Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Difficult to understand...

So much going on w/ ppl around, some
  • dating like a honey bee
    (great to see them happier these days)
  • engaged, and busy preparing wedding for this / next year
    (so much work & stress man!!!)
  • just married, and thought of divorce

  • pregnant, and getting ready for the new born to come
  • separated, and getting a divorce soon
  • divorced, and after a couple years, getting back together again
hmm.. is it all the potential "combination"?! sigh.. it's a MARRIAGE afterall... as my friend said, how can it be so "e hey" ga @_@''

sometimes life is just difficult to understand...


WittyBB said...

my take is that: when you grow older, life just seems to be more complicated (increases exponentially!)...

Anonymous said...

Marriage, in my opinion, is a lifetime challenge of a couple's willingness to adapt and accept each other through the good times, the bad times, and anything in between.

Sounds easy on paper, doesn't it?

Once the honeymoon period is over, the reality sinks in. This is because you and your loved one are no longer living in a boyfriend/girlfriend fantasy relationship anymore. Things you hadn't thought of before the marriage would all of the sudden start piling up in your head. You may find yourself asking questions like "why did he do that", "what was she thinking", "why didn't she do it", or "why me again!". Also, I have seen couples with conflicts on family planning. A wife may start thinking about having kids, but the guy may think he is still in honeymoon so he try to push it off. Overtime this will build up more conflicts (and stress), and eventually may lead to daily arguments and "cold wars".

Marriage is always a good thing, believe me. A good marriage will require truthfulness and honesty to each other, and commitment to doing and planning things together. Hey, even the government is encouraging people to get married and have three kids! :-)
