Friday, October 27, 2006

Farewell to my dear boss~~~

well, today isn't the last day yet - okay, I should say "today" as it's already pass midnight.

So went to company's farewell dinner for my boss - hmm... mixed feelings... Of course w/ all those crowds around it's just like another annual dinner at such... OH WELL... anyway, so my boss is leaving on Sat for Houston.

As a friend I'm very happy for him and his family to have a better life in the States. I understand that's what he & his family is looking for after all these years around the globe.

From the professional point of view though - I mean, new boss looks okay cool, but then of course it won't be anything like the way you've been working with the other one for the last 3 years - and DO NOT DARE to expect anything similar... so the "future" is still cloudy - and I'm not too sure if it'll ever be cleared??

the feeling is like... u know, like u're on the way home and all of a sudden the street lamp went out - even though you're so familiar w/ the road you walk every day, but you're still a bit "insecure", u know what I mean?

I just want to make sure I won't change into the working donkey type but instead still remain the "decision making" part if u know what I mean!?

all along I think I make myself to feel more on the personal level > professional level - feeling happy for a good friend heading for a better future is A LOT BETTER than the feeling of losing a good boss/mentor/friend...

He's the one who actually gear me into this business world. The tolerance & opportunities he had given is no way any other individual can be compared with in my last 6 yrs of experience. He's the my first "MBA" teacher and I'll never forget the same. I know that the next time I'm heading to the States I'll definitely make it all the way to meet my "boss" & his family, and I'm quiet sure we'll meet again, so don't wanna make it too depress or anything.

Once again I'm taking personal feeling > professional "behavior"... I know I shouldn't be, yet still feel very sad - as a friend, AND a good boss, is leaving :~(


WittyBB said...

looks like mixed feelings. we all move on to a different stage throughout our lives... hope your new boss is easy to get along with la. ;)
yeah, a great mentor/friend is wonderful ... if you can meet one at work ...

JC said...

personal feelings are as important if more so than professional considerations... it is soooo very important to have an understanding boss and one would let you grow and guide you to the right path. I am happy to have a good boss myself. hope your new boss will be a good one.

Anonymous said...

Sound like you have lost a very good boss based on your story here.

However, look at it as a next challenge for you. Good boss, bad boss, we all can benefit from working with these people.

From year 2000 to 2006 my boss was changed four times either by upper management, or they moved on to another post. My ex-bosses weren't perfect, but I had learned something from each of them so I looked at it as work-enhancing experience.

Give your new boss a chance. It's normal in the beginning that your new boss may not seem to be approachable to anyone under his supervision. However, if you believe you are a good and productive worker, your actions and results would speak for itself and your boss would know it.

Good luck.

Jasper222 said...

hey all... thanks for the encouragements... i mean, as i said, the new boss looks cool, just a matter of fine tune i don't think it's too much of hurdle or anything that sort.... when i first knew the news it was TERRIBLE! but "recovered" a while back - just that now it's ACTUALLY the time..

and i also believe that i need to pf - at least in the next 6 months, that i can still perform under a new boss - as u have said - it's a challenge!! :)