Tuesday, March 06, 2007


just happened that a friend of my throw out this question when i was writing last blog,

"Do you think anyone is proud of you because of who you are or what you did?"

hmm... interesting question... frankly speaking i can't come up one on top of my mind right away... (er... pretty sad)... i mean, it's PROUD we're talking about, it's not like "oh, she's cool whatever whatever, it's PROUD we're talking about.... er.. i can think of a couple of my friends whom i think i'm PROUD to know them (as my friend)...

ANYWAY, it's not about me - what's ur answer?


CPMF14 said...

I guess somehow you need to earn their respects first (right?) in order to make them feel proud of you? So, the question is how do you earn their respect? Through work-related activities (teamwork)? Through friendship (caring and giving)? Through leadership? Or a combination of all three plus a little more?

Tough question indeed.

WittyBB said...

let's me say, i admire you, jasper, that you have the ability to organize yourself (knowing that you are not working in a corporate environment0 and made all the international travel trips ... that's pretty amazing! not to mention that you also arrange some sightseeing activities and made friends while you were traveling.
... i don't really think about this issue coz i don't think i have many incidents/personality that i can make others to feel proud of me. ... it's more like if you were born to be super smart/different ... like you know .. have distinctive talent on something. or if you become selfless and made a contribution to the society/country ... or you have experienced an incredible 'event' during your life time... as for me, i am just an average gal, and i think as long as i live each day without regret, i am proud of myself. i am proud to meet/know my friends who have good personality/quality (i.e. honest, sincere, caring). or you can be selfless, to an extreme, and ppl are really look at you differently. on the other hand, i am sure your mom is proud of you, that's for sure. as a daughter, i am proud of myself coz i grew up without much trouble (now thinking abt how difficult is for the parents to raise a kid healthy ... you will be amazed that you are a full-grown adult and live pretty much independently) and your parents don't need to worry about you ... cheers!

Jasper222 said...

william: good tips - yet aren't we all doing the mentioned on a "routine" (if not daily) basis?

wittybb: wow, thanks for the kind words! :) i sure love u too la :P well, frankly speaking i don't know if my mom really "proud of me" - u know, i'm not like the best daughter (she'll compare w/ her friends' etc etc) so i don't really know if she TRULY PROUD of me? (b/c i argue w/ her, don't give her enough "house use", don't support her for some issues etc etc)...

i know that there's "love" around - it's not that i don't feel "love".... but back to the question - can you really NAME one now who feel PROUD of you? u know when i look at the question i just feel that i really haven't achieve much to the extense that ppl will be PROUD of me loh...

hmmmm maybe i need to save up enough $$ and by the age of whatever i've my 1st 10 million, or that i've to buy my own house.. whatever, something that ppl MAYBE proud of me :PPPPPPPP