Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pre-Vacation Syndrome???

Is there such a thing? I have no idea... yet instead of getting happy & excited all I feel now is that I don't really wanna go - all of a sudden...

I mean, it'll be cool to see friends.. but then what's the difference between meeting up and catching up w/ old times - vs. having IM chat / email / letters?

you see? this trip I've planned for OVER A YEAR (one of the events on the agenda has been planned for ten yrs - my high school reunion!) - as a matter of fact I wanted to go back and visit my friends back in April 2004 - when I was still working in ASAT - but then since I changed to current job in Dec 2003 I "delay" this US trip until now - 2005.

I've told my current boss about this trip A LONG TIME BACK - OVER a year!! and I WAS so excited to tell ppl about my plans back to the States, flying here and there.. I don't think i've looked forward to a trip as bad as this one! I WAS excited.....

but then, I don't know, feeling very weird now - in some sense I just can't really imagine it'll be THAT MUCH FUN afterall... I mean, I think it'll be fun in DC/Boise to see friends... but for the rest of the trip... I really have no clue... Maybe I shall go to Texas instead???????


colleagues are so excited for me (and they're also a bit worried as I'll be out of office w/o doing ANY WORK)... friends here around had already asking me when am I going and things like that... I've even prepared some of the souvenir that I'll bring along (prepared a month ago)... but then, the last few days this pre-vacation syndrome is getting a bit... Overwhelmed? I'm afraid i can't finish all the stuffs before I go, worrying about me won't have enough time to obtain the Russian visa for the exhibition I'll go just 4 days after i returned to HK... thinking maybe i should bring my computer w/ me along...

Thinking I should just stay home or head to some exotic pacific islands alone to just RELAX and NOT seeing anyone...

Reminds me of the relax day i had when i visited Ceci last....


*ppl are really "lori-jin": when don't have vacation complains & complains - while there's one ahead (in less than a month) strange feeling comes up* sigh sigh sigh