Monday, January 31, 2005

Fortune Telling...

ha, 2nd time in my life for fortune telling...

hmmm... what should I say?! well, pretty much I would say 30% of the stuffs I've heard already (from last time's reading - which is about 2 yrs ago), this 30% of the stuffs are those like basic info... which I wanna skip right at the very beginning! haha..

for the rest of the 70%... pretty INTERESTING XD well, first part is "denying" what I wanted to become the truth, which, is kinda "disappointing"... and 2nd part is predicting something that I will not even think I'll dare to become, which, I don't know... still don't think so. I myself wouldn't accept up front.

Well, anyway, it's always fun to go and "8"... Nevertheless, sooner or later we'll see whether this guy can REALLY predict the RIGHT thing XD Let's wait for another 8-10 months (ha, hopefully I still keep this blog up-to-date such that I can verify later :P

I also spent a few hrs in UST library before this crazy thing. Feel so weird - yet felt the sudden "enthusiasm" in the vein and to be in the library digging up books & journal (okay, just books, not yet journal)... Felt so weird to be in the library again... recall all those moment when I was spending a significant time in the library DAILY when I was back in Purdue (well, not to mention there are SOOO MANY libraries in Purdue)... thoughts of going back to school *but of course couldn't afford to go full time anymore* *sigh*... anyway, it's nice to be a "student" for a couple of hrs every once in a while I guess......

Oh, also got elvin to the beauty shop for a hair cut and getting ready for the Chinese New Year :) hehehehe.. he's all handsome now :))))

crazy wkend :P

Thursday, January 27, 2005

CD Review - Jay Chou2004 Incomparable

My gosh, this is TERRIBLE!!! I mean the quality of the recording is Absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

This is one of the worst Live Concert CD I've ever got! EVER!! >.<

i think Jay should REALLY work on his sound quality... even at the show i think the sound quality can be better - for those who haven't got this CD, i think it's not worth to get loh - unless you don't mind listening to Radio quality V_V''' well, maybe some would prefer his "live" feel... but i think there's plenty of room which can be improve... don't waste such wonderful songs & preformance from Jay ma.....



翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜

看著你哭泣的臉 對著我說再見
來不及聽見 你已走得很遠

也許你已經放棄我 也許已經很難回頭
我知道是自己錯過 請再給我一個理由說你不愛我

就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
請你回頭 我會陪你一直走到最後

就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
我知道你的痛 是我給的承諾
你說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
如果要走 請你記得我 如果難過 請你忘了我
詞/曲: 周杰倫

今期 Favorite! :)

Don't Leave if you love me~


我不敢想的太多 因為我一個人
我沒有你的消息 因為我在想你

愛我別走 如果你說 你不愛我


雖然原唱並唔係阿 Jay, 不過佢唱起上黎比張震嶽還要霖 XDDD

Monday, January 24, 2005



"荒唐" 完兩整天,it's time to get back to REALITY

how much i don't wanna go back to work tmr XDDD

Sunday, January 23, 2005

CD Review - HoCC Glam

今日一口氣買了兩隻 CD (正版呀)... 一隻是周杰倫開完無與倫比 2004 (我都有去嘛), 兩隻 CD only $80+, worth ah.... 另一隻是何韻詩的 Glam
Hocc 一向給我的印象都是阿梅梅艷芳的徒弟,經常係阿梅的表演出現,唱腔也有幾份相似,不過就無愛屋及鳥,無話特別嗜/聽 Hocc。。。這還是我第一次買佢碟!主要原因是因為好鍾意佢果兩首主打歌《艷光四射》&《如無意外》。
越聽越好聽,most of the songs 都好平均! 而家 D 碟真係好難得! 最欣賞的還是字裏行間 (or i should say in between her songs) 我係被佢令我感到佢真係好用心去「做」佢音樂!
佢係鳴謝那 part 也有提及阿梅,不經不覺她也離開了一年多。。。好似真係識佢咁! i guess b/c afterall most of us (my era) grown up w/ her songs... 也許這就是集體回憶吧!
希望 Hocc 係音樂上繼續努力,as she said, to "continue" anita's beliefs... definitely will support for singer like her who works hard!
*and it's also time for me to get a better stereo in my bedroom such that i can play CD and not by my computer* >.<



今天的感覺,已經沒有了當初的雀躍,也沒有了當年的 "事 weed 事 weed" ,相反,有點平淡(更什感到有點無聊)。。。其實都不是無聊吧!我想應是說感到很平靜吧。

也許我明白到這只是我倆在漫漫長路的一個交點上相遇,當大家 pass through 這個短短的交點,我們便會繼續獨自地上路,我們會為自己的家人、生活、前途、物質。。。等等一切一切的拼搏,連頭也不(敢)回地向前衝。

And eventually get to a point that you forget how to relax yourself for a day without doing anything, while still enjoying it, especially with someone whom you (used to) treasure so much...

阿 Q 地想,能找一個跟你一整天,平平淡淡地,好 relax 地過一天的人才不是那麼容易呢!Especially after all these years.... 雖然這個交點很快便會過去,也不知還有多少個交點 (or the question shall be - is there STILL any AHEAD?!)... 想想,鼻子酸酸的,想大家 diverse  future, 不其然深深感到被那唏噓的感覺重重包圍。



Friday, January 21, 2005

Expectation vs. Reality

so, today is Friday... and I have NO MOOD to stay here at work (and yes, shhh... i'm writing this while at work)


Probably it's b/c it had be TOO LONG since the last time which have some holiday in between - well, 3 wks of work... i wonder if I should really take a day off next Monday but when I think again I don't think I should - b/c I don't want to give myself some stupid excuse and just take off from work for OTHER reason.

Expectation is one thing, while reality is another. That's life. some "lines" i've known since the first time I felt but keep going back to the loops. When in the world i can start to realize i am the one WHO control and that I need to pull myself together and not to getting back in the loop!?

I wish I know when.

This's terrible. VERT, indeed. No matter what I thought I should do/say/act before all these happen BUT eventually I will do/say/act the other way around - the way I know i shouldn't be!) Geez... it's getting VERY frustrating. I don't want myself to fall into that mood swing up & down cycle again and again...

Expectation vs. Reality. It all begins at the expectation I shouldn't have set that led to alllll these disappointment from reality.

and here i'm again, on the top of the mood loops and can forsee the downward ahead of me.....

How can I stop my own expectation?

Thursday, January 06, 2005

1st Post in 2005

Almost a week in 2005... only first post.... oh well... a lot had happened during the last 2 wks...

the tsunami caused by the Level 9 earthquake in Indonesia happend on Dec 26 was terrible.... when I first saw all those news I felt very sad and terrible... but then I feel fortunate and grateful that I can be the one who is able to"give" and to "help" the rest, and I feel even better to see the whole HK being some united and for this tsunami's relief...

some said HK ppl is very "cold" and "no heart" - but now I'm actually PROUD to be a Hong Kongese - most of us neglect what we usually don't agree on with each other (political stand point for example), and then we unite and give our helps to those who needs help... isn't that one of the best thing?

then christmas eve/christmas/new yr's eve were peaceful... I still remember last new yr's eve
(2002 ->2003) wish came true. :) Well, for this year? I don't know - b/c I didn't really count down and didn't really make a wish on the exact 1st min of 2005 XDDD it' just TOO COLD and didn't go - the coldest new yr's eve in 43 years!

my boss from London asked me what's my new yr's resolution, actually I didn't really think of much XD probably b/c getting used to for another "new yr"?! I don't know. but I do wish that I can be more constructive in terms of my own self, as well as my career... I hope I can insist and didn't get too frustrated...

anyway, a new year, a new start!