Friday, July 15, 2005

working late...

I practically work until now - okay, i did get a "break" when i took off from work at 20:15 - got home and had dinner until 22:00 - then back to work on my laptop - okay, i was kinda watching TV when i was working but STILL, GEEZ, it's 03:30 now! >.< have done TWO MSDS tonite (Alum sulphate & hydrogen peroxide)... shall have 4 more to go....

My gosh... my eyes are hurting.. GLAd it's FRIDAY tomorrow.. X_X.....


WittyBB said...

jasper, you are very dedicated to your work! well ... you will have a vacation soon, i will see you in august. ;)

Jasper222 said...

not that i've a choice, u know :(

WittyBB said...

well... if i recall correctly, i think you have an assistant boh... can you offload some tasks to him/her?