Wednesday, August 30, 2006

WorldLingo - Online Translator

so... worldlingo has been one of the major FREE online multi-language translators i've been using for the last few yrs - i mean, it's quite reasonable - from changing language (mostly english for me) to spanish/italian/russian/whatever whatever, i mean, it works ALRIGHT and helped out quite a bit... especially for someone who doesn't know how to type Chinese like me - sometimes just too lazy to use that SLOW hand writing board this online translator is quite a viable option for a quick "typing"...

so today i tried this one out - to translate English to Chinese

> Missing someone can really make you stay awake
> 想念某人可能真正地使您逗留醒

hmm... alright, i wouldn't say it really flow - but hey, at least the meaning is there... can't complain much - it's a computer translation AND afterall, it's FREE...


so in case you need to translate from English to Chinese, or to some exotic language... it's not a bad idea to start w/ World Lingo - person on the other side will definitely "guess" what you wanted to say *LOL*

sleepless (AGAIN) in HK 03:12

Saturday, August 26, 2006

What's ur Brazilian Name?

So What's your Brazilian Name?!?!

this me:

and this is j:

interesting interesting....

古巨基 - 愛得太遲

古巨基 - 愛得太遲  


我過去那死黨早晚共對 各也紮職以後沒法暢聚
而終於相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水 

日夜做見爸爸剛好想呻 卻霎眼看出他多了皺紋 
最心痛是愛得太遲 有些心意不可等某個日子 
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私  夢中也習慣有壓力要我得志

最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知 要抱要吻要怎麼也好

我也覺我體質彷似下降 看了症得到是別要太忙
而影碟都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕 
日夜做儲的錢 都應該夠 
到聖誕正好講 跟我白頭 
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久

錯失太易 愛得太遲 我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知 
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意 
愛一個字也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知 要抱要吻要怎麼也好

相擁我所愛又花幾多秒 這幾秒 
能夠做到又有多少 未算少足夠遺憾忘掉

多少抱憾 多少過路人 太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮 
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引 
縱不信運 你不過是人 理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心 世界有太多東西發生 

FW: 楊千嬅學懂自愛快樂將至

楊 千 嬅 學 懂 自 愛 快 樂 將 至 楊 千 嬅 最 近 成 為 雜 誌 《 瑪 利 嘉 兒 》 封 面 人 物 , 問 她 在 充 滿 壓 力 的 娛 樂 圈 工 作 , 如 何 保 持 大 笑 姑 婆 形 象 ? 千 嬅 說 : 「 我 已 經 學 識 適 當 時 候 放 低 人 同 事 , 要 自 己 快 樂 , 首 先 要 唔 好 令 自 己 傷 心 。 」 千 嬅 又 深 信 要 別 人 珍 惜 自 己 , 先 要 學 懂 愛 護 自 己 。

要 自 己 快 樂 , 首 先 要 唔 好 令 自 己 傷 心 。

yeh... all over... finally....

Today's horoscope:


hmm... gotta watch out

Friday, August 25, 2006

3 months from now... (Nov 2006)

just back from St. Paul's... 3 times in a wk man.... (and 2 times after midnite!) man i am TIRED....

anyway so it turned out the Dr. mis/not reading the necessary instructions and "mistrust" the pharmacist AND... just turn out to be a MESS, a TOTAL MESS...

paradox.... wanted NOT TO BE THERE badly (as just wanna run away and IGNORE IT - i've ENOUGH!!) but then on the "humane" side i think i should be there - the least i can do

felt sorry for whatever happened... and just cross my fingers that all things will be OKAY - just okay...

hopefully tmr (or i should say, "today") will be a better day

Thursday, August 24, 2006


just back from Tianjin.... well, the meeting was "alright'... but whatever happened has happened... and it totally tore me "down" - just feel soooo tired and finally "break down" today... (ha, even though it doesn't make much of a difference, for better or worse)...

just feel like "breaking down"... haha.. it's nice to do that when trying to make the other one "miserable" - well, better them than me kekekeke

glad wkend is almost here so won't need to "think" about it anymore (well, if i'm lucky)...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Today's horoscope (8/21)



just a couple notes:
  • 心情沮喪/撲朔迷離/運勢低調的日子?!?!?! ANYTHING can be WORSE than this?! (AND SO true - at least for scropio!) *sigh*
  • why both "撲朔迷離的日子"? *sigh sigh*
  • what's the difference between 相信 and 迷信?
  • 付出代價?!!?
  • it's not that EASY, well, RIGHT!?
  • sucks to be in St. Paul's - late at nite, and FOR someone....
  • and NOT COOL to WAIT for the result
  • NOT COOL when u just feel so 沮喪 - but ran out of tears - not to mention no shoulder to lean on....
  • at least one of the (if not the ONLY) COOL things is that you find someone whom you've known for 20+yrs - and CAN REALLY talk about EVERYTHING - just EVERYTHING (do feel very grateful for that...)

Questions of the day / wk:

  • if it's NOT love, so what's it to keep this relationship going (past, present & future tense)?!

Frankly speaking i really have no clue @_@''

life sucks some time, really (and er... have 4 more hrs to sleep...) V_V''

me sleepless in Tianjin Aug 22, 2006 02:16

Saturday, August 19, 2006

so today's the day...

that j will come in town for ~2 wks .....


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Insomia - AGAIN!~

dan! slept at 00:30 and then woke up at 2:30 - AND WORST IS COULDN'T GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! what's wrong with me?! i DID have a VERY STRONG COFFEE at 17:00+ but i don't think that's the reason (if so i wouldn't feel sleepy at the beginning)

what's wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

Friday, August 11, 2006

Temptations Temptations~~~

just everywhere!! my first temptation against my MBA funds....

Tiffany 1837™ Titanium ring. Sterling silver, titanium. USD275

it's just so difficult to be a living soul! *ROFL*

P.S. for some reason all my GUYS friends said i shouldn't get it - while the GALS friends said i should get it - never understand why GUYS forbidden GALS to buy rings! hahahahahahaa

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Haven't spent a complete Sunday at home for a while... ha XD nothing much is new (well, at least i didn't sleep AS MUCH)... let's see:
  • didn't do the report (as usual haha!) but instead, cleared up a whole bunch of mails piled up during the trip, which is good
  • stomach still have a bit diarrhea.. hmmm....
  • watched Beautiful Kitchen - ha, so funny... always feel good that at least i can cook - in some sense XD
  • had a long talk w/ wittybb's sis - thx so much for her valuable inputs from her experience & advises :) really grateful!!
  • got Dubai's pict arranged (w/ subtitle) on Kodak online album. goodie! :)
  • watched Tomb Raider - i never watched it - glad it's FREE to watch it on Pearl XD
  • got stood up by the stupid j... said he would be online today but i guess not V_V'' (and no SMS!!) >.<

okay okay i know it isn't much done for today - but hey, it's okay, it's Sunday! just wanna take it easy and relax ;)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Soft Hard - Long Time No See Concert....

so i went to their 2nd-last concert last nite... my gosh, i can't stop laughing from 20:45 to 23:30!! it was so much fun... well, even though most of their songs i don't really remember (i was TOO YOUNG ma! wakakakakakkaa), but seriously, had soooo much fun!!!

The guest is grasshopper, felt like back to the last concert we went (and also feel like it'll be their Aug end's concert - so no need to go see!) hahahaha... these guys can really "dance" - i mean, at least it's non-stop dancing (surprised!)... and ah Jan's "Delay no more", or "8 號" (is next Wed (Aug 8, not typhoon #8!!)... oh, of course, tricky phone, their FUNNY FUNNY DANCE.... hahahaa....

the only bad thing is, maybe just like kids, "played too hard at nite" and so couldn't really sleep well... ain't sure if it's really true (or just the jet lag),.. haha... but do have a great time.....

wish u were here next time when they've concert, we've to go together :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


finally get back to HK.... after a whole month out of HK, actually feel like living by myself (shit, not used to having MOM AROUND anymore) @.@' some times i really don't know how to make a balance - of course i know i'm very barbaric.... but then, i really don't know how to make a balance.

feeling hopeless...

had a long talk w/ a friend about his MBA... geez, maybe i still have time (as he's a LOT older!) hahaha.. just kidding... but back to the point... can i save up enough $ in 5 yrs and do my MBA in the States?!

doubt it... and yet still make me feel so depressed about it :(

feel helpless from job (ppl leaving... geez, a never ending cycle), feel helpless from home (how to solve it!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?)

We work hard daily and try to EARN a living - but at the end of the day, what's a living afterall?!

oh i feel tired - and sick - both physically, & mentally :~(

and for the side note, i really don't feel like flying in Aug... but then maybe need to go to Tianjin?? hmm... maybe a wkend getaway will help out XD

btw, all Pisces guys really drive me nuts >.< !@#$%^&%$#@%$^&^%$#@%$^%$^%%$#