Tuesday, August 30, 2011

FW: 瑚說百道:忘記他

頗應景的 article, with interesting FB comments:

  1. the formula is: 一句心痛話+Lots of 眼淚+ Long long time /時間

  2. always forgetting so as to justify never learning










FB Comments:

  • Nina Xiao: 是的。没有什么是过不去的。 you won't get hurt unless u allow so :)

  • Emily Tse: :'(

  • Wong Meme: I hv a formula : 一句心痛話+眼淚+時間

  • Emily Tse: 一句心痛話+Lots of 眼淚+ Long long time /時間

  • Wong Meme: u get it!

  • Charles Tse: Why forget? If say in the unfortunate event that Soc speaks 一句心 痛話 to me and then dies before I do, I'll sure be heartbroken and very much devastated beyond belief, crying my lungs out, but I won't want to forget anything but rather cherish every piece of our moments together.

  • Emily Tse: but, he is ur son...... part pf ur family, and some who loves(d) u back sometimes, forgetting is good

  • Charles Tse: I think whether he is part of the family doesn't play that much of a role, nor whether he loves(d) me back. Thinking of the gal whom I had a crush on and who obviously didn't love me, I still feel sweetness (for my naive youthfulness) rather than bitter.

  • Charles Tse: Forgetting is not necessarily good, although it may make you feel better for the moment b/c you are ignoring the pain. Then you run into the same cycle and need to "forget" again. Now of course it is your choice to play the same game the same way over and over, always forgetting so as to justify never learning. Good luck.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A note to my Prof...

Dear Prof,

How are you? have a chance for summer holiday and enjoying the sunshine?? (wait, i think they've sunshine all yr round in SG)


Time sure flies and my class (2010 wkday intake) is half way done! woohoo~ i was just talking to 2 of my friends who'll join this yr's intake and they're "enjoying" their o-camp last weekend @ Goldcoast. haha, time sure flies and can't believe it has been a yr since my beginning here... (btw, i should talk to sachin for promotion commission) LOL.

Enclosed a class picts taken at the end of my 1st elective course - Branding & Communication by Royce. Half of this class were yr 2 classmates (and their last class for the whole MBA program). The senior said once we pass BLaw (D. Bishop) we'll be fine... HA HA...

and we did (wait, another hw to go) LOL

I still remember the time you've mentioned "in your second year, maybe, if you feel you are losing your passion, remember how you begin. " I guess i'm not as strong as from time to time i feel the same (like Marcus' DRA) way before i was done 1st yr - but then every time i just turn back to the email you sent us. haha, thanks for being our mentor, still very glad that i was 2010 > 2011 intake - such that i'd a chance to take classes from great Prof. like you, Konan, and, well, Marcus too~~ :)

End of yr one, half way done and another yr to go. I know it'll be just as great as our 1st yr's journey. Let us know whenever you'll be back in town visiting for a drinks and catch up.


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

FW: 我恒我訴:出嚟傾





從前,無論是談公事,還是訴心聲,一個電話到,下句就是:「出嚟傾啦!」但來到這個年代,大家都彷彿害怕了與人接觸,要討論甚麼,「在電郵上談吧!」要開會的話,「視像或Conference Call啦!」即使要相約一個人,也是靠短訊,連電話也懶得撥一通;無論他的「真身」在何方,原來也是在我們可接觸到的距離——手機和鍵盤內。

所以,當再聽到有人要出國升學或移民的時候,大家只會淡然地說:「不要緊啦,我們可以Skype同FaceTime嘛! 記得和我WhatsApp呀!」所謂的依依不捨,都只不過是輕輕帶過,絕對不會去到「生離死別」、「揮淚作別」的地步。這也難怪,既然近在咫尺也只是談電話和傳短訊,他在九龍還是倫敦,又有何分別呢?


