Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ah Ca 又一次的告別

It took me a while before i found ah ca's article @ Sun Daily (i didn't know it has been there for 7 yrs!) but ONCE AGAIN... time to 'say bye" personally don't really listen to radio at night, but at least i am following her fb page...

說再見容易,真的會再見的不多;在生命中能說完再見後再說再見的也買少見少,Ca, for sure will miss you until we meet again, may life be good to you (and your family!) :)


 一言為定:世上再無失散之事 http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/lifestyle/20130430/00497_001.html



* 要找我,電郵、facebook和晚上10時至12時聽香港電台第2台都可以,假如有一天我們在街上碰到,我們會點吓頭、問候一下…… 李敏一言再見,多謝,掛念你。

* Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again!

Monday, April 01, 2013


唔經唔覺, Leslie 已走咗十年。

對於我嚟講,與哥哥最近嘅接觸應該係去佢係1988年喺紅館開嘅演唱會 (還記得係同大姑媽一齊去!)當年得過十多歲人,當然係超興奮!frankly speaking i really don't remember much about the concert that night, although, it was my first pop concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum in my life...

after a few years he "retired".. then i went to the States.  It has been a long time since he caught my eyes again - from my all time favorite 《金枝玉葉》 (i just realize it's dated back in 1994 - when i was in the states!?  but then likely it's a few year delay as back then not as much / as fast DVD haha)

then a few years ago picked up his songs again as it was someone's all time favorite - in fact, make me even fall more in love w/ his songs ever since.  Interestingly, it's also Leslie's song when someone hold my hands singing; and also make me fall for someone who can literally sing like him and the song we sang ! hahaha

“十年生死兩茫茫,不思量,自難忘。逝水如斯,而不捨晝夜,人生無常。唯獨愛有永恒,讓我們繼續寵愛張國榮。” 唐鶴德(唐唐)

your loved one use 蘇軾悼亡妻的詞 for the memorial notebook, really "讓人唏噓不已"

