Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Google myself - Again...

ha, tmr is Dragon Boat Fest... so much in the holiday mood (even though only ONE day off)! hohohohoho

and was so mou liu to google myself again tonite (ha, haven't done that for a while) - i'm so surprised that my Blogger site isn't even the FIRST one to come up - and instead another "Jasper222" sites comes up from Xanga (and the host's English name is SAME AS MY!) wow i think it's kinda wicked... Emily + Jasper222?!!! hey, i'm VERY SURE that i'm the first one to use as i'd this since MY high school time (that site master still in school).....


wakakakakakakkakakakakaka *my usual complains mode*

Anyway.... one other surprise is that i didn't even know i have "rent" another place since Feb! ha! was registered on that particular domain in order to leave msg in my buddy's XD Found that for security purpose (anti-spam) many blogs now only allow "members" to leave msg...

Frankly speaking blogging gets a lot more popular since 2 yrs ago when here first started - so ha, who knows, maybe i'll rent more cyberspaces from places like MSN, Xanga, Yahoo... etc etc.... just to leave msgs on my buddy's (wait, i shouldn't really use the word "rent" as i ain't paying any rents! hahahaha)

but i think Blogspot will still be my HOME :)

(even though honestly speaking I do have a few "complains" & there's a few I think they can improve) Nevertheless, i complain all the time anyway, so i'll still stick around for the time being XD

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Note from Pakistan....

one more countries other than China that i can't access to my own blog (but can access to to write blog). Well i think this time is the connection problem... not to mention the speed - just way too slow...

just a quick note - was too tired in the last few days when i finished off the day (each day 8 hrs on the road!!!) anyway, just a quick one - as i've to check out in 5 min :P

  • one will melt and the shirt will all soaked w/o you realize after standing under the sun 10 min
  • ppl stare at u like u're a Martian if you're a FEMALE w/o the SCARF around your head (they don't come and beat u up, but still they'll stare at u)
  • Friday is half day off
  • Local Tour Organization cancel the tour - simply b/c it's too hot out @_@''
  • curry curry curry!
  • spicy spicy spicy!!!!
  • Nice to enroll in hotel reward program (got "executive club" upgrade! hohohoho)
  • got dozenS of roses XD
  • you don't know when a person hate you as they always speaking nice - and have to admit, very good in the "talking art"
  • what's the difference between pakistan & indian?!!?!?!?!?

Alright alright, i've so much more to say.. but really have to chk out now - ha, add on more once i'm back :P


May 26, 2006, Lahore, Pakistan

Monday, May 22, 2006

Next Stop - Pakistan...

Hmm... probably not the BEST place I would like to go (and also already too late to cancel) - heading to Lahore, Pakistan tomorrow @_@'' was thinking i would take Cathay but OH WELL, only Thai airline can fit in my schedule (b/c Purdue's dinner tonite ma)... V_V; Anyway... frankly speaking after last Turkish trip I'm a bit "scare" to head to Muslims countries by myself (okay, leisure trip in Indo next month doesn't count as Clem will be there)...

For some reason i just think that it'll be TOUGH for me to come back in one piece or sth like that V_V'' NOT TO MENTION the NICE WEATHER THERE:

FORTY PLUS DEGREE!!! I REALLY DON'T REMEMBER I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCE SUCH A HOT WEATHER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (okay, maybe i did - when i went to visit wittyBB one July 4th summer in the captial) - BUT STILL!!!!!!!!!!!

geez, just wish me BEST OF LUCK and come back in ONE PIECE..... AM SOOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND!! (will come back on Sat. nite....)

i think i should better start packing now...

Mission Completed...

Well, probably not the best event one can held - but hey, at least it's OVER! GOOD GOOD GOOD!! :P

heehehehehe.. wanna say special thanks to low dai to come & spent his precious time when his darling is in town :)

Psy Test: What would you do before heading to a new job?

當 下 最 值 錢 的 是 甚 麼 ? 大 學 畢 業 生 ! 市 道 好 轉 , 應 屆 畢 業 生 平 均 都 有 兩 份 工 在 手 , 有 些 更 是 月 入 7 萬 ! 如 果 你 是 搵 工 的 幸 運 兒 , 在 上 班 前 會 作 怎 樣 的 預 備 ? 這 都 可 以 反 映 你 的 工 作 能 力 呢 !
距 離 上 任 還 有 一 個 多 月 的 空 檔 時 間 , 你 會 在 這 段 甜 蜜 的 時 光 做 甚 麼 ?

A. 做 運 動 , 以 Keep Fit 自 己 或 收 身 升 Cup 。
B. 學 一 種 語 言 。
C. 學 一 種 運 動 , 如 打 高 爾 夫 球 , 以 便 打 入 高 層 。
D. 改 變 形 象 , 如 買 新 衫 、 新 鞋 。
E. 學 習 電 腦 程 式 , 以 便 上 班 時 大 派 用 場 。
F. 學 一 門 知 識 , 如 了 解 紅 酒 。
G. 收 拾 家 居 , 令 它 煥 然 一 新 。
H. 去 一 個 長 程 旅 行 , 回 來 第 二 天 便 上 班 。

My answer is H - you? :P

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Psy Test: 夾 公 仔 遊 戲 機

假 期 天 , 你 到 處 閒 逛 、 到 處 玩 , 忽 然 遇 上 一 個 夾 公 仔 遊 戲 機 。 遊 戲 機 內 放 很 多 很 多 玩 具 , 只 要 輕 輕 按 掣 , 玩 具 便 屬 於 你 了 。 你 毫 不 猶 豫 就 投 入 輔 幣 , 並 開 始 移 動 操 縱 桿 … …

Q : 時 間 只 剩 下 15 秒 , 你 想 夾 哪 一 件 玩 具 給 自 己 ?
A . 玩 具 熊
B . 巴 士
C . 足 球 或 波 仔
D . 智 力 邏 輯 遊 戲
E . 樂 器

Answer - TBA :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

FORTUNE Quiz: Can you survive office politics?

Just realized there's a whole bunch of GOOD career quizzes @ Fortune online. Well, probably not the best tailor made - but at least can guide one back/stay on the right track?

Can you survive office politics?

Your final score:70 out of 100 ANALYSIS:You handle some political situations well, but bungle others. At times, you may be too focused on your own needs, afraid to discuss difficult issues, or unable to accurately predict people's reactions. Consider reading appropriate books, attending workshops, or finding a mentor to help you with situations that you find the most challenging.

Hmm... still have room to improve.. but i think i'm on the right track gae... time for more reading... but enough 'serious' quiz for the night (esp. no typhoon # 8 tmr) @.@

You don't have to be well liked to succeed...

Thanks for WittyBB fwding the article from CNN, quite cool~~

(Business 2.0 Magazine) - A lot of my Stanford MBA students seem to want, above all, to be liked by their peers. They avoid arguing too vigorously with one another in class and tell me their goal is to build a network of supportive friends. They seem convinced that they'll have great careers if only they can develop reputations for getting along. In a class called "The Paths to Power," I try to disabuse them of that simplistic notion. And one way I do it is by introducing them to Keith Ferrazzi.

Currently running his own consulting firm, Ferrazzi earned his MBA at Harvard in 1992 and quickly became a star at Deloitte Consulting. Starwood Hotels (Research) hired him as its chief marketing officer at age 32, reportedly making him the youngest CMO in the Fortune 500. In 2000 he became CEO of YaYa, a marketing and entertainment company, where he more than doubled revenue each year--even during the dotcom implosion. He sold the company to American Vantage in 2003.

Ferrazzi makes no attempt to hide his ambitions, and advises others to be equally forthright. When I invited him to speak to my class, he audaciously asked that I make his new book required reading. (He now denies doing this.) Then, in a talk sprinkled with expletives, he encouraged students to sort the people they knew into A, B, and C lists based on relevance to their career goals--and to spend more time with the A's.

With regard to their future jobs, Ferrazzi advised them to focus on activities they do well and stop worrying about being so well-rounded. Although he had promised to stay for two classes, he left halfway through the second to have lunch with a client.

My students are usually put off by Ferrazzi at first, but they eventually see how an overwhelming drive not to offend can hamper a career. Take what Ferrazzi did when he graduated from Harvard. With offers from both Deloitte and McKinsey, he accepted the Deloitte job on one condition: that he could dine with the firm's CEO, Pat Loconto, three times a year. Deloitte agreed, and Loconto became a valuable mentor.

By the time he left for Starwood, Ferrazzi sat on Deloitte's executive committee and had been nominated for partner. When asked how he dared to make a request that might threaten peers and shock his future boss, Ferrazzi says, "It gave me visibility and a leg up on my competitors." With all the talk about teamwork so in vogue in business education, he reminds us that colleagues aren't always on our side.

Those early days in Ferrazzi's career--before he had the power that comes with fancy titles--illustrate the advantages of being willing to make waves. Though he joined Deloitte as an entry-level consultant, Ferrazzi behaved like a senior partner from the get-go. Rather than spending all his time on detailed analysis--the bane of most junior consultants--he drummed up new business. He founded the Lincoln Award for Business Excellence (modeled on the Baldrige Award) in Illinois, making himself president and persuading top Chicago CEOs to serve as judges and board members.

Few people can summon that kind of courage so early in their careers, but actions like those put Ferrazzi in a position to be appointed partner, even though, by his own admission, he was not the world's best nuts-and-bolts consultant.

Of course, some people might say that if you anger enough people on the way up, they'll eventually take you down. Maybe, but it's also true that people like to associate with winners. When Ferrazzi first joined Deloitte, he would make a big deal at cocktail parties about what he had done and what he wanted to do. Fellow new hires were put off, but most of them eventually came to like him--or at least to understand that it was in their best interests to be on his A-list.
Many of us achieve modest success by being a standout in, but remaining one of, the crowd. Going beyond that means dealing with the inevitable consequence that some people will dislike you. Perhaps Steve Spurrier, the former Florida football coach who compiled a 122-27-1 record and won a national championship, puts it best. "
If people like you too much," he says, "it's probably because they're beating you."

Jeffrey Pfeffer, Business 2.0 Magazine contributor
May 16, 2006: 9:40 AM EDT

Business 2.0 columnist Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

so what / where / how r we?

I know when u'll do ur grocery shopping; you "warn" me if it's still okay to go to Indo as the volcano is going to explode; i kept telling you your "today's horoscope" but then u never believe in it; you told me how MI3 does not "make sense", while I told you how impossible it is for me to escape from my Pakistan's trip...

But afterall, what are we? where are we? How are we going forward?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

"Healthy" Sat - & Movie Review: MI3

Started out very healthy today - went to play badminton in the afternoon in one of my friend's place's club house... I mean, it was okay la, at least get my body "moved" a bit?! hahahahaa....

On the other hand, noticed that the club house is very nice, but then the apartment itself isn't "the best"- sometimes just wonder - r u looking for the best apartment or value the facilities come w/ it more?

anyway, i think i value the apartment more - yet it won't be any time soon before i go and look for my OWN apartment, so no worries :P

Afterward went to watch MI3 (Mission Impossible 3) w/ my friend (well, was meant to watch it w/ Mr. Busy - but you never know when he ACTUALLY SLOW down and has time to SIT AND watch movie w/ me so i just went w/o him!) hahahahaa.. ANYWAY, back to the movie's review:
Well, I mean, as my friend said "the action is great, but don't expect too much from the story plot".

Well, "technically" speaking i will give the movie a 80 pts out of a 100 - i mean, the movie itself is about 2 hrs, yet the story plot is okay - never really lose the momentum (so never really feel "bored" during the movie). Also, has to admit the action scenes are quite nicely done - i don't think it's too overdone or anything.

Story line on the other hand is in fact a bit weaker than i expected - the story is a bit too simple and one can "guess" the plot quite easily. I think they should work more on the script itself and make it away from the "old cake" setting like their original. (there're so many arguable points!) Anyhow, i think the actions setting an the actors acts can cover up this relatively weaker story plot shortcoming gae.

There're quite some good movies coming up - ha, can make up all my "quota" for the last 2 quarters! next on the agenda - Da Vinci Code & XMen3:

Da Vinci Code - good story line (I read the book ma) & GREAT actor - one of my favorite - Tom Hanks. Hopefully they won't ruin it when it comes to the big screen

X-Men 3: was just talking to Pisces - this is one of 2 the American cartoons that i watched ALL THE TIME - the other one was Simpsons. Anyway, expect it'll be good too....

Ha, let's see if Mr. Busy can make it to one of them :P

Friday, May 05, 2006

48 horoscopes & personalities...

Got this from a fwd email, quite interesting in terms of the way they separate the whole yr w/ 48 types - and frankly speaking i think it's quite accurate woh!


優點: 合群、迷人 (wakakakkaka)聰明機智 (WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH)
缺點: 防衛心重、自滿、喜歡控制人 (SO TRUE AH!)


Always fansinated by the "art" of horoscope :D

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

"Booking Ref.: JCZK9" - and Misc...

So I've booked my ticket to Bali just like 20 min ago - ha, maybe a bit "too rush" - for some reason i kept having a feeling that the trip is going to get cancel or sth.. @_@''

so i just booked it to "prevent" myself changing my mind in the last min! wakakkakaka

getting a bit "excited" - oh i've to start doing this and doing that for the trip.. wakakakakkakakakakakakakakaka *alright, i'll put it aside for the time being* :P

raining VERY HARD tonite - they've the red cloud warning signal - my gosh, the only nite i was thinking to go out for fun it rains like hexx?!?!?!? No Fair V_V...

actually went to dinner w/ jer & jon tonite. See these boys more frequently after Gerry's left (hahaha, gerry, you've to "review" why!) wakakaka.. just kidding. Now none of us stay in the place where we first met - for better or worse. Yet still glad to get together w/ the boys.... just feel it'd be better if Gerry is here too...

oh well..anyway...

oh, also had lunch w/ Natasha today - one of those last min thing - she's sooo "up there" - or maybe i just never really really know when we were in Purdue?! don't know... (and in some sense don't care)... ha... well, at least a contact pt i spse.

Looking fwd for movie - MI3, Da Vinci Code, X-Men 3.... hmmm.. maybe we'll watch it together in the theatre @ the same time?! (i kept thinking it's kinda "cool" (i mean, durable) but then when i think AGAIN i feel kinda... ha, as ah ca said "再肉麻的我這年齡不愛說了"
