Friday, August 12, 2005

Count Down.....

7 days and 6 hrs I'll be landing in Detroit airport...

No more pre-vacation syndrome - or I should say TOO MUCH pre-vacation syndrome that I want to run away from work JUST NOW (and yes, I'm writing this in the office) :D

*actually I still haven't really confirm any agenda for ANY PART of my trip except the flight schedule - but then I was thinking - why bother? I think I'm just thinking TOO MUCH and everything shall be in order when I'm there - as old Chinese said, "the pier will be "straight" when the boat is there"


Thursday, August 04, 2005

FW: 等我有空再愛你





畢業後,他和幾個朋友合夥開了一間小公司,她則在出版社找了一份畫插圖的工作。創業維艱,白手起家非常辛苦,所以她不但替他處理家務,還每天送便當和宵夜到公司給他,每次都只是聊兩句就走了,深怕耽誤他的時間。 他的同事們都誇她體貼又得體,將來必定是個賢妻良母;她也有點沾沾自喜,認為自己的付出受到了肯定。

公司的營運終於步上常軌,照理說,他應該有空陪她了,可是他卻說:「 我希望在三十歲以前,有自己的車子和房子,還有足夠的存款,這樣才能安心、沒負擔地結婚 。」 於是他變得更忙、更拼了,就連她送便當到公司去,也常常見不到他。相較之下,她覺得自己像是遊手好閒。

交往五、六年了,她漸漸發覺自己總是在孤單寂寞中渡過,每年的生日、情人節、聖誕節,都是自己一個人和電視機一起渡過。 同事們總笑說她的男友只是個「傳說」,甚至還有朋友懷疑她是否真的有男朋友。

這些日子以來,她的體貼和識大體,除了換來男性朋友們的稱讚,和姊妹淘們的同情之外,什麼也沒有。 於是,她開始對他做出小小的「反應」,但總被他的好言相勸給抑制下來。 「今天的辛苦,是為了明天的幸福啊!」 「兩個人整天黏在一起,反而更快、更容易分手呢!」

情人節,在她萬般請求之下,他才終於答應晚上陪她到陽明山看夜景。 她殷殷期盼了一個多星期,卻因為一通朋友要他去應酬的電話,粉碎了這個夢。再也按捺不住這幾年來的孤單寂寞,她邊哭邊抱怨著、訴說著自己的委屈。「妳以為我喜歡忙嗎?我這麼辛苦,還不都是為了我們的未來!」此話一出,她變得啞口無言。

他不肯放手,而她也還沒準備好離開,可是現狀卻毫無改善。但是不甘願的種子已經在她心裡種下,生根發芽,等待開花結果的一天。 他有工作、有朋友、有應酬,所以他沒有空。 這些她也有,只是她長期選擇待在家裡、守著電話、等待他的來電、讓自己隨傳隨到,而推開了工作和朋友 。 現在,她不想再獨守空閨、癡癡地等他臨幸,不再劃地自限,決心找出自己的一片天。 她不再為他送便當和宵夜,寧可窩在辦公室裡邊啃麵包邊畫插圖,或是想想新點子;她也不再每天按時打電話問候他了,寧可和姊妹淘們喝咖啡、聊是非,或是花時間打扮自己,更添自信。

他漸漸發覺自己忙碌的生活裡,似乎少了些什麼,但總想不出到底是少了什麼。 半個月過去,他才驚覺是少了她。 心血來潮撥了通電話,卻被潑了桶冷水。 「我現在沒空,明天要交稿,我現在要趕稿。」說完,她立刻掛上電話。 他想,她總算有些事情可以忙,就不會常常埋怨他沒時間陪她了...各自忙碌的生活又過了兩、三個月。 這天,他談成一筆大生意,心情正好,想找她慶祝時,卻再度吃了閉門羹。 「我現在沒空,等一下要開會。最近應該也都沒空。」 開會?他從來都不知道她那份悠閒的畫圖工作需要開什麼會。原來她的插圖受到讀者歡迎,出版社打算為她出版一系列的圖畫筆記 書。 又過了一個多月,他終於買了夢想中的新車。 想起和她久未見面,決定開車帶她出去兜兜風。 「我現在沒空,要趕著去新書發表會。」 「我載妳去!」 「不用了,總編輯會送我去,我現在沒空。」

他再也無法忍受了。他們已經兩個多月沒有見面了,每次打電話給她,她總說沒有空,就匆匆掛上電話。 以前的她不是這樣的,這到底是怎麼回事? 「妳到底還當不當我是妳的男朋友?妳到底愛不愛我?」 「我現在沒空,等我有空再愛你吧!」 按下結束通話鍵,她將手機丟到皮包裡,交給身旁的出版社總編輯,準備走進新書發表會的會場。 「男朋友嗎?」 「不再是了。」 「那麼....簽名會結束後,妳有空嗎?」 「只要你有空,我隨時都有空。」她笑著說。

麥斯威爾咖啡的廣告曾說:「 再忙也要和你喝杯咖啡。」 現在我們的生活是處於忙碌狀態,但是你是否忘了你的另一半呢?

Google Elvin....

So i'd (and someone too) googled my nick before - and now wanna try for my son's turn - but turn out, of course, a REAL name, is not much fun, but here's an interesting stats though:


hahhahahahah i love my son :)))) hahahahaha

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

FW: Why Men are Happier than Women

reading a friend's blog.. and wonder sometimes why so much trouble whenever you're single/in a relationship... anyhow, just wanna post something to lighten up the atmosphere a bit *still depress from last nite's HP reading* which, i mean, i do have to admit some are quite funny :D

cheers girls!!!!! :)

why men are happier than women

1. We keep our last name.
2. The garage is all ours.
3. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
4. Chocolate is just another snack.
5. We can be president.
6. We can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
7. Car mechanics tell us the truth.
8. The world is our urinal.
9. We never have to drive to another gas station because this one's just too icky.
10. Same work, more pay.
11. Wrinkles add character.
12. Wedding dress - $5000; tux rental - $100.
13. People never stare at our chest when we're talking to them.
14. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
15. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle our feet.
16. One mood, ALL the time.
17. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
18. We know stuff about tanks.
19. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
20. We can open all our own jars.
21. We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
22. If someone forgets to invite us, he or she can still be our friend.
23. Our underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
24. Everything on our face stays its original color.
25. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
26. We don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
27. We almost never have strap problems in public
28. We are unable to see wrinkles in our clothes.
29. The same hair style lasts for years, maybe decades.
30. We don't have to shave below our neck.
31. Our belly usually hides our big hips.
32. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
33. We can "do" our nails with a pocket-knife.
34. We have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
35. We can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives, on December 24, in 45 minutes.

HP6 - Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

So, i'm back...

and 3 wks after it has officially released!? I've finally finished HP6 tonite - yeah, long waited...

so much on the mind now - yet I'm glad that I finished reading it AT HOME and not somewhere in public - "going" to the funeral is like going to A REAL ONE and I just think Rowling doesn't need to put it in such a way - a way that is WAY TOO SAD I think. I don't think it's for kids anymore. I still want to read something that is "live happily and ever after"... sure I hope book 7 will have a better ending (although I think Harry will die to end the story as a whole)....

I think one more part that I feel very touched *other than having a "friend" gone* - is the friendship among Ron, Herminone & Harry. They spend like 5 yrs together (their 6th yr this book)... they started as stranger - just sharing the same compartment in the Hogwart Express.. then pretty much just grow up together, with numerous occasions (of "life & death"), and become such close buddies... but eventually, as in Book 6, you can see their "diverse" life - and eventually, giving out hints, that, Harry, will go on his own in Book 7...

SAD, but so true in reality...

sigh, life is already tough, I HATE reading books that is "realistic"!!!!!!!