Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Saving" my life....

DAVE~~ THANKS FOR "SAVING" MY LIFE... ;P I can't imagine if i ever have to migrate to sth like gmail... you know you're the best!!!! THANKS FOR SAVING MY LIFE.... XD

Sunday, August 26, 2007

When it comes to different horoscope.....

Hmm.. your view?

星空傳說:巨蟹座 愛到殺死你



巨蟹座 十分愛

金牛座  多藉口

雙子座 太直率

天蠍座 愛指揮

處女座 太自信

雙魚座 愛叻人

人馬座 愛冒險

天秤座 重友情

獅子座  忽略人

水瓶座 欠細心

山羊座 求長久

Sunday, August 12, 2007

When it comes to jealousy....

well well well.... scropio is famous as "easily jealous" hahahah... was just reading appledaily earlier and found this... have to agree to certain degree

順 口 溜 : 醋

男 人 不 吃 醋 , 感 情 不 豐 富 ;
女 人 不 吃 醋 , 家 庭 不 和 睦 ;
小 孩 不 吃 醋 , 學 習 不 進 步 ;
老 人 不 吃 醋 , 越 活 越 糊 塗 ;
大 家 來 吃 醋 , 社 會 才 進 步 。

Friday, August 10, 2007

Typhoon # 8 - PABUK

SO PABUK (帕布) was weaken when it past through us yesterday morning - but then it regain strength AND BOUNCED BACK - so now everyone's home as we've typhoon #8 since today 14:30 (well, i didn't leave office until 15:30) though...

well, only 2 hrs off, still good though.... on the way home it was crazy - first of all, all mobile line were jammed since like 2 o'clock (reminds me of new yr's eve or sth).... then my MSN mobile was so not stable - MTR was crazy - i've never seen so many ppl jammed on Admiralty platform (during transit)... I stayed there for like 15 min before i got my ft on the train - and it was just sooooooooooooooo crowded!!!

anyway, glad i'm home now.. that's all matter i spse :D

and for your information - the last time HK has Typhoon #8 was dated back in July 2004 - wow, 3 whole yrs we haven't enjoy "the day off" due to typhoon (again, i know, it shouldn't be a nice reason to take a day off)....

anyway, glad to be home early :)

P.S. i think the Weather Channel & HK gov't do entitle to certain credits for ensuring our citizen's safety - u know? my friend just told me they still have to go to work (no warning from the gov't or system to follow) even though they've a THREE FEET FLOODING!! that sucks!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Typhoon... not...

so i was thinking we'll have a day off tmr as the typhoon just HIT HK right on spot - and DREAMING of a day off...................

but nope, the typhoon has became weaker and become a tropical storm @.@

well, think in the other way, shall feel blessed as if it's really typhoon # 8, maybe a lot of family will suffer..

oh well, better stop dreaming and get ready for bed....

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In memories of Uncle Andy...

Today is the day when Uncle Andy (三姑丈) left us.... just got the news from cousin a while back..

well.... actually i've never met Uncle Andy - he left HK and return home (UK) way before i born - and never has he come back (at least not when i was here in HK). I only "know" him through picts - know that he's a handsome guy, and love my dear auntie connie deeply.. a typical Brit - very gentleman type...

it's a pity i never met him in person, cousin said he left while he was sleeping - guess that's the best way for a patient to go - with least pain...

rest in peace, uncle andy, hope we can know each other in person next life....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"you've the right to remain silent".... con't....

So after 9 days it had been... the "silent" broke.. but then.. i'm already half way done the book

愛不到你,也要助你幸福2 - 用祝福代替憤怒的愛情智慧


FW: Psy Test: Chinese word

日字加一劃, 你最先想到乜野字:

answer to be provided in the next post :P