Saturday, December 23, 2006

misc... and "make winter" festival

today is the day in Chinese calendar which family get together for dinner to "celebrate" winter - "make winter"... hmm.. since i'm still on holiday so no need to work (hoho)... yet did go back to office and had lunch w/ some of the colleagues.. okay la...

even though i'm "on holiday", did get quite a few things done - get $ transferred from bank to bank.. paid visa card balance (and right on time - 14:59); delivered next yr's calander to ah Goh... AND most importantly - got my passport renewed!! *yippy!!* (unbelivable is that the immigration officer kept asking me why i wanna renew my passport - er... b/c it only have 3 pages left?! and he kept like, oh, can you use it before this trip blah blah blah

come on, i'm PAYING extra, not like i don't like the passport # so i wanna change or sth!!! just give me the freaking new passport! @_@'''


Anyway... after that is alreayd like 4-ish - nope, decided not to meet today (a bit too much lately).. and still got some time before dinner (going to have make winter dinner w/ mom & grandma) so, just spent some time in the library and read a magazine (i can't believe the books there are SOOOO OLD that i don't even wanna touch it!!) that's kinda weird.....

make winter dinner - had some non-traditional make winter dinner - Thai food instead. Generally speaking quality is okay - and price is VERY GOOD! wow... anyway, i guess it's good to spend some dinner time w/ mom & grandma - not that often!

just went home after this early dinner.... got Curse Of The Golden Flower tickets @ APM tmr 17:40 - actually wanna watch Confession of Pain, but i bought the wrong one! oh well, sorry! really too bad! :( *i just realize i've even bought it w/ a WRONG LOCATION* what's wrong w/ me today!!!!! >.< let's see if i can change it tmr

i think the thing is really bothering me - for some reason i really can't sleep well in the last few days... *sleeping late but got up early.... and many different dreams* geez... i hope things will be better - maybe singing k tmr may help!!!!!