Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dr. Chiu - Thank you

so i had a biggggoooo infection on my face and half of my lips / face have been swollen for the LAST FEW DAYS... MY GOSH! it's terrible - i went to my regular Dr. and got a sick leave on Monday - and Tues (yesterday) was THE WORST!!

how bad it's - esp. when my sis & bro-in-law are in town and i spse to show them around (and i couldn't take a SINGLE pict w/ my sis!!)


Anyway, so yesterday ah goh referred me to a skin specialist - i reached the Dr's office at 10-ish this morning (b/c goh said he only work until 11)... 1st impression once i stepped in the office - wow, very big office (the patient area can fit in 20 ppl! easily!) and very "tsing" (simple).... there's no patient there when i walked in (and i was thinking - this is more like a clinic rather than a regular Dr's office)...

Dr. Chiu is about 60-70 yrs old i would say, all white hair, an old (but very sharp!) guy w/ a classy glasses. At first i didn't feel too easy as the nurse seems like kinda "bossy" and don't let me interact w/ the Dr. directly (i was thinking "alright alright, chill out")

Anyway, Dr. Chiu spent a good quality 20 min w/ me - from inspecting (and explaining) the medicine i'm taking (from my regular Dr), AND taking a good look at my wound, telling me what's going to happen next (and also let me know what's the WORST scenario....)

So his opinion is that my regular Dr. is giving me the right treatment and i should go back and con't the treatment (did i hear that wrong?! he's asking me to go back to my regular Dr?!) Dr. Chiu kept emphasizing even he give me new medication it'll be very similar to the one i'm taking (so there's no need to change in medication) (WHAT?!) he also stressed that i shouldn't worry as he'll keep an eye on me - i can call him up on the phone if there's any doubt or i can always drop by and let him have a look as he'll be in office every wkday starting 07:30....

OH WOW!!! i mean, i'm very very surprised the type of service he's giving - i mean, he's really SINCERE!!! more like a 'caring' from an old uncle rather than from my Dr! (alright, you might say a Dr. is supposed to be like that - but nope, not the majority Dr. in HK - they kept saying they're too "busy" and i think they're way too "business oriented")


while he's giving me this super great "Dr's experience" suddenly i remember "oh nuts, i forgot to take some $$ from the ATM machine! shit!! i only have like 100+ cash w/ me! what if they don't take visa (b/c usually Dr. don't take credit card).... " so all those weird thoughts came into me - do i have to put down my ID card and come back afterward? or do i have to call goh to "rescue" me.. oh my gosh, it'll be soooo embarrassing!

i feel esp. terrible as he's such a nice Dr. and i don't have $ to pay (well, at that moment)... when i'm still deep in my weird thoughts the nurse call me up (for paying)! i was like.. oh what should i do???

"VISA" the sign i found the counter - ha,all of a sudden i feel so much a relief! hahahahaha i know it should be expensive as ah goh has informed me - but as long as they take visa that's cool (i think).

While i'm just ready to get my credit card out, the nurse went, "The Dr. said he'll charge you next time"

i was shocked! i mean, totally!!! i mean, WHAT?! he's not even charging me?! i mean, okay, no medicine is given - but hey, he spent a good old 20 min time w/ me! i think he should at least charge me like 3-400+ for the consultancy fee (which i think is worth!) but free of charge? from a specialist?! WHAT?!

oh wow, this is really amazing!! i learnt it from ah goh later that his charges his patient w/ their background - he charged my goh's dad very cheaply - but charged my goh a lot! wow. (wait, do i look like a bump or sth so that's why he didn't charge me?!) wahahahahahahaha

ANYWAY, this's really the first time i feel if Dr. Chiu really retired it's a lost of the society (he kinda retired, only work a couple hrs per day), but still, u know what i mean?! it's not b/c i got cured (not from him exactly), of course i don't need to pay - but more importantly is the attitude he has!

i know this is a long entry - but i do wanna say thank you to Dr. Chiu Shin-Chak - even though i'm a new patient, even though he doesn't get any $ from me - i can still feel his enthusiasm to work and for his patient - and his attitude of giving back to the society!

P.S. i just realize from his biz card - he even put his home # on his card! wow!!!!! i just "google" him. (wahaha)... he grad. in HKU, class of 1958 - wow, so he must be born around 1930's - wow, so see? i'm right, he's in his 70's!!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

FW: Cathy: 傷疤









Don't 剝去 my 結疤的傷口好不好????

"hair" "veggie"

so from now on i can get some GOOD points standing on MY SIDE - i just don't like any food that's BLACK in general.. haha

研究指髮菜與老人痴呆有關 (11:32) 2007年1月29日




As a matter of fact i'm surprised when i yahoo 髮菜 they've done research long time back and advising ppl not to eat!

Sunday, January 28, 2007


man, i think i got food poisoning from the dinner i cooked last nite *Wahahahahaha* but no kidding, headache since the moment i got up (GEEZ)... slept the whole day... did nothing... *sigh*

hate being sick

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dinner at home....

so i don't remember how many wkend i'm home alone these days.. anyway, kinda sick of microwave food / dinning out - so decide tonite will good the FIRST REAL meal at home :P

well, since it's kinda a last minute thing, so ingredients are kinda limited - only shop at the Park'n'shop near home - and the nearby veggies stores. Well - decide to cook one of the easiest (and used to be one of my best dishes) - spaghetti:D

it took me like 1.5 hrs from i arrive home to the plate is ready - okay it probably take longer it should hahahaha but it's alright... *LOL* here's the finished plate:

and this is the wine i got from Jusco the other day - it's alright - GOOD is that it's not DRY at all - but i think the flavor is a bit too weak. But okay gae - i still think the 2 bottles i got from wine tasting is better - ha, too bad i forget to take a record of it (was probably too drunk) hahahahaha

Anyway, it's an alright dinner i guess - well, at least i'll have the same thing tmr @_@''' hahahahahahaa

iPod? NDS or Wii?? (and Game Boy) XD

so latley i'm getting too many BADDDD influence from my "friends" about getting a new TOY - esp. the 20+ hrs FLYING time Brazil trip in end Feb is getting kinda scary and don't know how i'm going to survive! so with a budget about HKD2-3k, i was thinking lately that

Should i get an iPod, a NDS or, the ultimate HOT item now - THE Wii???

Well, all very temping... but then i kinda rule out Wii for now (even though it's probably the coolest and so many EVIL friends of mine already got it!) hahaha... anyway it was ruled out first among 3 b/c - simply it can't be bring ON BOARD (flight!) i'm a "practical" person after all! hahahahaha.. j/k.... oh, another reason is that i think we need some TECHNICAL ppl to hook up that thing w/ the TV (is my TV compatable!?) hahahahahaha... too 'high-tech' for me i spse! :P at least for now..

so 1 down, 2 more to go - iPod or NDS?

well, iPod mainly for the "music part" (no, my sony ericsson k750i CANNOT play musice when it's switched off!) well actually i've an mp3 now - as a matter of fact not too old (~2 yrs?!) but that thing is getting ON MY NERVES as the program they use, Juke box, can't reconize 95% of the MP3 files i've - maybe it's b/c of copy right, or just simply the setting problem - but it gets to the point that i was sooo frustrated i think it should be called JUNK box instead of Juke box!!!


well i still haven't buy the iPod as a "replacement' b/c - well, it doesn't have the radio function!! oh, and also, i don't think i want nano - as i think i'll just crack it w/in a wk i've it! hahahahahaa..
so, come down to NDS - well, i played once as sooooooooooooooooo many of my evil friends have it so i can borrow it hahaha... turn out it was kinda fun (okay, i only played one game), but still it's kinda fun.. but then i'm not too sure if i'm really SUCH a big video game fans (really doubting).....

and guess what i found earlier tonite?? the old time GAME BOY i got... about like 5 yrs ago i guess? what? you don't know what a GAME BOY is?? come on!!!! hahahahaha well you'd probably ask why i've one of those (as i ain't a video-game addict!) - ha, it's a good question - but i don't know either - as today i still don't quite understand WHY in the world someone would give it to me as a x'mas gift - and it's BRIGHT LEON GREEN color - even brighter than your highlighter! wahahhaa... anyway, back to the point... so i found this oldies gameboy, right? right... i changed the battery, and spending quite some time to play different games - hahaha.. it was fun (but of course i aint good!)...

and well, i don't think i'm such a video game addict (and so probably not NDS) hahaha.. you know? there's many time i kept asking myself what in the world this is doing in my drawer, and why in the world i'm still keeping it - ha, i guess this GAME BOY is more of a sentimental thing rather than an entertaiment "toy" hahahahahahahahah

I guess after all i do have all the things i want (music player, video games) - so, i guess i shouldn't bother about Wii, iPod, nor NDS :P

P.S. Probably i should just use the "funds" to change my home PC - geez, just crashed earlier w/o have a draft saved!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Friday, January 26, 2007

FW: top 10 sexiest man...

100 位 最 性 感 男 士 頭 10 位
  1. Take That
  2. 丹 尼 爾 基 格 ( Daniel Craig )
  3. 尊 尼 狄 普 ( Johnny Depp )
  4. 奧 蘭 多 布 魯 ( Orlando Bloom )
  5. 積 嘉 倫 賀 ( Jake Gyllenhaal )
  6. 佐 治 古 尼 ( George Clooney )
  7. 畢 彼 特 ( Brad Pitt )
  8. Matt Willis
  9. Robbie Williams
  10. Justin Timberlake
Hmm.. personal favorite - Orlando Bloom & Brad Pitt (oh wait, they don't have Takeshi on it!) kekekeke


today i've "inherited" the wireless keyboard & mouse which my ex-boss was using.... it's totally weird i mean one shouldn't be even "bother to get excited" when using 2nd hand thing - but i guess i'm "happy" b/c finally i found my work station looks like a more proper set up working place...

P.S. they've asked me long time back to set up another set of monitor / keyboard / mouse but i had refused b/c i WAS more comfortable using my 14' Dell notebook - but lately my notebook's LCD mon is getting soooooooo dark (i think it's dying after a 3 yr almost 24-7 hrs!!!) so i just requested for this "remote center"

time sure flies - ex-boss had left Hong Kong for 3 whole months already.. wow... i told myself.. at least 3 more months, 3 more months to pf to myself that i'm "doing okay" NOT b/c my boss alone... *finger crossed*


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Difficult to understand...

So much going on w/ ppl around, some
  • dating like a honey bee
    (great to see them happier these days)
  • engaged, and busy preparing wedding for this / next year
    (so much work & stress man!!!)
  • just married, and thought of divorce

  • pregnant, and getting ready for the new born to come
  • separated, and getting a divorce soon
  • divorced, and after a couple years, getting back together again
hmm.. is it all the potential "combination"?! sigh.. it's a MARRIAGE afterall... as my friend said, how can it be so "e hey" ga @_@''

sometimes life is just difficult to understand...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

尋找孖寶的二"菌" (菇)‥

之前呀 e 友人係旺角買咗两隻超可愛 cutie 嘅孖寶兄弟 "長大菇" & "1-up 菇" (又名 "菌")... 本來當日巳經想 "lup" 咗佢 (不過當然失敗而回啦唉!!!)

ANYWAY, 話說今日䏲完洛奇後, 由於時間尚早 (for dinner), 於是同 Y 友人由奧海城行番出去旺角, 展開一輪"尋找孖寶的二菇"嘅旅程...

my gosh, i never thought of it THAT TOUGH to find THE "菌"!!! 我哋两個行勻成條 Ladies street, 再行番轉頭, 食完日本嘢後仲揾埋潮流特區都唔見 (淨係揾倒好多長大菇拖鞋囉) @_@'

ANYWAY, gave up after around 8 - 我走咗去恆香買咗十個老婆餅 instead (wahahahaha).... 其實學我個 friend 話齋, 即使俾我真係揾倒佢两菇, 到最後我都 very likely not to buy them.. hahaha... 唸心一層又係呀, especially 我又無車尾放置佢哋 :P

有時 D 嘢真係整定嘅, 係你嘅就係你嘅, 唔係你嘅... 强求都無用... (and save some $ loh!)

一切順其自然啦! hahaha

P.S. I did find the same from eBay though.. hahahahahaa

Movie Review: Rocky Balboa

"It Ain't About How Hard You Hit, it's about how long you can get hit..."

Sylvester Stallone is never really my favorite :P anyway, so today 5 of us went to watch Rocky Balboa - yeah, the old 60 yrs old rocky fighting in the ring...

maybe b/c ain't really expecting much from it? turns out indeed it's kinda fun - it's not the BEST movie, but i thought it's a okay one - it might have some deep down "meaning', not giving up, age, things like that. I mean, i think i'd probably "feel more" when i get old - but hey, for the time being, the movie itself is entertaining enough.

i would say it's a 8 out of a 10, not too bad :) and that familiar theme song kept raining in my head for the rest of the nite kekekekeke

P.S. Check out Yekini's comment

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fw: Northwest Special

How come this never comes when it's time for ME to travel!?!?!? >.<

Winter Specials to the U.S. and Canada from just HK$3,050

Take advantage of these unbeatable savings to the U.S. or Canada on Northwest Airlines®. Depart Hong Kong anytime from January 19 to February 13 and return by February 18, 2007. Check out these special fares below:

Roundtrip Economy Class farefrom Hong Kong to:
  1. Honolulu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland (OR)

    Monday to Thursday Travel (HK$) $3,050
    Friday to Sunday Travel (HK$) $3,450

  2. Las Vegas, Dallas Fort Worth, Boston, Chicago, New York, Detroit, Washington DC, Miami, Orlando, Montreal, Winnipeg, Toronto

    Monday to Thursday Travel (HK$) $4,050
    Friday to Sunday Travel (HK$)$4,450
Seats are limited, so hurry! Book your ticket before February 10, 2007 at or call Northwest Reservations at 2810 4288. Fares do not include fuel surcharges, passenger facility charges and any applicable taxes. Terms and conditions apply.

Poison Manager

「 毒 瘤 經 理 」 有 八 特 徵
無 能   情 緒 化   損 員 工 效 率


英國倫敦大學學院授富爾咸(Adrian Furnham )周三到布里斯托爾(Bristol)向英國心理學會一個會議發表研究,指「毒瘤經理」有以下共同特徵︰學歷不高、情緒失控、傲慢、呼喝下屬。辦事能力低、不懂得如何制訂長遠計劃、不欣賞員工學得新技能。「辦公室存在毒瘤經理,會令員工情緒低落、無心工作。」富爾咸說,雖然這類毒瘤經理為數不多,但由於是高層職員,仍然會對數以千計的員工,造成不良影響,生產力下降之餘,還會令員工不時請假、抗拒上班。



  • 處事反覆無常,令人難以估計會說甚麼 、做甚麼
  • 容忍力低,喜怒無常
  • 任性,極度自私
  • 對工作缺乏長遠規劃
  • 焦躁不安、容易感到煩悶、缺乏集中力
  • 學歷不高
  • 情緒容易失控,經常大吵大鬧、生氣、甚至飲泣
  • 不讚賞員工學習新技能的努力
time to review... i really don't meant to be one...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Severe cold weather in the States...

美 冰 風 暴 掃 八 州

【 本 報 訊 】冰 風 暴 橫 掃 美 國 八 州 ─ ─ 加 州 、 德 州 、 密 蘇 里 州 、 密 芝 根 州 、 阿 肯 色 州 、 緬 因 州 、 印第 安 納 州 和 俄 克 拉 何 馬 州 , 至 前 天 ( 周 二 ) 已 造 成 54 人 死 亡 。 嚴 寒 低 溫 令 成 千 上 萬 的 人 入 住 避 寒 中 心 , 至 少 320,000 戶 和 企 業 停 電 , 氣 象 當 局 預 測 氣 溫 要 在 周 四 或 周 五 才 能 回 升 。 加 州 冰 暴 更 凍 壞 了 70% 橙 樹 , 影 響 橙 、 士 多 啤 梨 、 牛 油 果 、檸 檬 和 蔬 菜 收 成 , 估 計 蔬 果 都 要 漲 價 。

望 遠 方 的 你 stay warm~~~

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

CD Review: Miriam Unlimited

Got this for my friend's x'mas present... when i listen to it for the first few times felt like "oh, not much surprise" - and not really expect much as Miriam is changing her company - usually less resource to be invested in a leaving employee...

Anyway, since i found a lack of "familiar" for the new songs in this album from last wk's k marathon, i've been "boiling" this CD in the last few nites (to get ready for tmr's k!) wahahaha.. anyway, turn out that that maybe most of the songs are "plain" - feel more and more comfy as i listen in the last few days woh.... in general you'll find a very "homey/old" feel i would say, yes not much "surprise", but sometimes plain is for good too :P

or maybe i just like her voice loh :)

我的生存之道- LOVE the lyrics ... very nice; 亦舒說 (very old cake feel, but hearty), 芬梨道上 (hmm. not really my cup); 如果可以不停相愛 (not much special); 她成功了他沒有 (like story telling, even though it's super sad....); 大傻 (this one is the exceptional, attracted by the music > lyrics) others.. u've to find out la :P

maybe b/c the music is "plain", i found that, unlike previously, i put a lot more attention on the lyrics - miriam is like "singing the story" if u know what i mean, btw, this lyric is quite interesting:

  • 我只能跳舞

歌手:楊千嬅 | 作曲:C Y Kong
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:C Y Kong

心 未算多
明白你也喜歡我 沒結果


談論美酒沒香檳 這樣更好
醉著抱擁便傾倒 未如漫舞

*我也只想今晚快樂 沒有貪同渡雪落
 懷著愛慕換成娛樂 我想也未致墮落
 絕對不問任何收穫 才明白何謂快樂
 無謂破壞別人承諾 渡過今晚便閉幕

談地說天未交心 這樣更好
醉著說我怎麼好 未如漫舞


悲 但也喜
其實我也喜歡你 但你要飛

BREAK the Prison Break~~

so every Tuesday like many other HKese lately will "chase" after Prison Break. ha i guess just interesting to know how they're getting out! Low dai has already finished season 1 & 2 but he'll still nice and discuss while i'm watching (and i kept asking him "hints" and what'll happen!)

*LOL* fun to blow water w/ low dai from time to time... kekekee

Anyway, so TVB Pearl scheduled the 1st season season finale the coming Sunday, and today is the last Tuesday (for regular show).... actually mom got me the whole set DVD earlier (1st season) - and as it's getting to the end i just wanna "finished" the first season for good - so "dig out" mom's dvd set and try to finish off....

let's start w/ disc 8... wait, how come it doesn't run on my notebook?! geez, i wanna watch it on my notebook such that i can watch it BY THE BED..... fine, let's try disc 10... okay same (and making WEIRD NOISE!!) okay okay i gave up, i'll use the DVD player...

got the disc in... "play" i pushed.. hey disc 8 works (well, kinda, at least get the index page), alright, try disc 10 for the last 2 hrs... disc 10 in... "close" the disc dish... okay, then "play"... waiting for the index page... er... wait, nothing happened.... hmm.. waited some more time... what?! it's "hanged"!? FINE, i would just turn the DVD "on" and "off" to "reboot" the machine..

"on" -> "of" -> "play" -> "stop", ops it hang again!! FINE, "on" -> "off" -> " play"... so the rebooting cycles kicked in for like 20 min @_@'''''

"SHIT!" i thought.. "FINE, you win! i'm not watching the season finale tonite," was pissed!

later on i checked the whole set of DVD (10 of them)... The 1st 7 work JUST FINE - just the last 3 DVDs don't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now i really WANT TO BREAK the Prison Break @_@'''

geez, i guess just HAVE to wait until Sunday!!!! X_X

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Con't of the interesting question

So turned out quite some feedbacks for the "interesting questions" i've posted earlier - but how come no one ever really voice out what THEY WILL DO?!

(okay okay, maybe except my dear friend - but he only post his feedback ON HIS BLOG?! don't you know there's a "comment" function?)

come on, you can't trick posts like that!!!


Alright all, what YOU would do?!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Wasting time....


咁.... 又何苦呢???

朋友 replied: 呢 D 咪叫犯賤, 抵死囉

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Interesting question...

read it from my cousin's blog with this interesting question, what's your view?


係咩情況下, 你會介紹你既異性朋友俾你既同性朋友識? 點解人會想介紹 / 唔想介紹?


I usually decide w/ 2 approaches: Guy vs. Gal approach

1st approach: the guy - I'm not interested (not admiring him)
  • if i'm not "interested" to this guy (not admire him) , it doesn't really matter whether I introduce him to my gfs or not - some times really can just hang out as a group (sing k ah, watch movie ah, do things as a group etc etc). "more ppl happier ma" isn't it?!
2nd approach: the guy - I'm interested (admire him but not yet an official bf & gf) . if I admire the guy - well, then it's totally different. It'll become the GAL approach (how close I'm w/ my gf)
  • If the gf is very close to me - like so close that i can share w/ her about i admire the guy (and know about the "history" and stuffs....) then why not? b/c i want my close gfs to "help me out and observe the guy" if you know what i mean wakakakakakak
  • If the gf is not very close to me - why bother to introduce her to him!? hahahahahhaa
Actually there's another possibilities - that i'm so close to the guy that I don't mind what my gfs may guess - so doesn't really matter (okay, it kinda go back to the 1st approach)

i think i think too much again wakakakakkakaa

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hong Kongese English....

Just read it in appledaily today - quite funny - but i only know a few of them ja boh? for better or worse?!! *LOL*

give it a try, answer in comment section :P

Big tea rice
Black son
Blow water
Blow chicken
Die boy bun
Do the world
Eight woman
Face green green
Heart flower angry open
One old water
People Mountain People sea
Piano piano green
Stupid stupid want to move
The king of cutting girl
Wear grass

Hints: Long time no see = 好久不見 - 唔好話我聽你答軟硬!! hahahahahaha

Friday, January 12, 2007

karaoke marathon!

haha.. it was fun.. FOUR HRS of non stop singing! haha i had so much fun :) from latest to all those oldies! hahahaha...

thanks my dear friend! :) i had great fun.. hope you too :)

P.S. not to mention the nice Xianjiang (新疆) dinner (even though i don't have lamb hehee) :) (just a bit too much flavors.. but i guess it's okay once in a while) :P

felt spoiled today :P hehehehe

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Talk about Manipulations...

"... it's all about finding [the] feeling that the other person doesn't wanna feel - and threaten him/her that you'll make him/her feel it if he/she doesn't agree with what [you] say..."

a MIT EE graduate in the 1960s, and
a Stanford MSE graduate in the 2000s

isn't it kinda "double" thinking?! wow.. i need to blog it down and try to experiment the same...



what i do w/o you?
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

P.S. pls don't misunderstand / 對號入座 - of course my sis is not the "she" i've mentioned earlier~~ hahaha.. i love Andy too no doubt!


it has been 6 yrs since i came back.... maybe it's time to move on...

just maybe....

How come????? WHY NOT!!!!!

  1. blogger is down forever!! X|
  2. guy+gal+guy = upset (in chinese word)?
  3. there's no "pure FRIENDSHIP" between guy & gal??
  4. one just can't treat each other like a family?!?
  5. can't treat a "family member" as a "family member"???
  6. even though it's a TRAP & A TOTAL MESS someone still FALL INTO IT
  7. give up on MBA?
  8. no forgiveness?
  9. make me feel guilty??
  10. don't let me to go for my way?!?!!!!
man i'm sorry i'm not the one who's blind in the current circumstances..... i just can't bless you from the bottom of my heart BECAUSE i know there won't be any "good being / fortune" with this MAN. I love you, but i really can't accept the one you loved (don't even talk about LOVE).. sorry, can't do. PERIOD

I might have explained it in a very harsh way - but it's really my feeling. I hate to put it in a harsh way... i don't mean to hurt you, but i don't want to see you get hurt, once again.

LIFE sometimes can really sucks. i think it's one of those days today. :(

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Korean Dinner... at home!

well, the guys finally took off today :~( and mom is spending the wkend in Guangzhou so i'm home alone this wkend - all by myself! :~~(

well, actually it's not THAT BAD... i stayed at work until like 5ish... then went for a haircut - and didn't come home until like 8 (really dinner time!) - oh yeah, i dyed my hair back to BLACK - nope, just BLACK, no highlight no nothing.. a bit sick of that highlight for a long time :P

anyway, back to the topic, so since i'm home alone i was thinking to try out that instant "fun see" i got from Seoul last time - it's those instant one (and they gave you sample inside the store)... so here it's.. (just take it in case SOMEONE thought that i don't COOK AT ALL!) *LOL*

As a matter fact it turns out very easy... u just cook the noodles w/ water & the soy sauce provided (1st pict), then after the water dried out a bit you add & stir in the "vegetable flakes" (the green pack)... then cook for another 3 min or so add the last yellow "sesame oil" pack...

da da! here's the finished product:

okay being honest it looks better than it taste *LOL* but okay la... my first time (if not the last time!) to cook Korean food ma hahahahahhahahahaha

Friday, January 05, 2007

Movie Review - Nana 2

so last minute call went to watch Nana 2 w/ pisces tonite... frankly speaking i never watch the animation, nor Nana1.... well, but SOMEONE wanted to go so fine... *LOL*

anyway, i kinda read the story plot before hand and thought it's just a funny / nonsense movie... but turn out - okay, story is "simply" - mainly talked about 8 ppl - but really to my surprises it talks a lot about different relationships, and indeed it's really a warm / girly / touching movie (i was like - why in the world he chose that movie!? any hidden meaning? (okay, maybe i really thought too much)... ANYWAY, as i said it turns out to be a really touching one... and from time to time really can apply to the ppl around you - i think the director has done an excellent job - of course not everyone has "artist" friends around, but like good friends going their own way, too busy to meet up but deep down care about each other... etc etc...

it's just very touching... esp. the 2nd half of the movie, eyes watery all the time! *okay of course i didn't need a tissue or sth like that, come on*

something i don't mind to watch it again - i think it's very similar to Forrest Gump - every time you watch it you'll find something different... but of coures i'm not going to the theatre to watch it again (it's a bit TOO long... movie started at 19:30 and didn't finish until 21:45) but then I think i'll get the DVD and watch it some time later.

It's good to watch something differeny... glad that i "give up" "the Holidays" and the nice French dinner for this (ha, as i don't think i would go by myself) anyway, it's a good one i would say.. not too commerical as the last few one i've watched....

OT: after the movie went to 13/F of Langham Plaza for a drink together w/ gemini... ha, drinks AGAIN! 3 of us! i really had a blast with the guys around... gosh, i've used up all my alcohol "quota" within this holiday! wahahahaha... can't believe i've know them for 10 yrs already... i don't know when we will all get together again (and get drunk again)... hahaha... deep down i know each one of us change day to day - but more important is - we'd (ha, at least me) had just a great time whenever we get together...

gosh i already know i'll be missing them once they're gone - but it's okay, i know we'll see each other soon (ha, being too much together is also a bit too much! kekekeke)
feeling blessed....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

30 childish events...

i think i've posted this before?! anyway appledaily posted this again today.. hahaha... had too much stress from work - just want something relaxing :D

2007 年 繼 續 集 體 回 憶 , 有 人 在 網 上 列 出 30 項 兒 時 做 過 的 無 聊 事 , 這 些 無 聊 事 , 你 做 過 多 少 項 ?

1. 玩 米 缸 , 將 手 插 入 米 中
2. 篤 扶 手 電 梯 旁 的 吊 牌
3. 行 階 磚 時 隔 一 格 一 格 行 , 不 踩 界
4. 用 錶 面 反 射 陽 光
5. 跳 樓 梯 (never, 我怕死!)
6. 行 路 上 高 起 地 方 , 例 如 石 壆
7. 鋪 張 紙 在 硬 幣 上 , 素 描 公 仔 頭
8. 在 超 級 市 場 踩 住 架 購 物 車 滑 行
9. 吹 口 水 波
10. 搣 牆 紙 或 乳 膠 漆
11. 在 平 滑 地 面 上 「 跣 住 行 」
12. 把 濕 紙 巾 掟 上 廁 所 天 花 板 (don't play with 濕 紙 巾 lei! so expensive! luxury when i was young!)
13. 食 完 香 口 膠 , 把 包 裝 紙 摺 回 原 狀 放 回 紙 套
14. 把 粉 刷 放 在 風 扇 上 面 , 開 風 扇 看 誰 人 被 擊 中 (me too short!)
15. 以 膠 袋 取 代 風 箏 「 放 紙 鳶 」 (i've played REAL one ga woh)
16. 去 後 樓 梯 執 鹹 書 (why need to hide in back stairs?! wahhaha)
17. 踩 人 個 影
18. 踩 同 學 對 新 白 飯 魚
19. 用 橡 筋 射 同 學 (seldom.. b/c i usually ended up the rubber band back to my side haha)
20. 丟 鄰 居 拖 鞋 落 街 (neighbor's dont' put their slippers in the hallway ga boh)
21. 玩 消 防 喉 射 水 落 街 (no such thing! keke)
22. 丟 水 彈
23. 跳 鞦 韆 (never, 我怕死!)
24. 在 樓 梯 扶 手 滑 下(never, 我怕死!)
25. 在 扶 手 電 梯 行 相 反 方 向
26. 把 誤 投 信 件 或 傳 單 胡 亂 放 入 鄰 居 信 箱
27. 搭 地 鐵 時 抓 緊 中 間 扶 手 柱 搏 命 自 轉
28. 在 地 鐵 月 台 賽 跑
29. 帶 玩 具 返 學
30. 用 圖 釘 弄 穿 壁 報 板

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year - new look

alright so this is not the "first post" in 2007 but i guess a "first" post to talk about the new year :P *LOL* ANYWAY, this is not a new layout (maybe i've used it before!?) but just tired of that brownish thingy kekekekeke....

just backed up my blog for Nov. & Dec - i can't believe i only blogged once during Nov?! well, as half of the month i wasn't in HK - 1st half of the month in India and 2nd half of the month in Korea. Just quite some travels in Nov.

Anyway, start the new yr w/ new layout :D (AND this time i didn't loss any bookmarks! haha)

P.S. and yes, i did this change in the office *LOL*

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 x'mas & new yr wk

so, the x'mas + new year holiday break has officially finished - today - Jan 1, 2007.

well, actually i only worked 10 working days this dec - earlier this month went to visit ceci for a wk (tried to get burnt but never succeed!) hahaha... then took a wk and "visited" HK like a crazy tourist (ocean park, ngong ping 360, numerous shopping tours!) hahaha; ate so much (hot pot (multiple times!) keke, korean BBQ, Shanghaiese, thai + vietnam, white wine, red wine, henekin, diamond black, BBQ @ home... many many; and watched 2 movies....

i had so much fun - hope the guys too.

and then finally ended the year with the Nokia countdown party - thanks for Japanese Ka so to get me the ticket. it was super crazy - just a bit too exhausted for an old cake like me (stood for more than 7 hrs!!!) hahaha.. but it was fun. :)

Today is the first day of the yr - i gave elvin a bath to start with (it's about time!) hahaha... mom is finally back from her tripS! (But i think her cold still haven't gone) and finally watched Confession of Pain tonite! Tony & Takeshi are just soooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!) oh, thanks for the guys also, tolerate and watch this w/ me (no cute girls) :P

Not to mention, it's great to START the new year with some very 新鮮的老婆餅 - super 好好食! *LOL* thanks pisces :)

Now after a crazy "month" it's time to get myself together and start the new year - i know some times things just don't quite fit in the way one would like to - but then other than "let it flow" one can't do much in many instances - i know what i should do, just that i need to be stronger in order to do what shall be done - and be a stronger Scorpio in 2007!