Wednesday, August 30, 2006

WorldLingo - Online Translator

so... worldlingo has been one of the major FREE online multi-language translators i've been using for the last few yrs - i mean, it's quite reasonable - from changing language (mostly english for me) to spanish/italian/russian/whatever whatever, i mean, it works ALRIGHT and helped out quite a bit... especially for someone who doesn't know how to type Chinese like me - sometimes just too lazy to use that SLOW hand writing board this online translator is quite a viable option for a quick "typing"...

so today i tried this one out - to translate English to Chinese

> Missing someone can really make you stay awake
> 想念某人可能真正地使您逗留醒

hmm... alright, i wouldn't say it really flow - but hey, at least the meaning is there... can't complain much - it's a computer translation AND afterall, it's FREE...


so in case you need to translate from English to Chinese, or to some exotic language... it's not a bad idea to start w/ World Lingo - person on the other side will definitely "guess" what you wanted to say *LOL*

sleepless (AGAIN) in HK 03:12