Friday, August 10, 2007

Typhoon # 8 - PABUK

SO PABUK (帕布) was weaken when it past through us yesterday morning - but then it regain strength AND BOUNCED BACK - so now everyone's home as we've typhoon #8 since today 14:30 (well, i didn't leave office until 15:30) though...

well, only 2 hrs off, still good though.... on the way home it was crazy - first of all, all mobile line were jammed since like 2 o'clock (reminds me of new yr's eve or sth).... then my MSN mobile was so not stable - MTR was crazy - i've never seen so many ppl jammed on Admiralty platform (during transit)... I stayed there for like 15 min before i got my ft on the train - and it was just sooooooooooooooo crowded!!!

anyway, glad i'm home now.. that's all matter i spse :D

and for your information - the last time HK has Typhoon #8 was dated back in July 2004 - wow, 3 whole yrs we haven't enjoy "the day off" due to typhoon (again, i know, it shouldn't be a nice reason to take a day off)....

anyway, glad to be home early :)

P.S. i think the Weather Channel & HK gov't do entitle to certain credits for ensuring our citizen's safety - u know? my friend just told me they still have to go to work (no warning from the gov't or system to follow) even though they've a THREE FEET FLOODING!! that sucks!


CW said...

typhoon # 8 ... now becomes only part of my memory ... and have not experienced one since when i was in high school. stay safe at home. elvin will be happy as you are home longer than usual.

CPMF14 said...

I was in Hong Kong and that year (I forgot, either 1998 or 1999) we had Typhoon #10. My flat was all wet because water was leaking from upstairs. Man, lots of clean up afterward!!!