Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pre-Birthday Dinner for my eating bud :D

So after delaying a couple of times FINALLY tonite had this "annual" dinner for my eating buddy - well, even though i'm coughing + cold/flu (geez, how nice i'm!) *LOL*... (AND not to mention someone was 1.5 hrs LATE! my gosh!!)


anyway, it doesn't really matter i spse. We went to Outback (haven't have steak for SO LONG!!!!) and - i mean, it's just a "safer" choice - i don't wanna end up ruinning the nite by some crappy food / service and things like that (you know i'm FAMOUS of complaining all these during a meal!!) hahahaha... we had steak - it's okay - juicy, yummy :D just the portion is a bit too much *LOL* and ended w/ a CHEESECAKE~~ YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *LOL* wanna have awesome blossome (those fried onion) but it's only 2 of us, come on XD

Well, i'll post picts later (don't know where the connection cord is... photos are in phone)... (and it's alreayd 01:39... have to get up at 05:30 for Canton Fair) @_@''' ANYWAY, just had a GREAT time w/ my eating buddy - as usual - and that i don't think the "eating environment" is that important anymore - as long as food is "average" (and NOT crappy) - it's good enough - and just have a great time together :D

*and now i shall start to think what to have for MY birthday* hohohoohoohohoho