Tuesday, September 19, 2006

so long....

wow, quite a turn out from the previous post... well, let me cut it short - it's indeed REAL PERSONS i know, both guys and gals, both HKese, Asians, and European as well.... 25+ to 45 - guess it's a pretty good spam in terms of samples size :D

*LOL* anyway, let's put this behind..... i mean, actually it doesn't bother me THAT MUCH in real life (that's why i only blah blah blah here ma!) hehehehehe.... frankly speaking at work get a bit wore out so this is always a good place to - Complain *LOL* afterall, "Love" isn't the ONLY part in one's life :)

hey, got this from one of my friends - chk it out... kinda funny :DDDDDD



Gerrillaz said...

段亡命小巴片好搞嘢呀! 好想知佢係點泊架玩具小巴泊到咁 FIT 架呢。。。

Anonymous said...

I am more interested in buying that remote-controlled HK van...looks really unique. Could be a collector item in 10 years.