Thursday, September 30, 2010

FW: 瑚說百道:滿足感



A note from my 1st MBA Prof

"if you feel you are losing your passion, remember how you begin." ~Chris Chan

a couple things about my 1st MBA professor - Dr. Chris Chan (I figure it's probably a better idea to write this BEFORE taking his exam next Monday!) LOL:

  1. he LOVES sending email AFTER MIDNIGHT - seeing his email in the mailbox is actually SCARY - esp. the one that he sent on a SAT / early Sunday morning for a "casual case discussion" due Monday *really Orz!!!!!*
  2. he's a financial guy - although, he has a PhD in Accounting, and this spse to be an Acct class - he spent less than HALF of his lecture time on accounting - turns out we're all doing researches on Repo 105, Delta vs SG airline cases, not to mention, the EXCITING GUCCI case (i'm actually PROUD (?) that i don't have any GUCCI thing - am just NOT into (and can afford!) those luxury brands LOL
  3. one of his many quotes in class about accounting: "we all can hire some book-keeper to do the entries (but doesn't mean u don't need to know about it in the exam)".. Orz @_@''
  4. he's a fashion guy - gucci shoes, burberry jeans, etc etc XDDDD (again, i don't know much about LUXURY brands) :P
  5. one of his favorite answer "it depends" XDDD
  6. he loves starbucks (we got extra pt for that!) hahaahahha
  7. I've never seen any class that so eager to earn extra credits by class participation - and our favorite quote to Chris "is that a pt?" LOL
  8. he's a typical blow water king *LOL* but he actually got the patient to led you (or me at least) to think out of the box - i can't recall any of my undergraduate professors had SUCCESSFULLY "teach" me that - it's not about mechanically how to think and do some calculations according to some rules (trained as an engineer...) - it's more about the "perspective" you take is so different - u never think u're sorely an engineer, or the purchasing manager, but u may just be an external consultant some times...
  9. and last but not least, he sure can write tear bombs email :~)

Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 1:31 AM
Subj: A Note

Hi everyone,

Thank you for staying late with me this evening. I want to congratulate all of you for completing your first MBA course (regardless of the exam) and for doing a very good job overall in your presentations. Not only on the cases, I can see and feel how much you put yourself into this course, working hard, wanting to learn, and do better. You may not know, as a teacher, watching you is a reward.

Some may say - good things don't last. Well, in your second year, maybe, if you feel you are losing your passion, remember how you begin.

After leaving the town center tonight I realized I had just finished teaching my last MBA class for HKU. I never thought I would have the privilege to do this for 11 years. Did not make me rich, but I know I am privileged.

Many times I feel I have lost my passion, then I remember my 11 years ago.

Thank you for giving me that opportunity. Good night.



I know I have been whinning too much in the last month, and before reaching SECOND year actually feel so discouraged and feel like losing my passion (multiple times!), yet I'll remember how I began, it's not easy, but at least, I do feel encouraged after my very first course in my MBA - thanks and feel blessed to have such a great professor to begin the journey with. I hate the fact that Cornell SG steal him from HKU, yet i fully understand why he's "stolen" and glad he can further advance in his future :)

and now time to go back and study for the exam!!! XD

Friday, September 24, 2010


Agree w/ 陳俊偉 that the mooncake is all about "在乎心意". Although, of course, in some sense it's very 一廂情願 for me to think that it's "sweet"...

今年中秋並沒有什麼特別嘅安排,除了因為要在課室中渡過外(咩學校嚟 ga,中秋都要上堂上到 9 點幾,仲未計放學後要傾 project。。。傾傾傾傾到成十一點幾先返家。。。), So anyway, 今年就連最"行貨"嘅 BBQ / Hot Pot 等活動諗都無諗過安排 - 真的是太忙了~~

只望多了一天不用上班可 catch up 一下功課 Orz...

Well actually it wasn't really THAT bad. Turned out last Friday I got all the ready-to-make Icy Mooncake ingredients and try my FIRST ICY MOONCAKE EVER - it was a blast and just to fool around here and there. And thanks for Yekini to come and help out *LOL*

Although someone said he got stomach ache after eating TWO of them (my friend of course la, how can you eat so much at one time ga!! 諗返都真係覺得幾搞笑!) hahaha... luckily someone's mom who happened to eat at the same time don't have any problems jae...

都係果句,係食果個人嘅問題囉,同我 D 冰皮月餅完全無關!。。。 XDDDD

hehehe j/k... at least he isn't too sick or anything like that... XD

I still haven't eat the traditional one this year, hopefully to have some when i got home tonite - well, i mean AFTER tutorial Orz... Well anyway, happy mid-autumn festival~~ (although it's way past it!) XD LOL... and hopefully next year i got someone to share the mooncakes - together...








Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FW: 亂打主意:你說怎麼辦?










Thursday, September 16, 2010


只好說聲 "。。。"


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


School started for the 3rd wk - i.e. half way through the first accounting course. Yet life in the last 2 wks felt like years... so much have changed...

went lunch w/ mom and rest of the so-called family last sat - i was upset (or i should say i AM still) as I need at least TWO WEEKS in advance for setting an "appt time" with her - and someone could just jam in and ask "if you don't mind" - er.. actually i really DO mind. I have very limited time slot (that can sync w/ mom!) and mom just suggested others to join.


Well, turn out it got even worse was that THE WHOLE LUNCH they were just talking about STOCKs and STOCKs and STOCKs!

If i know earlier i won't even bother to join. That is so sad, i don't get anything to talk to them anymore. I don't know what'd happened. but it just happened.

but of course, they talk in a daily basis (about stocks and stuffs)... can't beat that. :(

Was thinking to make it up and trying to ask mom to make moon-cake together - but she's so occupied from Friday to Sunday. She's having Friday dinner w/ some "FRIENDS" whom she's having dinner EVERY SAT (and since she has to go to another wedding dinner she reschedule that dinner to Friday) - but i mean, eat 1 wk less together will die?! Then the excuse queen said sth like "oh, it's so trouble to make it (moon cake), need to mix many different type of flours and need SIX hrs to prepare... I have some coupons for hagadaz ice-cream moon cake, do you want it instead?"

That is NOT the point. You know? I maybe really childish, but she really thinks that I just want to eat and can't buy that myself? I know i was really rude to hung up but i don't understand why she didn't get the point!!!

其實可能只是自己後知後覺,maybe she felt the same from my side a long time back so she just gave up and don't bother anymore. 只可說,一 D 已經再沒有 priority 嘅人/事永遠都會變得麻煩,無必要。。。

I was thinking if i've time to make the mooncake i may give her some, i just want her to understand, it's not that i don't know how to make it by myself...

so distant.... and that's all i have to say about that (don't have much left anyway)...

From the social circle pt of view, seems like most of the "updated" news I got for ppl around me nowadays is from facebook - yeh, i know i probably shouldn't spent as much time there anymore but on the other side other than cooking & doing laundry FB is like THE ONLY thing i do more than twice a wk that is NOT related to school (including dining out w/ friends!). @_@ Say that I'm spoil, say that it's just another excuse, but it definite release some stress out :P

So, while others may not update a few times like i do on FB (LOL), there's 2 updates particular caught my eyes which makes me really feel "這麼近,那麼遠。。。"

Oh well, again, life goes on, as Kara's quote on FB (well, although i really don't know her well at all), but this is very true:


Memory can stay.. but looking ahead is more important... i see clouds ahead, yet I also understand it's the only direction to go from here...

Friday, September 10, 2010

FW: 我恒我訴:手中的照片 劉偉恒

Totally agree - and although i'm using digital for a long time, still like to print out prints (probably TOO MUCH) :)



還記得菲林相機的年代嗎?那時相機沒有「液晶體顯示屏」,拍了照,要等到拿菲林去沖曬,才看到拍了甚麼。所以,每一次接過「新鮮出爐」的照片時,總是非常興奮和期待,但有時候又會立即變成悲喜交集:照片中的自己剛剛合上了眼;難得和偶像合照,弟弟竟然手震,令照片「Out of focus」;人人口黑面黑,原來大家都「背光」。雖然瑕疵是少不免,但鏡頭忠實地紀錄了歷史—畢竟,遺憾本來就是現實不可或缺的一部分。拿着相片,我們總是愛不釋手,翻看再翻看,甚至即場揀選最愛的一幅去曬免費的「8R」。那三十六張相片,的確比如今那「4 GB」記憶卡內三千張數碼照片,珍貴得多。




Thursday, September 09, 2010

FW: 瑚說百道:不應理智

我比較幸運(or not?),不是"人"的問題,只是 timing i suppose, Glad class diverts attention a lot (still have hard time catching up w/ survive basics like EAT and SLEEP) but qty of 不理智事 is "improving"






