Thursday, March 01, 2007


well, hectic trip it was planned from the last trip - turn out ALL the preparation i've done is a WASTE - i miss the flight @_@;;;

so i was stuck in HK for the last few days - and life isn't really "easier" than that crazy trip - b/c have to do the "make up" for "no show" V_V';;

So, in about 4 hrs time, i'll be heading to Geneva instead (and then Budapest)

First time to Geneva... hope it'll be fun (i just know it will be COLD)...

better get going - can't miss flight twice in a wk!!!


CPMF14 said...

Whoa! you missed the flight?!?! We were all hoping to see those carnival and festival pictures from Brazil, hehe.

In Geneva, buy yourself a real Geneva watch if that makes you feel better ;-)

WittyBB said...

hope you got your Euro exchange done on time.