Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pre-Vacation Syndrome???

Is there such a thing? I have no idea... yet instead of getting happy & excited all I feel now is that I don't really wanna go - all of a sudden...

I mean, it'll be cool to see friends.. but then what's the difference between meeting up and catching up w/ old times - vs. having IM chat / email / letters?

you see? this trip I've planned for OVER A YEAR (one of the events on the agenda has been planned for ten yrs - my high school reunion!) - as a matter of fact I wanted to go back and visit my friends back in April 2004 - when I was still working in ASAT - but then since I changed to current job in Dec 2003 I "delay" this US trip until now - 2005.

I've told my current boss about this trip A LONG TIME BACK - OVER a year!! and I WAS so excited to tell ppl about my plans back to the States, flying here and there.. I don't think i've looked forward to a trip as bad as this one! I WAS excited.....

but then, I don't know, feeling very weird now - in some sense I just can't really imagine it'll be THAT MUCH FUN afterall... I mean, I think it'll be fun in DC/Boise to see friends... but for the rest of the trip... I really have no clue... Maybe I shall go to Texas instead???????


colleagues are so excited for me (and they're also a bit worried as I'll be out of office w/o doing ANY WORK)... friends here around had already asking me when am I going and things like that... I've even prepared some of the souvenir that I'll bring along (prepared a month ago)... but then, the last few days this pre-vacation syndrome is getting a bit... Overwhelmed? I'm afraid i can't finish all the stuffs before I go, worrying about me won't have enough time to obtain the Russian visa for the exhibition I'll go just 4 days after i returned to HK... thinking maybe i should bring my computer w/ me along...

Thinking I should just stay home or head to some exotic pacific islands alone to just RELAX and NOT seeing anyone...

Reminds me of the relax day i had when i visited Ceci last....


*ppl are really "lori-jin": when don't have vacation complains & complains - while there's one ahead (in less than a month) strange feeling comes up* sigh sigh sigh

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hong Kong Book Fair - July 20-25, 2005

So i went to the book exhibition last Wed (July 20) - it was COOL... i mean, i wish i could have gone again Sat / Sunday nite but then the line was way TOO LONG and figure out it's no chance to revisit this year... anyhow, i didn't get THAT MUCH book - Erica & Cathy's are always on the list, here's the list for the rest:

  1. 女法醫宋雨日2 - 黑夜女巫 - 李敏 + 阿圖說力
  2. 年尾結婚 - 李敏
  3. 凱西勇氣之書 - 凱西 *I just know this can be used as a "fortune telling book"!!* hahaha
  4. 因為心在左邊 - 恩佐 (recommended by Maggie)
  5. 傻瓜的圍牆 - 養老孟司 (Japanese)
  6. 沙士風暴 - 黎明輝
  7. 天安門盲點 - 白日見
  8. Harry Potter 6 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowlings

I didn't really get any English books - although they've some discount (and cheaper than "normal" price) - I think it'll be cheaper if i got it from ebay and pick it up during my trip XDDD Getting HP6 just b/c UK version isn't available from US! hahahahahaa

The 3 hrs spent there (7-10pm) was actually "long" enough to cover Hall 2 ONLY - yekini & i spent less than 20 min in Hall 1 (mainly HK books)! it's a pity that I couldn't go back during the wkend - oh well, save some $$! haha...

I'll probably write a reading comment after i'm done - ha, which will last for quite some time :P

Friday, July 22, 2005

How Annoying!!!!!!!

That people kept sending SPAM MAIL spoiling the details of HP6!!!! RIGHT AT THE SUBJ LINE!!!!!!!!

what in the name of God these ppl have in mind! X_X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter 6

Although it had been released for a while, I was telling myself NOT to get HP6 until AFTER I finish Da Vinci Code...

but then, i went to the book exhibition last nite - and can't resist for not buying - AND, CAN'T resist to start reading it this morning!! :DDDD

Well, I guess it's better to take Da Vinci Code to read on the flight - rather than the THICK HP6 :D


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

CD Review - The 1st Complete Collection From Faye Wong

Maybe i'm really getting old - getting "collection series" CD of singers who no longer "active/as popular" anymore - this time is Faye Wong.

"The 1st Complete collection from Faye Wong - 情.菲.得意 " actually I don't like either the English or Chinese title - the English title is way too long (and too ordinary), same as the Chinese title - make one feels the manfacturer didn't put much "heart" on it at all (probably that's the truth). Anyway, back to the collection, it is a 3 CD + 1 DVD combination - being honest i never really watch the DVD whenever it came w/ the CD, but price wise of course it's a value buy. On top of that i don't really have a good collection of faye, so got it last Sat (the proper one of my Faye's is probably Faye's last concert's 2CDs). Out of the 3 CDs I personally like the 3rd one the best. (#5 & #10 are my favorite karaoke songs!) hahahaa

So for those who like Faye's, definately worth to get (I got it at Wan Chai for HKD98)

I still remember when Faye first sings (back then she's know as Wong Ching Man) I don't really like her songs "that much" - as a matter of fact I didn't really "pick up" her songs until... Purdue's time I think?! back in those days we don't have things like mp3 - and only buying CD online once in a while (and mainly Taiwanese/Mandarin songs - and costed like USD12 for 1!! back then!) *my gosh, now you can tell how OLD i'm!!!* hahahahahaha... I first refused to listen to Mandarin songs - until Jacky's "Love Letter". Faye's - I guess I really really like hers... probably after one of the road trips as it's the ONLY CD in the car that was allowed to be played again and again! hahahaha...

instead of feeling bored for listening the same CD for 4-5 hrs - i actually start liking her songs - it's like wine in some sense - u gotta really taste/listen to it.. (and for a long time) before you can really "taste" it....

I always believe music can bring back memories - the memory when you first listened to the songs - the mood, the atmosphere, the location, the ppl around you.... Listening to Faye's bring back the "old" feelings - but at the same time also make me feel glad that "it's over /just the past." Actually listening to old songs of hers bring me the peaceful feeling these days. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Loneliness Quotient Quiz...

So I searched this from one of my ex-co-worker's Blog (actually she isn't really my "ex-co-worker" as she start working in my ex-company ~a month after i left. Nevertheless I guess I'm NOT that "unhealthy"! hahahahaa :D chk it out when you've time :D Here's my simplified test result XD

Loneliness Quotient: 40%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:

Your LQ score could be better, but you are certainly not in an unhealthy zone. You should take care, however, to resolve some of the issues that prevent you from achieving a lower score. Your friend issues are one blemish on your situation. Difficulties in this area are having an impact on your loneliness, and this is something that needs improvement. Luckily in your case, your family situation is not causing you any troubles. A positive family situation is definitely helpful. Your romantic life, however, needs work. There is a lot of room for improvement there, and you really need to search for that guy of your dreams. Thankfully you do not have a problem with shyness, so pursuing romantic leads and finding friends will not be as difficult as it might have been. You definitely don't have any major insecurity issues holding you back, so your pursuit of elimating loneliness will not be held back by this potential pitfall.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions

Friday, July 15, 2005

working late...

I practically work until now - okay, i did get a "break" when i took off from work at 20:15 - got home and had dinner until 22:00 - then back to work on my laptop - okay, i was kinda watching TV when i was working but STILL, GEEZ, it's 03:30 now! >.< have done TWO MSDS tonite (Alum sulphate & hydrogen peroxide)... shall have 4 more to go....

My gosh... my eyes are hurting.. GLAd it's FRIDAY tomorrow.. X_X.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ceci's Birthday!!!!

Today is my baby sis's birthday - hahaha.. her first birthday of being Mrs. Moats! :P and now having a GREAT time in Vegas!!!

I can't even remember when was the last time I celebrated my sis birthday in person... hmm.. maybe summer 97 in Boise? OR wait........ maybe 98 when I came back to HK? I've NO CLUE... just too long ago...

It was more than 12 yrs since I first "live apart" from Ceci, wow, that's long! yeah, i did stay w/ her a yr when she first stayed in Boise - but it was back in 1996-97... wow, that's really a LONG TIME ago....

wait, i guess it's not THAT FAR when it comes to staying w/ her last time - just last yr when i went to Hawaii for her wedding! I remember we "throw" mom to auntie katherine's so we can spend some time together... heheheheh XD

anyway, sis, Happy 2x Birthday *i'll keep this for you* hahahahaha, i wish i can celebrate your birthday w/ you in person shortly in the future...

P.S. and for the gifts la boh.. hahaha.. come and get it when you're here la.. OH, and of course, not to mention, Happy Birthday to my bro-in-law as well XD I can't believe you guys' birthday is so close to each other :D and hey, this is for Ceci ;D

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, July 11, 2005

Time to...

Change the layout :P *well - would be better if they've the same in BLUE*


Sunday, July 10, 2005


so today after work & things I went to APM to meet up w/ Gerry - BUT by the SECOND I walked in APM I realized it's A BAD CALL - it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CROWDED!!! my gosh!!!! i can't believe it's so much ppl - as much as in Mongkok!?!?!?

"Oh that's right - it's WEEKEND"! :(((((

And since I know Gerry MUST BE LATE I bought Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (after finishing Angels & Demons during the last trip) and then got a Hazelut Latte and sat comfortably in Starbucks - overheard a "couple" (i'm sooo sure they're a gay couple!) next table planning a trip to Vegas - i just CAN'T resist to tell them they don't have to plan for a USD200/nite budget for hotel only! my gosh!

hahaha.. i think they must feel very disturbed of me overhearing them AND actually tell them to budget less.


It was great to met up w/ Gerry.. haven't met for.. like a month?! so much to catch up... seems like we just need to go through ALL the things happened in the last century! hehehe... although the Thai dinner isn't really THAT good and I didn't get the shirt I wanna get...

Oh well, maybe it was meant to be that I shouldn't get it at the very beginning.

Anyhow, still a great day I would say :) I'll just make sure I won't go to APM during wkend / holiday as much as I can!!

Friday, July 08, 2005

London Terrorist Attack...

Reminds me of 911 - I know I must sound crazy as I wasn't EVEN in the States when 911 happened - but whenever i thought about it it just made me feel so sick and uncomfy... I feel blessed that all of my friends near the scene are alright - I just can't forget how frustrated on Sept 12, 2001 early morning here in HK when ALL the lines to NY/DC/anywhere in the States were totally jammed - and I just couldn't turn the TV off and stayed for the whole nite...
why all these are happening?! :((((

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Next Trip

So I just landed in HK... for almost 36 hrs - and i'm already SOOO EXCITED for my next trip - the LONG WAITED/PLANNED LEISURE trip to the States in Aug that is!! hahahahahhahaa

well, actually I wasn't "as excited" b/c I thought I need to go to Nigeria right before the trip (that is I will be in HK only a few days in Aug) but then TODAY confirmed w/ BOSS that i can cancel my trip to Nigeria in Aug - HOW WONDERFUL!!! hahahahhahahahaha... well, of course, my boss's (and mine too!) travelling plan change and change and change until the last minute - but man, i'm sOOOOO READY that I'm NOT going to Nigeria! AND the good thing is that I can pretty much stay in HK for the next 1.5 month! how nice :DDD i'm ALREADY PACKING for things that I will bring to the States! hahahahahhahahaa

hehehehehe one can tell i'm soooo excited about this - ha, just like Ceci saying about her excitment of her Vegas trip - except that her trip is only next wk (while mine is 1.5 MONTHS later) XDDD


Another thing that REALLY get me so "hyper" is getting all the emails from my friends - i've confirmed my ticket so sent them out my itenary - I guess my schedule is pretty much SET! :D OH, and not to mention, my cousins (whom i haven't see FOR AGES - i mean AAAAAGES!!) they're ALLL Planning to come back to HK for a BIG family reunion some time next yr~ wow, that would be fun - seeing them after so many yrs, TOGETHER w/ their kids!! OH, and maybe my sis too! I'm SO sure it'll be a SUPER COOL COUSINS reunion! hahaha.. you know how CRAZY I'm when it comes to REUNION :D

Although today is the first day at work after my last 10-day trip (and it was a NIGHTMARE - i just haven't chk my mail since last Thurs but how come there's more than 500 new emails?!!??!) @.@ my trip report also taken longer than i thought - i had only finished 3 days' report (still have 4 more days to go)... geez, i've to get that done BEFORE my boss go on holiday this thursday....

Always rush rush rush, as Ceci said about HK ppl.... geez, but it's alright - afterall i know it worth it - whenever I think of THE TRIP planned a yr back! :P

P.S. and you can tell i'm still "living" in the Nairobe (Kenya's) time zone - it's 10:37pm there now - 5 hrs "behind"HK time :P