Friday, January 16, 2015

WordCloud - for this blog

oh wow, a lot better than my FB one!!

it's just MY, TIME, JUST, LIKE, ME :)) (okay here's the real list) hehehe

130 my
93 time
91 like
80 一個
75 自己
69 just
68 me
62 very
61 so
59 do

WordCloud... closing on FB April 2015

睇番d好舊嘅post搵到 wordcloud 呢個 apps, 先發覺完來 4 月後無得玩!! 一玩... OMG...

多謝晒 689 ruin my days X_X


Monday, January 12, 2015

Becuase, you are, soooooooooooooo dear~~

thanks to jordan jansen, saw this on FB and think super sweet! can't decide who's the ONLY ONE to tag *haha*

New Layout for 2015!

wow i haven't update my blog's layout since 2011!  time for a fresh start!

i hope it's not too late (LOL) but tonite will follow up with a post of what i wanna do in 2015... nothing big... but at least something i should stick w/... (well, haha, let's see)..

time to run for HKU MBA seminar...