Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Next Trip

So I just landed in HK... for almost 36 hrs - and i'm already SOOO EXCITED for my next trip - the LONG WAITED/PLANNED LEISURE trip to the States in Aug that is!! hahahahahhahaa

well, actually I wasn't "as excited" b/c I thought I need to go to Nigeria right before the trip (that is I will be in HK only a few days in Aug) but then TODAY confirmed w/ BOSS that i can cancel my trip to Nigeria in Aug - HOW WONDERFUL!!! hahahahhahahahaha... well, of course, my boss's (and mine too!) travelling plan change and change and change until the last minute - but man, i'm sOOOOO READY that I'm NOT going to Nigeria! AND the good thing is that I can pretty much stay in HK for the next 1.5 month! how nice :DDD i'm ALREADY PACKING for things that I will bring to the States! hahahahahhahahaa

hehehehehe one can tell i'm soooo excited about this - ha, just like Ceci saying about her excitment of her Vegas trip - except that her trip is only next wk (while mine is 1.5 MONTHS later) XDDD


Another thing that REALLY get me so "hyper" is getting all the emails from my friends - i've confirmed my ticket so sent them out my itenary - I guess my schedule is pretty much SET! :D OH, and not to mention, my cousins (whom i haven't see FOR AGES - i mean AAAAAGES!!) they're ALLL Planning to come back to HK for a BIG family reunion some time next yr~ wow, that would be fun - seeing them after so many yrs, TOGETHER w/ their kids!! OH, and maybe my sis too! I'm SO sure it'll be a SUPER COOL COUSINS reunion! hahaha.. you know how CRAZY I'm when it comes to REUNION :D

Although today is the first day at work after my last 10-day trip (and it was a NIGHTMARE - i just haven't chk my mail since last Thurs but how come there's more than 500 new emails?!!??!) @.@ my trip report also taken longer than i thought - i had only finished 3 days' report (still have 4 more days to go)... geez, i've to get that done BEFORE my boss go on holiday this thursday....

Always rush rush rush, as Ceci said about HK ppl.... geez, but it's alright - afterall i know it worth it - whenever I think of THE TRIP planned a yr back! :P

P.S. and you can tell i'm still "living" in the Nairobe (Kenya's) time zone - it's 10:37pm there now - 5 hrs "behind"HK time :P

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