Wednesday, January 17, 2007

BREAK the Prison Break~~

so every Tuesday like many other HKese lately will "chase" after Prison Break. ha i guess just interesting to know how they're getting out! Low dai has already finished season 1 & 2 but he'll still nice and discuss while i'm watching (and i kept asking him "hints" and what'll happen!)

*LOL* fun to blow water w/ low dai from time to time... kekekee

Anyway, so TVB Pearl scheduled the 1st season season finale the coming Sunday, and today is the last Tuesday (for regular show).... actually mom got me the whole set DVD earlier (1st season) - and as it's getting to the end i just wanna "finished" the first season for good - so "dig out" mom's dvd set and try to finish off....

let's start w/ disc 8... wait, how come it doesn't run on my notebook?! geez, i wanna watch it on my notebook such that i can watch it BY THE BED..... fine, let's try disc 10... okay same (and making WEIRD NOISE!!) okay okay i gave up, i'll use the DVD player...

got the disc in... "play" i pushed.. hey disc 8 works (well, kinda, at least get the index page), alright, try disc 10 for the last 2 hrs... disc 10 in... "close" the disc dish... okay, then "play"... waiting for the index page... er... wait, nothing happened.... hmm.. waited some more time... what?! it's "hanged"!? FINE, i would just turn the DVD "on" and "off" to "reboot" the machine..

"on" -> "of" -> "play" -> "stop", ops it hang again!! FINE, "on" -> "off" -> " play"... so the rebooting cycles kicked in for like 20 min @_@'''''

"SHIT!" i thought.. "FINE, you win! i'm not watching the season finale tonite," was pissed!

later on i checked the whole set of DVD (10 of them)... The 1st 7 work JUST FINE - just the last 3 DVDs don't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now i really WANT TO BREAK the Prison Break @_@'''

geez, i guess just HAVE to wait until Sunday!!!! X_X

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