Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Movie Review on 單身男女

Er... TOTALLY disappointed, even w/ 2 of the "cutest living guys" in HK... sigh, totally wasted... see one of my reviews on why i don't like this movie (when replying to Aquarius about why this movie is a guys' fantasy...


Actually i'm very disappointed 杜琪峯 made such a 'low level love story"... it reflect the writer thinks girls in general want from guys are: 靚仔、有錢、專一... so that's why i think most of the guys would like movie and it's a "fantasy" for them and what they've been working toward to these they may easily have 共鳴 and think that having 高圓圓 to choose between 有錢靚仔嘅 ibanker 古天樂 (但花心) vs. 心地好專一靚仔嘅吳彥祖 (但無古天樂咁有錢) 就好似天下上一件好難嘅事咁。。。

其實一開場就已經可以揀吳彥祖(although i know i'm also bias!) hahahaha... but no need to use TWO hrs for a story that can be done in 20 min. but again.. maybe you GUYS like FANTASY gwa. hahahahahahha most of my girl friends doesn't like the movie either (even though we all like Daniel) hahaahaha..

I guess it's true that rich guys can get girls easier, give the guys more "options", and plenty of girls are for that. HAHA, MAYBE i'm the one living in fantasy and expect 杜琪峯's love story will have depth like 龍鳳鬥 with Sammi & Andy Lau... Anyway... blah blah blah, i should keep this on my blog instead.