Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ah Ca 又一次的告別

It took me a while before i found ah ca's article @ Sun Daily (i didn't know it has been there for 7 yrs!) but ONCE AGAIN... time to 'say bye" personally don't really listen to radio at night, but at least i am following her fb page...

說再見容易,真的會再見的不多;在生命中能說完再見後再說再見的也買少見少,Ca, for sure will miss you until we meet again, may life be good to you (and your family!) :)


 一言為定:世上再無失散之事 http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/lifestyle/20130430/00497_001.html



* 要找我,電郵、facebook和晚上10時至12時聽香港電台第2台都可以,假如有一天我們在街上碰到,我們會點吓頭、問候一下…… 李敏一言再見,多謝,掛念你。

* Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again!

Monday, April 01, 2013


唔經唔覺, Leslie 已走咗十年。

對於我嚟講,與哥哥最近嘅接觸應該係去佢係1988年喺紅館開嘅演唱會 (還記得係同大姑媽一齊去!)當年得過十多歲人,當然係超興奮!frankly speaking i really don't remember much about the concert that night, although, it was my first pop concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum in my life...

after a few years he "retired".. then i went to the States.  It has been a long time since he caught my eyes again - from my all time favorite 《金枝玉葉》 (i just realize it's dated back in 1994 - when i was in the states!?  but then likely it's a few year delay as back then not as much / as fast DVD haha)

then a few years ago picked up his songs again as it was someone's all time favorite - in fact, make me even fall more in love w/ his songs ever since.  Interestingly, it's also Leslie's song when someone hold my hands singing; and also make me fall for someone who can literally sing like him and the song we sang ! hahaha

“十年生死兩茫茫,不思量,自難忘。逝水如斯,而不捨晝夜,人生無常。唯獨愛有永恒,讓我們繼續寵愛張國榮。” 唐鶴德(唐唐)

your loved one use 蘇軾悼亡妻的詞 for the memorial notebook, really "讓人唏噓不已"



Monday, February 04, 2013


Turn on TVB air the movie version 任俠耆兵再現江湖 this wk - er... can never "go to bed early" on sunday nite... how to stay awake tmr?! @_@'''

to me the most "attractive" part is for sure between 翼彥一 &羽鳥晶 - so SUPER SAD that she died before he propose to her V_V'' (i mean, why, at least let him get the ring on her ah ma!!!!) aiii.. cry die! 羽鳥晶臨死前說她覺得很幸福 - but 她真的很幸福嗎?

"當然不是," one of the 院友 told彥一, "她年青,但離了婚,又患了老退化症,淨返涼太一個),但她覺得自己幸福,是因為她選擇只記得彥一對她的好,而她亦忘記自己的不幸。That's why她覺得自己幸福 。。。

 Indeed! 幸福是掌握在自己的手裡!!

 and the scene toward the end when he depart w/ the kid, really so sad ah...涼太 has been very tough (trained by 彥一 / no choice), and said to 彥一 if he ever feel bored pls come back to visit... and even though he will be living by himself he will live a good life"...

and that's the end.. geez...

 i hope my eyes won't be too swallen tmr V_V'''' yet glad, i did manage to watch the end... i think i need to find out where to buy the DVDs...

Monday, January 28, 2013


任侠ヘルパー Ninkyo Helper

i don't want to forget this Japanese TV Drama - love it the first time when they air on tvb (actually a rerun that time but first time for me) every Sunday 11:00 -12:00 - "fell in love" at first sight and download and watch the whole thing in 1 shot (reminds me those good old days of "boiling" jap. drama @ B10)...

and now, tvb rerun again (again!) every sunday after midnite (i.e. Monday early morning) 00:30 - 03:00.   can't stop re-watching it again!  It talks about aging problem in a developed country like Japan, through the eyes of gangster (outdated trend?) yet w/ some "old" wisdom.  The main character is SMAP's 草彅剛 - never really pay too much attention (other than 木村that is haha) but in this drama i just fell in love w/ his character (even though he's suppose to be a bad guy (gangster).  He's just so "cute" and just "love" his 鐵漢柔情 - and final choice to live w/ 夏川結衣(飾羽鳥晶)and his leng 加藤清史郎涼太, instead of being the head of the gangster...



he always do that to the kid hahaha

enclosed is the chinese translated from jap's wiki... just in case they may erased it some time later... really like this jap. drama.  i heard there's a movie version (アンダルシア 女神の報復).... wish we could have a chance to watch in HK....

2009年7月9日富士電視台在每週日(星期四) 22:00 - 10:54 PM 週四劇場播出的框架SMAP系列9月17日彅剛草主演的電視劇最初和最後的播出時間- 22:00,11:09 PM擴大15分鐘。

摘要 編輯 ]

“彅剛草愛上了秘密的成功,我的〜 “是第一次在四年(2005年起)在週四的框架劇院主演的角色,”戲劇富士路走我 “(2006年)這是一個工作三年以來第一次在出現。還播出了醜聞注意到前草彅造成回國後的第一部電視劇。
但是,設定不切實際的黑幫,作為輔助的保健設施的培訓工作,內容是欺負虐待長者問題包括,如家庭關係的社會問題教育問題,嚴重的將問題護理我已經看到了部署。此外,一個部署,確實不流動的理想選擇,如在英雄誰並沒有讓出的衝突在那裡的護理和厭惡癟三癟三的懷抱情緒,愛是特點“的基本Gokudo今天賺的一側被騙的老人賺照顧老人,老俠義精神恢復的道路,被稱為“ 諷刺某些元素。
的口號 “ 大佬掌握的護理方式。也。“
2011年1月9日,特別孤獨- 21:00至23:19(JST)播放。


簡介 編輯 ]

第1集2009年7月 09轉身暴徒老人護理的輝煌!宏西谷17.5%
第9集2009年9月 3天團隊的愛!英雄主義和出發樹葉山15.7%