Thursday, November 12, 2009


Task: ask one supplier to see if stock is available

Feedback: supplier said he has huge shortage and need think about it and reply tmr

Reporting to mgmt:

Me: He said he has to think about it and ask me to call back tmr, 不過我覺得"聞""聞" 哋...

Boss: (又開始罵) 你唔好話俾我聽 "聞""聞" 哋,人哋都未答實你你就話人哋"聞""聞" 哋,唔怪得一定無啦,有都變無啦...(下刪 XX 字)

Me: (無奈) FINE


請問我可以點樣處理得好 D???

It's not that I won't follow up tmr, I just think that this is also my part to tell her what the supplier's tone.

Forget to mention - Boss is always right... Damn....