittybb and her sis last nite for dinner - among the many things we talked about, of course couldn't miss the 33 million (HKD, of course, not US!) Mark 6 lottery - what IF, yes, what IF I win???????

had numerous talk about winning mark 6 (ha, even a daily topic now!?) go back to school - oh, and of course, the travel around the world talk....

how come we've all those UNREALISTIC talks and dreams "together"? do you know that lies become "real" after numerous talk?? sigh... why am i still "wasting" my time in unrealistic dreams.... why should i bother?

and why we've to go to work??????????????????????

FW: Don't care...

i haven' t chk out my friends' blog for a while... and a great time to catch up their blog during the long weekend... here's something - well, too me, 深雪's writing is a bit too "girly" - but then doesn't hurt to know about it gae....




















Monday, July 02, 2007

Fw: Do I really KNOW you?

From a friend's blog.. hmmm... do i really know you?

要找到真愛 便要找一個懂你的人
但因為他懂你 所以你就認為他是十全十美的


當你遇到挫折時 他不說一句損你尊嚴的話
當你心情不好時 他絕不和你一般見識而大吵大鬧
當你遠隔千里難得見面時 他也深信你
當你愉快時 他也愉快而且會告訴你
當你煩惱時 他也煩惱但不會輕易告訴你

懂 是需要多少的了解 多少的體諒 多少愛心
要找一個懂你的人 也許很難 但要有信心
找一個懂你的人 也期許自己做一個懂他的人

hmm... interesting....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mission Accomplished - posting trip's picts - DONE!

actually i haven't post any picts on either Kodakgallery / slide show for a very very long time (actually i didn't post any picts on kodakgallery in 2007!!!) anyway, with all those jet lags / "do not want to sleep as it's wkend" etc etc i've finally uploaded ALL the picts tonight - in both kodakgallery and slide :D heehee.. mission accomplished!

Here's a "condensed" version that i've put up in Slide - let me know if you wanna see the FULL version XDDDD