Monday, February 04, 2013


Turn on TVB air the movie version 任俠耆兵再現江湖 this wk - er... can never "go to bed early" on sunday nite... how to stay awake tmr?! @_@'''

to me the most "attractive" part is for sure between 翼彥一 &羽鳥晶 - so SUPER SAD that she died before he propose to her V_V'' (i mean, why, at least let him get the ring on her ah ma!!!!) aiii.. cry die! 羽鳥晶臨死前說她覺得很幸福 - but 她真的很幸福嗎?

"當然不是," one of the 院友 told彥一, "她年青,但離了婚,又患了老退化症,淨返涼太一個),但她覺得自己幸福,是因為她選擇只記得彥一對她的好,而她亦忘記自己的不幸。That's why她覺得自己幸福 。。。

 Indeed! 幸福是掌握在自己的手裡!!

 and the scene toward the end when he depart w/ the kid, really so sad ah...涼太 has been very tough (trained by 彥一 / no choice), and said to 彥一 if he ever feel bored pls come back to visit... and even though he will be living by himself he will live a good life"...

and that's the end.. geez...

 i hope my eyes won't be too swallen tmr V_V'''' yet glad, i did manage to watch the end... i think i need to find out where to buy the DVDs...