Tuesday, September 12, 2006

oh no...

started coughing today... :( too much ice-cream last night!? or wait, i had some 白蘿蔔 this afternoon... so probably "increase" the level of coughing!??!

i think someone just left the cough behind to recover loh V_V''' no fair!!

P.S. what's the english name of 白蘿蔔?? I think it's Daikon (but isn't it japanese?)?? the closest i found is "Radish" or "Turnip"... but what exactly is 白蘿蔔??

it's this

not this!


WittyBB said...

according to a post on wikipedia ...
daikon === are also known as ... "daikon radish, Japanese or Chinese radish, winter radish, and mooli"

Gerrillaz said...
