Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'll never sleep in the MTR again... >.<

On the way to work i ran into one of my classmates this morning - but man, it's sooo embrassed when he said, "oh i don't wanna disturb you earlier" and i was like "SXXX, how in the world i don't realize we're on the same train for the whole 20 min!?

it's because i WAS SLEEPING @#$%^ *&^$#@

I should have just read my book all along.... and show the "better" side of mine ma!!!!!!

*Alright i know it's kinda funny when i look back, but i am totally totally not expect to run into him on the way to work as he spse to WALK to work daily - taking MTR today just b/c he has to go to China for biz trip*

geez.. no luck XD

mood swing...

i really thought i've put you down - but NOPE, it's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the other way around!!!!

but then at least u don't know - if i were in your position i'll also feel terrible as i'll feel so squeezed and running out of space!!

Negative energy has been evaluated to a level that is reaching.. oh i don't know! decision at work has been made, and i don't think that's what bothers me all along, just a matter of a few more days... so what's it then? everything i "feel" can make my tears comes out.

what's it? maybe it's the marriage? but at one side i know that it's nothing much i can do... i'll just let it flow...

but then what's it????????????????????????????????????????

my friend always said i think too much... i also feel like lately i think WAY TOO MUCH - am i sick and start imagining things?? i even imagine how it would be if you're just right here this moment!

but of course, i know it's not going to happen...

was watching the Healing Hands III earlier, 1st episode of the 3rd season tonite. it's just sad to know that 唐永全 (Jackie's dad) has passed away due to SARS, and at the end of 1st episode also Tracy committed suicide. Why making everyone dies? i still think Paul goes the best with Jackie. (not even Tracy). maybe b/c of 1st impression? I feel sorry for Paul, and Henry too. maybe they just want to make the drama "dramatic".

but in reality life is bitter anyway

hmmm... i think i'll go crazy when i start sitting home and do nothing in the next few weeks.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

FW: horoscope vs. ur loved one.... (appledaily)

so i'm 疑心重又小器, don't mess with me! hahahahaha

(well, i think only 50/50 true je) hahahahaha just another reference loh.. jhohoh

星座露底 摸透情人

一個人的優點,同時是他的缺點,聽來矛盾,卻也有其道理。例如凡事有主見的人,他也容易流於固執;對別人不斤斤計較,就難免自己也隨便起來,做事得過且過。今日就看看各星座性格中隱藏了的缺點;讓你全面掌握愛人或工作上夥伴的優缺點 知己知彼,百戰百勝啊!

金牛座 - 固執死撐不認錯
金牛座以固執馳名,當他認為自己是對的,便絕不輕易改變,更自以為 IQ 及 EQ 高人一等。就算結果錯了,還是死撐,不肯認錯。


白羊座 - 自以為是太可笑


雙子座 - 虛有其表扮晒
雙子座只會做對自己有利的事,並且用盡方法掩飾其不足,又喜歡「借用」他人 idea ,跟他相處日久,自會發現他虛有其表;一切只因他缺乏安全感。


巨蟹座- 怕人中傷乜都記


獅子座 - 讚美至聽


處女座 - 最緊要家開心


天秤座 - 永遠失衡的秤子


天蠍座 - 疑心重又小器


人馬座 - 軟皮蛇沒骨氣


山羊座 - 墨守成規野心大

對付方法:享受他給你的生活情趣,但時不時要回報一下,這樣大家 Happy,又一日。

水瓶座 - 我行我素走精面


雙魚座 - 混淆現實與幻想


Saturday, October 27, 2007

it's here it's here!!!!!

it's here it's here :D

P.S. well, i KNOW it's not going to be the CORRECT version.... hahaha.. now should i just keep my "collection" with 2 WEIRD edition?

P.P.S.i didn't know US post office no longer offer vessel shipment - REALLY????

Updates updates...

okay, as complained by a "certified (dead)" blogger I will give a CPR to my blog :D

just want to jog down some random misc. stuffs...

Today: it's here it's here it's here!! just got the notice from the post office (okay, i THINK that's it, i don't know, let's see tmr! XD) well i didn't expect it arrive so quickly?? i thought it was shipped by VESSEL Hmm... maybe he didn't send it out by himself but only send through online arrangement?? nevertheless it's HERE! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

earlier tonite - went hh w/ some of the purdue folks - it's nice to get around with some YOUNGER folks :D too bad not many can make it but still good to go for hh - it's always nice to have a beer :) then went to "window" shopping w/ natalie, sometimes i think she's just soooo naive - i mean, in a 'good" way if u know what i mean. it's so comfortable to hang around w/ someone u don't have to worry about... very difficult these days to know new friends w/o the sense of "pushing away / keeping distance" if u know what i mean

this wk was a "okay-wk" at work - in the sense that ppl @ work do not give nonsense time consuming / energy wasting meeting - just ive up on me (Oh well)... i'm still struggling between the decision - i thought i had made the decision, but today i AGAIN have 2nd though. Still have NO CLUE what i will / wanna do?? best scenario is of course w/o choosing either decision..... i don't know... let's see.

haven't studied for the 2 wks as last wkend went to Kenting + Kaoshung with yekini... it was quite a rush trip (finished almost ALL tourist spots in the shortest time!!) hahaha... sure had fun though... next time we need to plan for a more relaxing one :D here's my "harvest" during taiwan trip:

(side note: probably spent too much on books!!! also got another book Completing in a Flat World by the Li & Fung's brother.. think will be quite interesting~~)

need to catch up some studies tomorrow... :P

Before the trip talked to cees for like 2 hrs for 1 bad news and 1 good news... oh well! she also wrote me a "pre-caution" email today and i replied with a 3 pages long email... didn't have a good chance to catch her up on the phone though.. hmm.. maybe during the wkend i spse....

alright i'll stop.. .it's 0338 and i better get some sleep - then get up and go to the post office before it closes at 1300 :D

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i think i realize what the problem is...

it's the difference between "us/we/ours..."vs "i/me/my"

while u're in my every single "phrase" of my "spring autumn big dream", i see your version is only "you"....

that's the reason why "it's not clicking" yet, neither's fault, just, "not matching...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Concert Review: Miriam's All About Love 2007

it has been a long time since i went to last concert (when was it?!) Anyway, so last nite went to Miriam's concert - it's the 1st nite :D hohoho

with the recent canton pop female singers i like miriam all along - as a person i think she's very "real" in many occasions, and also her songs are very k-able ma~ :P I didn't realize it has been THREE yrs since her last concert (i think i went to that one as well)... i'm surprised there's quite some songs i don't know (probably before my days in HK)... but in overall i think the concert has been well planned, many new ideas / figures / fresh feelings (Including half an hr game show in between - look under your chair to see if you've been "tagged" for free watches!) hahaha.

well although i didn't win any watches I did enjoy a lot :) i still have no clue what's the hair stylists are sponsoring for the dancers' hair designs - as practically the wear hat all the time!? hahahaha.. and oh, i think one of the best part is this:

koo is so cute hohohohohohohoho XD

One things after miriam changed her company is that - she didn't LAUGH THAT HARD as much anymore - oh, and not to mention, she talks like Leon (xxx - depends on "yuen"...)


did have fun... thanks for yekini always being there and go to show together :) next time i won't shout that loud!! hahahaa

Sunday, October 07, 2007

失 戀 症 候 群?

which one r u? XD


墮入愛河的男女,愛得癡纏,愛得轟烈。然而一旦失戀,就好像世界末日。如果當戀 情消逝,你仍抓緊不放手,整天沉醉於緬懷昔日的甜蜜,不停思想分手的原由,並拒絕發展新的戀情等這些徵兆,那麼你便有可能患上「非君不要」失戀症候群了。以下的測驗可讓你知道自己對失戀所持的態度是否健康。


1. 到現時為止,曾交往過的男友有三個以上 。
是 → 3    
否 → 2

2. 工作上(包括兼職)沒有試過持續一年或以上。
是 → 5    
否 → 6

3. 有參加影迷會或有支持偶像。
是 → 4    
否 → 7

4. 買衣服時總是猶豫不決。
是 → 10    
否 → 11

5. 能夠接受朋友的伴侶。
是 → 8    
否 → 9

6. 愛侶跟其他異性一起會妒忌。
是 → 9    
否 → 10

7. 分手多是無聲無息。
是 → 9    
否 → 11

8. 拍拖的時候你是經常主動約會對方的那個。
是 → 12    
否 → 13

9. 喜歡賺人熱淚的小說及電影。
是 → 12    
否 → 13

10. 很少異性朋友 。
是 → 13    
否 → 15

11. 目前,除了戀愛還有其他夢想。
是 → 15    
否 → 14

12. 相信命運安排。
是 → A    
否 → B

13. 開始新戀情之前,會跟前男/女友比較。
是 → B    
否 → C

14. 有時會想起舊男/女友。
是 → C    
否 → D

15. 戀愛多次也沒有問題。
是 → D    
否 → C


A. 認定一人

你對戀愛抱有非常「純 潔」的憧憬,認定這是命中注定、「非君不要」的戀情,所以不能接受失戀的事實,並認定對方是生命中最好並唯一的情人,常緬懷過去。


藥方:要放開胸懷,認識多些不同性格的異性朋友,由普通朋友開始,讓自己對其他異性發生興趣 。

B. 舊情難忘

當 戀愛結束後,雖然你會很理智地忘記戀情,重新開始,只是當新戀人出現後,你又會想起舊情人,甚至對新戀情抱有罪疚感,覺得對不起以前的男/女友。



C. 偶爾失神

對 於擁有豐富戀愛經驗的你,在處理失戀時能夠表現理性,馬上收拾情緒積極地發展新的戀情。但說到底都只是頭腦上明白,稍一不留神便想起舊情人的種種。



D. 重蹈覆轍

你 是完全不介意失戀的。你認為失戀後,便應該馬上四出找機會發展新的戀情。然而,由於缺乏反省及對愛情的激情不足,每次失戀都不斷重蹈覆轍。

病情嚴重程度: ★


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Another post for my dinner tonite....

So it's weekend and mom isn't home and so i decide to cook tonite... XD

well, i was out around lunch time as i've to stop by the post office to mail 3 parcels to HI, MI and IL (hahahaha..) anyway, so on the way back i was thinking about what to have for dinner (as i don't wanna climb 6 floors again!) hahaha...

so what to have?! well, i feel like trying another wine from the wine shop nearby, and considering i can cook 'italian based" only (wakakkaka), i decided to have some fettuccine with white sauce....

i got some canned soup (clam chowder), and the noodles - then go to the wine shop - and GEEZ, it won't open until 3 pm!??!? WHAT?! it was only 13:30! #$%^&*#$%^&*(

FINE, so i went to another park'n'shop to finish my shopping (the one near my place sucks - they don't even have the cream needed for the white sauce base!) I tried to pick up some wine too but all they have are either too dry or - just red wine @_@; i figure out anything i've at home is probably better than what they've there! XD

so ANYWAY, here's what i'd tonite:
  • Potatoes - just boiled, flavor with garlic salt, italian mixed herbs
  • Chicken filet - pan fried with olive oil, similar seasoning as potatoes, adding a bit more black pepper
  • Sweet peas - boiled
and added some cream sauce with white mushroom on top of it (not the "gold mushroom.. hm... i don't know what it call?!

oh, wait, that isn't quite yet done, this is the "done" version:

yep, turn out i didn't have any fettuccine - as i figure out the potato shall fill me up alright. (I was thinking to have mashed potatoes - but noah, too much work) wakakkaa...

turn out the taste is really okay ga ! hahahahaa.. just that it got a bit cold (i cooked too slowly gwa)... and it's a pity i didn't have any wine to go w/ the meal loh...

hahaha... time to sharpen my cookery skill again :D

Thursday, October 04, 2007

become dumper...

while yekini is talking about 強迫症, I think i'm totally addicted to the internet (facebook / email) - and one more thing - NDS...


i used to "forbidden" myself to play NDS during wkday (it's so severe!!) but now i played daily - same game - i don't know what I'm doing, just "played" - not even watching TV completely... what's scarier, is that one of the program is "brain training"... repeating some "brain exercise" daily (used to be), u know... and seeing my "brain scorecard" i found that my brain Q has be on a downward trend!!!!! although the sloop is quite flat, but definitely i was "dumber" than i was a month ago!!!

OH NO!! what to do now?? i think it's b/c i keep playing a "relaxing" NDS game, and not doing enough brain training (er... not to mention the ppl working aroud w/ now)....

i really need to study more.... read more, and play nds.... V_V

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

weird dreams - test subj??

i always have weird dreams (more weird that i remember quite good amt of it...).. figure i shall start blogging my dreams XDDD

Dream of the day - Test Subj...

Last nite i dreamed that i was a "medical testing subj" - testing" a new medicine or sth...

so i was lying on the "surgery" bed (those stainless steel type)... and they injected something into me.... From my understanding that injection suppose to "decompose" me into particles and "reunite" me in the other place - u know, just like those "space travel" in sci-fri...

but after they injected the thing i realize (from the Drs around me) that the injection doesn't work what it suppose to - i saw their face are w/ weird expression - and the only thing i know is that my hair changed to yellowish grey (no mirror around but i had super long hair then)... my muscle became hard and I don't feel a thing...

My friend thinks it's FUNNY but i think it's scary loh @_@.... Maybe it's b/c i watched Doraemon the day before?!

wakakakkakakakaka, alright, it's indeed kinda funny XD