Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Harry Potter 7.... (and all HP related stuff w/ me!) :P

結局篇明年初出爐   兩主角將喪生羅林暗示哈利波特會死

這 一 回 , 甚 麼 神 奇 魔 法 、 魔 幻 咒 語 也 救 不 了 哈 利 波 特 ( Harry Potter ) ! 風 靡 全 球 的 魔 法 童 書 《 哈 利 波 特 》 系 列 , 作 者 羅 林 ( J.K. Rowling ) 首 次 開 腔 透 露 , 大 結 局 將 有 兩 名 主 角 死 去 , 更 強 烈 暗 示 哈 利 波 特 可 能 難 逃 一 死 , 還 說 這 樣 一 個 結 果 令 「 將 來 沒 有 人 可 以 續 寫 故 事 」 。 如 果 羅 林 真 的 狠 心 殺 死 「 哈 仔 」 , 全 世 界 千 千 萬 萬 的 「 哈 迷 」 , 肯 定 傷 心 欲 絕 !....

Harry Potter Harry Potter... after all these yrs it's going to end... yeah, at the very beginning all of us know that it's going to end at Vol. 7 ...... just feel kinda weird when it comes to the end...

The Books:
Still remember buying book 1 & 2 after Dirk's HIGHLY recommendation... got so crazy that can't wait book 3 to come out in HK bookstore so buy it online and shipped ALL the way from UK (my gosh, that S&H is soooo expensive!!) hahahaha... book 4 & 5 get a little fuzzy (what'd happened?!!?) just remember got book 6 from last yr's book exhibition...

The Movies:
I think all the movies are worse than the books itself. ha, maybe i'm just a reading person!? (nah, i doubt it)...

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) @ Admiralty w/ those newsgroup ppl (and they DID dress up!), oh ha, w/ Uarzen too...
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) @ Festival Walk (actually went with the group too but got to a pt they're a bit too much to be around with... XD)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) @ Amsterdam (my first EU trip hahaa!)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) in Hong Kong, but already lost track where exactly i watched it XD
The Newsgroup:
Not to mention starting the first harry potter newsgroup in Hong Kong *wow, i feel so "proud" for that* wakakakaka... actually i never really go there anymore - just being CDR and go delete posts once every 3 months or so.... hahaha

The Rest:
Does it count that I still use Hedwig the owl as my ICQ nick? haha... of course not to mention HP bookmarks (even though i lost the Owl one that I LOVE) :( I think i got somewhere some HP stationary (super crazy!) and some other HP related books i got when i was in Taiwan :P

still a yr to go before book 7 to come out.... from thinking ppl are crazy lining up overnight outside Barnes & Nobles, to become as crazy as any one of them, to now more see it with a "平常心" (i mean, i'm still a fans but not like super crazy, u know)... ... I mean, 十年人事幾番新, I'm not sure how much I've changed... maybe I'm more a movie person rather than a book person, maybe I just care a lot less for things & ppl i used to care...

maybe my memory just fade away as I get older! ha, i'll just all blame it to TIME...

Anyway, looking forward to Book 7 - as it all comes to an end!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bringing the Sunshine with me~~~

i told you i told you, i always bring the sunshine with me~~ hohohoho... 3 days i'll be in Bali~~

(okok, i might just scare away the clouds*) wakakakka

Saturday, June 24, 2006

FW: Dilbert...

WittyBB just sent this to me the other day... my gosh, i TOTALLY TOTALLY AGREE!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

no mood...

work has been super crazy... I think worse is that on top of getting frustrated, actually getting a bit 灰心... everyone comes to ask u for a hand, while those u ask help w/ simply "ignore" you (okay, i understand different ppl also have their own priority)....

i know... but just that.. i'm tired... really tired....

your "take care" do make me feel relieve, well, a bit... maybe as u said, "it's just work, and it's just a job".. i should just take it easy...

it's Friday, but don't feel like Friday at all... must be haven't go Happy Hr for a while (blame the World Cup, low dai and dennis just won't come!!!)

just need a few days away from the office... completely..... wait, just another 156 hrs and i'll be in BALI!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Coffee...... or not :P

actually no matter what the result - just can't cut my daily cafferine intake! kekekekekekeke (but at least another good excuse for me!) kekekeke

飲 咖 啡 減 肝 硬 化 風 險

【 本 報 訊 】 一 個 逾 12 萬 人 參 與 的 研 究 顯 示 , 每 日 一 杯 咖 啡 , 可 以 減 低 三 分 之 一 患 上 肝 硬 化 的 風 險 。 該 研 究 已 在 最 新 美 國 《 內 科 醫 學 檔 案 》 雜 誌 上 發 表 。 英 國 《 泰 晤 士 報 》 及 法 新 社 昨 日 報 道 , 美 國 加 利 福 尼 亞 州 奧 克 蘭 的 醫 療 保 健 組 織 「 Kaiser Permanente 」 , 邀 請 了 125,580 名 非 肝 病 患 者 參 與 為 期 一 年 的 研 究 , 填 上 自 己 每 天 喝 酒 、 咖 啡 及 茶 的 份 量 。 研 究 後 期 發 現 , 有 330 人 患 上 肝 硬 化 。

結 果 顯 示 , 若 日 喝 四 杯 咖 啡 以 上 , 患 肝 硬 化 的 機 率 低 五 倍 。 同 時 習 慣 喝 酒 及 咖 啡 的 人 士 的 肝 酵 素 水 平 , 也 比 只 喝 酒 的 人 士 為 低 , 結 果 在 嗜 酒 的 實 驗 者 尤 其 顯 著 。 肝 酵 素 水 平 超 標 即 表 示 肝 臟 有 毛 病 。

研 究 員 指 還 未 查 出 咖 啡 內 預 防 肝 硬 化 的 有 效 成 份 , 但 初 步 認 為 未 必 是 咖 啡 因 的 功 勞 , 因 為 茶 也 含 咖 啡 因 , 而 多 喝 茶 的 實 驗 者 並 沒 有 同 樣 效 果 。 研 究 員 強 調 , 結 果 並 不 代 表 醫 生 可 以 處 方 咖 啡 給 予 病 人 飲 用 , 至 於 預 防 肝 硬 化 的 正 確 方 法 是 避 免 喝 酒 。

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

World Cup & me...

So I ain't a BIG FANS of soccer (never).. but it's the once every 4 yr's worldcup... what can i say?! :P

so the first thing that "affect" me is that I can go to bed very early during wkday - as they've cut the drama 追魂交易 which starts from 00:30 - 1:15 - well, not that it was a GREAT series so i'll "chase after" it - just that it's already at 18 episode (out of 20), why not let me finish watching it first lei?

2nd thing - well, most of my friends will be home VERY EARLY - in fact before 9 - such that they can watch the first match at home (and i just realize all my friends have icable!) hahahaha

3rd - i got "excited" when hearing GHANA is one of the team :P kekekeke... tonite's match is Ghana vs. Italy - of course Italy is world class soccer team - still i'm for Ghana! :) at least a place i've BEEN TO!! :)))) too bad Nigeria didn't make it to the last 16. Oh well :D I heard it's the first time Ghana team got into the World Cup - Good luck (and nope, i'm NOT going to watch - no live match on FREE TV - and it's just way too late!) hahahaha

Another match w/ Africa team - Angola vs. Portugal = well, i don't feel as much for Angola - as all i remember about Angola is Ebola @_@''

4th... low dai is not studying for his exam b/c World Cup is on loh! wakkakakakakaa

5th... US ranks 5th in the world soccer game?? ng hai gwa?! don't play la~~

6th... most of my friends in the States don't care much about WC (probably more into NBA of NCAA football (AMERICAN FOOTBALL i mean!!) la! hohohohohohoooh (i'm totally more into that!)

7th... i'm going to bed earlier - as that's just nothing on TV other than soccer match :P wakakakakakaka

when is the final again!? :P

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


really can't believe it's a "wicked" day... my gosh...

  1. Scary Scary Scary 060606

    So I was reordering son's food as it's running out - i've been buying his food w/ one of the pet shop for the last few yrs.... the normal practice is that whenever they arrived downstair they'll give me a call and i go down to open the gate for them (as they'll bring it up to my place - save me energy!)

    So tonite is like any other nite i was heading downstairs to open the gate for the guy after I got his call. Many of you know that I live on the 5th floor la.. so when i was in 4.5 th floor i heard some very heavy "bom""bom" rhythm - i was wondering, wow, what's that noise - i was wondering why they're doing renolvation at that time of nite (10:30+ pm!) (as my downstairs neighbor just moved out so i was thinking the owner of the apartment was doing some remodling?!) ANYWAY, back to the pt, when i was walking down the stairs to the 4th floor - i swear the bom bom sound is soooo close - and i thought, oh maybe that's the delivery guy, so i peek down & said, "wow, you're so lucky someone open the door for you and arrive 4th floor already..."

    I didn't see anyone over the stairs, but the steps (sound) was getting REALLY close - and out of expectation, there is a very ANGRY DEEP MAN SOUND replied me:

    "你唔好再煩我 la ha!!!!!"

    i was like totally shocked - i mean, first of all i don't expect that answer, and it's sound sooo angry!! and the steps is getting sooooo close... i was totally chickened out and ran back up the stairs and "screaming" "mom, open the door, open the door"..... AC was on so door was closed but obviously mom heard there's some "noise" so open the door - and i must look terrible - mom open the door for me and immediately closed the door behind me - asking me what'd happened - i was telling her there's a very very terrible sound and blah blah blah (i was REALLY FREAK OUT I TELL YOU!!)

    i think it took about a min for me to clam down? but there's no one coming after me!!! wait, that dude is still waiting downstairs for me... so mom and I decided to go down TOGETHER (oh, i forgot, she also bring a self-defense "weapon" with her - the "fork" you use to hang up clothes!)

    we walked down the stairs all the way, and "of course" didn't see any weird ppl... i asked the delivery guy and he said there's no one stepped out... so whoever "answered" me must be w/in the building!!!!

    mom said that it's probably some drunk guy on 3rd floor (as one of the unit sublease to a few single guys)... but i was kinda doubt (it's kinda EARLY to get drunk on a wkday?!)

    today's 060606 - ng tong!?!?!

    you might be laughing out loud now V_V'' but i was REALLLYYYY scared the hell out of me - and i'm quite sure i'll come home early these days

Ridiculous Taxi Driver & Police~~

So I was rushing to a info session tonite and I found a phone in the taxi on the way - i've lost phone before, i just feel that it's really "yum kung" to lost phone!! and the thing that pissed me off is that the driver is thinking to save the phone for himself!!! anyway, to cut it short we ended up in the police station to file a formal "lost & found" case @_@'''
and the police... my gosh, i can't believe even HE thinks that i'm WASTING his time!!!! he's very unlucky to have someone like me to file a case. I just feel upset that i KNOW i'm doing the RIGHT THING but ALL PPL think that i'm wasting their "precious" time.... even though going to the Police may not be the BEST way to do this (now when i look back i can just call the owner and give it back to her)...

To my friends~~~

Happy Birthday to you~~~
Happy Birthday to you~~~~~
Happy Birthday to you~~~~~~~
Happy Bi-rth-day to you~~~~~~~~~~~~ (and many more~~)

hahaha.. Happy Birthday to my 2 Dear Friends (and yes, it's 06/06/06!) XD

Sunday, June 04, 2006

From this Weekend onward....

I can start going to bed earlier... as the cartoon 捉鬼天狗幫 (Tactics タクティクス) on every Sat has its final episode on tonite...

one of very few cartoon that i "chase after" every week (and the GOOD thing is FOUR EPISODES EVERY NITE!!!) The only bad thing is that it starts at 00:30 @_@''' (well, at least i can watch most of it)...

Fall into this cartoon b/c it was funny (stupid low b things), and also related to ghost (i guess these are the elements of favorite jap cartoon in MY GENERATION).. So anyway both mom and I stayed up until very late for the last few Sat.. Mom was on trip this wk (to Shanghai) so she missed the final episode *ops*

But turns out it's VERY BAD ending - b/c the ending is sooooooooooooooo freaking sad. I don't understand why one can't have happy ending - w/o anyone died???

After all these works - I just hope that i won't forget about this animation - one keeps me up until 2-ish for several Sat nite (ha, probably i should start looking for the comic books)...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

Dilbert.Blog - the written Dilbert

So I read Dilbert's online comic every once in a while (er... Dilbert's daily calendar is always on my X'mas shopping list so i started to read Dilbert too)... hahahahaha anyway, even though i never feel so "engaged" as someone as i'm no IT GEEK (wsakakakkakakaka) but turns out Scott Adams is still "funny" w/o the comic itself.....

So for those Dilbert fans out there, blog THE DILBERT BLOG :D


P.S. Don't miss out the comment part - that's even funnier! wakakakaakakakkakakak

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What's for dinner!?

So mom is on trip until Friday - and in the mood of cooking tonite.... which, turned out - not a BIG disaster, but again, not as good as i used to cook XDDD


i totally forgot about putting white pepper when marinating the pork (ops! no wonder the taste isn't "quite exactly the same") hahahaha ... and i think i put a bit too much water when mixing the corn soup.. (the egg flower is very good though)...

"color, smell, taste"... i think my dishes got the color... i didn't really smell it (after it's done) and taste..


i mean, it's still "eatable".. but i'm sure i used to cook so much better XDDDD well practice make perfect i spse.. hahahaha it just had been TOOO LONG since the last time i cooked...

and it's always easier to take care what to eat from anywhere downstairs - i'm just glad i'm in HK - and not in the States XDDDDDDD

P.S. Of course my cooking is A LOT BETTER than those 美女 in 美女廚房 la... BECAUSE I ain't as pretty as them ma