Saturday, May 26, 2007

Last Day in SARA...

so after 3.5 yrs (a wk short) here i'm - last day in my current job

Actually as some of you might have been reading my blog the decision has been made a while back - so isn't really "panic" or anything - rather it's more like "yeah, finally it's here"

it wasn't really THAT BAD - i mean, actually i'm more in a "happy mood" - sending out my final farewell emails to some of the closer suppliers i've known through the last few years - it's kinda sad to say good bye - and w/ my next job ahead i don't really see much chance for us to "meet" again - all i can say is that i'm indeed verygrateful to come across so many different individuals in my SARA's career. Getting some of their returned emails, although short, really make me feel warm - from the bottom of my heart...

after all i probably not the WORST person in world :)

And for sure the toughest email sent was to my chemical team - the division itself is like my baby, and grown up w/ these ~10 ppl - world wide. We may not even see each other more than twice a yr - but i'm quite sure i talked to some of them EVEN MORE THAN I talk to my mom! :PPPPPP I know i'll just be so "not used to" NOT talking to them on a day-to-day basis!

only thing is anand wasn't in the picture.

I still don't know how well i'll do to "move on" to my new job.... well, at least i got the wkend such that i can prepare a bit....

Great exposure, great ppl (ha, except wrong boss). I'm glad i joined SARA back then, and i hope it's the right decision to take off as well...

Friday, May 25, 2007


i can't find my HK driving license ANYWHERE!!! dkfj;asdkjfsdjfkjdsa;fjsdkfj;dsfj

*alright, i've slept too much during the day time so kinda stay up very late tonite... but then i wanna apply for my international driving license (such that i can learn driving in US!) but now seems it's not possible @_@''

P.S. I'm SO SURE i'll find it once i return from my trip loh.. V_V'''

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the other reason of # of post going south...

is b/c my dear friend writes her blog so much faster than i'm - she already blogged what we've done - so what's the point of me blogging?!

wakakkakakaka :P

P.S. it shall be 3.5 hrs, not 3 hrs - and i'm for sure I will sick leave tmr loh..... sorry that some times i just put my burden on your shoulder and not helping you to take away your "negative" energy - but if you want someone to just hang out w/ i'm always there - as much as i can la :P Although we won't be able to take off from work and go home together as often - okay la, we now both don't have to work on Sat ma :P

Monday, May 21, 2007

Movie Reviews: 28 days later; Yesterday Once More and Pirates of the Caribbean

so i've watched whole bunch of movies during the wkend (yesterday and today), a brief review:

  1. 28 days later - i'm not sure if it ever make it to HK theatre? anyway, i know it's a "scary" movie and about this virus / zombie thingy - well, as the 2nd one - 28 wks later will be in theater soon so wonder if i should chk it out. Well, this one, i mean, the beginning is great, i mean, it really captures the audiences' attention - and the contrast of the empty London really has a "big impact" and show the "severity" of the incident...

    however as the story goes the story line gets weaker and weaker and eventually lose the audience's attention (er.. that is me)... hahahaa... my conclusion is that "people just do stupid things in scary movies" (i actually have to "fast forward" some parts)...

    I don't think i'll go to the theater for 28 wks later - i'm really not into these type of zombie thingy - maybe b/c this biohazard / virus thing really scary me? anyway, i figure it's just not my cup of tea XD one thing i would like to bring up though - the main character in 28 days later is Cillian Murphy - i kept thinking his face is familiar - no wonder - he's the same guy from Sunshine (my previous review here) - unbelievable - one GOOD thing i've to say about sunshine's director is the right choice of main character - let me tell u, this cillian guy is just a FREAK weirdo - i'm not sure if he's just a GREAT actor or he's just acting himself - he's just SCARY (and like to expose himself - either half naked OR completely loh!!!!!!just a weirdo i guess
  2. Yesterday Once More 龍鳳鬥 - one of my favorite HK movies, rerun on TVB - i know i know, it's an old movie, and many of you may not think it's anything special, but i still like the movie a lot - the way they put Andy Lau and Sammi together is just - girls "must buy" formula.. hahahahahaha
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean - the curse of the Black Pearl. It turns out the movie is GREAT - i can't believe i haven't watch it in the theater (yekini did?!) Even the movie is 2+ hrs i don't feel a single part is "boring" - not at all!! and of course NOT TO MENTION Orlando Bloom is sooooooooooo cute la XDDDDD Frankly speaking i don't really like his style in LOTR... but have been a fans of him for a while :P and how can i forget to watch his Elizabethtown in Bucharest with "Keanu Reeves" (wakakkakakakaka)?!
    Too bad won't have a chance to see him anymore, oh well... just too bad
Enough movies for the wkend :P


Well i haven't really jot down anything for a long while - i mean, just not in the blogging mood that much anymore....

so, here's a recap:

not doing much at work anymore - i feel kinda bad being there and not really contributing.... OH WELL, this wk will be my last wk so guess it's alright - and last wk had lunch w/ breeze, and the other day w/ vincent; i think Priscilla is saying will have dinner monday/tuesday w/ Amy, company "farewell party" on Tuesday, and "drink tea" lunch w/ whole company on Friday, and cake on me in the afternoon (tradition in HK). Oh, of course, not to mention k Friday nite boh. For better or worse - i mean, i guess it's "good' as deep down i'm glad "ppl do care about me leaving" - but on the other hand just a bit too "tired" of all these "entertainment" - feeling just a bit too much XDDDD

part of me is feeling sad as leaving gae..... but oh well... gotta move on, i know i've to.

Being a bad tour guide:
well, i went to the big buddha (yeah, AGAIN) with alison and chelsey yesterday - it was a BAD BAD decision as the weather was extremely BAD (amber raining warning) and it's just NOT THE RIGTH TIME TO GO - NOT AT ALL!! i was SOAKING SOAKING SOAKING WET and i just hope the girls won't get a cold or sth as they've finals to work on. Different than the last 2 visits, this time i can see NOTHING inside the cable car on the way up (too foggy / rainy) - frankly speaking really kind scary (like some horror film) - and as i was climbing the stairs up to the big buddha - gosh, practically the stairs becomes a little water fall @_@'' (i need to ask alison to give me some of those picts)

it rained so bad that my pants and clothes won't dry out off even after an hr MTR ride from Tung Chung -> Sai Wan Ho V_V'''

Well, learn by mistake - one more thing to learn of being a tour guide - ALWAYS weight the impact of WEATHER!!!!!

after that soaking trip i didn't really do much throughout the wkend (oh, yeah, i filed my tax!) hahaha..., well, watched a whole bunch of movies - will have a movies review next entry la....

not to mention - 26 days before my US trip :P (yeah, started the countdown for a wk ALREADY) kekekekekekeke

Monday, May 14, 2007

True Love?


know about this "fact" for a long time, but another good question that has bring up is that - "when the "click" is there"?! for THE Mr. Right?!

An article from one of my long time friends, enjoy:

力高仔 2007-05-08 18:26:00






Friday, May 11, 2007


偷曲奇食唔緊要,最緊要係"山"番好個蓋, 同埋唔好食到/留低周圍都係餅碎先得㗎...

無辦法, 我天生係一隻多疑嘅蠍子, 深信自己那些所為嘅第六感/gut feeling (我覺得自己有點神經質!!), 希望真的只是我想得太多, 以小人之心度君子之腹!! 無錯, 知道結果仍願一試, 實是「氣可嘉」, 不過身為朋友, 見到 "Dead End" 路牌點都要單聲... 因為我真係明白此時此刻真係可能好心甘情願咁「括出去」...

唉, 友人, 小心為上!!! 無論你的決定如何, 希望煩惱 can get as far away as possible from you!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

FW: Psy test: You've a Guy's or Gal's brain?

Got it from little black cat... I got 150 - so afterall i'm more like a guy (but at least NOT a total guy!) hahahahahaha

結果說明: 150 分
  • 多數男性的分數會分佈在 0 ~180 分之間
    多數女性的分數會分布在 150 ~ 300 分之間

  • 偏男性化的大腦,分數會低於 150 分
    分數越接近 0 分就越男性化,睪丸素的分泌也越多

Monday, May 07, 2007

mom's cooking :)

well someone suppose to come to my place for a dinner next time stopping by HK... and speaking of which, realize (not just gae, know for a long time ga la) how spoil i got by mom's cooking since i'm back - fact is, i don't really cook anymore (well, okay, maybe some INSTANT food during wkend now).... Anyway, here's the list of my favorite mom's dishes (排名不分先後!) kekeke
  • 糖醋骨/雞翼 <- 經典之作, 己經到了化境 XDDD
  • 黑椒牛仔骨<- 次次都食到 "suen" 手指, 好好味!!!!!!
  • 菜"甫"煎蛋 <- 媽味話好經濟, but more importantly is that 她加了 garlic, 煎得好香, 正!!
  • 上海小炒 <- 這個最正, 不過由於準備功夫太多 (只是切也差不多要切成粒鐘!!!), 所以好少有得食 (所以也物以罕為貴囉)
  • 皮蛋+豆腐 <- 飯前小吃冷盤, mom added a bit sesame oil.. very nice (好清, 尤其夏天吃時真的是透心凉!!!)
  • 干遍四季豆 - okay, I LOVE this when i was back in college time.. i just told mom about it and she'll just do it the way i love.. haahaa.. i know i know, i'm just a SPOIL KID
  • 金銀蛋莧菜 - Veggies is a MUST every meal at home, but this one is one of the best among all
  • 上海 style 菜肉飯 - 大姑媽教, 加幾滴美極就冇得頂!!
  • 麻婆豆腐 - also my personal favorite :D anything come w/ tofu is my favorite!
  • 曰式冷麫 - 都幾多功夫㗎 (好多嘢要切), but it's soooo nice to have it for lunch during summer, just PERFECTTO~~
  • 咁當然唔少得碟頭飯代表作: 豆腐豬肉飯 (don't have a proper name?! minced pork w/ tofu), 粟米肉粒飯, 窩蛋牛肉飯, 蕃茄煮蛋飯....... these are the "easy" one which i made when i was
Other than "main course", mom can also made some REAL GOOD 糕點! I love:
  • 蘿蔔糕 <- same as 年糕, usually only during Chinese New Year... love 蘿蔔; and mom's 年糕 is not very sweet so it's good~~~~~~
  • 糯米糍 <- haven't have one for a long time la :D something i won't have patient to do loh
  • 雞 pie <- haven't have one for a long time too... but the bad thing is that she can only make 6 in one time (b/c oven too small) :P
  • 芝麻湯丸 - okay this one isn't really she MADE it (其實只是利X湯丸).... but i just love to have it once in a while... it's difficult to cook it w/o breaking ga :D
  • 甘笋蛋糕 <- 姑媽們 favorite :D
實在太多太多美味住家菜, 未能盡錄, 有機會就補貼相 la~~ 不過言歸正傳, 我想你下次返嚟係會 end up 打邊爐! wakakkakakakakakakaka

Sunday, May 06, 2007

don't care?!

u said you don't care anymore.... but i guess u can't really put it down?

well, i mean, it's really not my business....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I wanna tell you loudly that...

from yoyi's MSN (not blog, sorry)... but i think it's a good idea too!



Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Movie Review: Spiderman 3

well bought the ticket WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back and finally went for Spiderman 3 today w/ yekini, big den, tracy and low dai.

to me the movie is a bit "too long" for some reason - kept asking yekini why spiderman hasn't become the black bad guy yet (after AN HR!?).... also, i think the evil "spiderman" w/ teeth is so "funny" looking *LOL*

i would say it's a B grade movie - it's not excellent excellent, but not bad either. One thing i've to complain is the sound system is very bad (okay that's theatre related, not the movie itself), it's not "loud" enough, and tracy and low dai said it "flat" a couple times?! weird.... i think the general comment among us is that they're trying to delivery too many details / story lines / characters within this 2.5 hrs?! Anyway, i still think it's an "okay" movie to go to theater for gae :)

Glad to hang out w/ the gangs though :) had so much fun ;)

also got my computer today - I KNOW i KNOW, it's NOT IBM / LENOVO; nor it's Samsung (thanks Dave for your input); it's a Compaq - i think it's a good balance between system and $$$ for HKD7k. (the "ideal one is HP Pavilion DV 2213, but i think it's a bit too much for me (and cost extra 5k!).... the computer itself is w/ me now but i'll wait for tmr to try out once the wireless router (free) is available...

OMG, i've spent so much within the last 7 days (or since i returned from Tianjin - i.e. 6 days!!!)... HOPEFULLY i can "recover" in the next 3 months - and ALL EVIL STAY AWAY FROM ME! NO MORE SHOPPING (in HK at least!) kekekekekekke

Group Rate?

Group rate for traveling? with your relatives? ng hai gwa?!


let's win next Mark 6! XD

*alright, enough day dreaming.... so much don't wanna go back to work tmr!! *Sigh*

Look forward to June end...

A Fulfill day :P

so took a day off - as part of the "tradition" every time SOMEONE's back *LOL*

actually didn't really do much... well, started out the day w/ breakfast together (2 breakfast in a day?!) *wakkakakakakaa* and then went to the Post office (yep wittybb & jc, ur stuffs are finally OUT!!! *LOL*)

And without any particular "targets" we went shopping all over - i already spent a whole lot yesterday for my Tiffany Ring, so can't spend much XD

Anyway i think we're a bit "distance" this time (for some reason?!), but still glad to spend some time together - even though we are doing nothing really special.

end the day by having hot pot at "little fat lamb" - so full (and so smelly!!) hahaha... (wait, why end up at home before that?! totally totally weird!) anyway, i'm glad i've asked another friend of mine to come along - i do indeed. :)

Anyway, CRAZY karaoke until like 1... MY GOSH.. don't think i can talk tmr *LOL*... too bad he couldn't make it to Spiderman tmr, but anyway, i'd a great time today... hope every one too... :)