Monday, April 16, 2007

Wise Man said "Professional..."

"A Professional LOVES his/her job and what they do - NOT the company"

while discussing with low dai, i do agree w/ his comment:

"... it does matter with the company, your job is affected by the company's culture, if you don't like the culture..or don't fit in won't do good job..."

So I guess I'll revised wise man's quote to the following:

Being professional is all about the job itself - you should LOVE what your job is - however, don't stay behind just because you LOVE the company

Or, I'm just not professional enough? hmmmm


CPMF14 said...

Both men's statements are true.

If you don't like your job you are like a zombie - dead man walking.

However, one's on-the-job performance and the ability to excel on the job rest mostly on the company's ways of doing things (read: culture, red tapes, politics, etc). You can love what you do today, but outside of it you may still be limited/controlled by your company's culture and its politics.

Sadly, like I said before, sometimes you need to be "politically" correct in order to survive in the corporate world, and understand who is in charge (who's the boss) and who pays the bills.

Lastly, remember this: customers usually have the last say ;-)

WittyBB said...

I think the company matters. There are many companies in the same industry, which choose company A instead of company B. We are not robots and there are other factors (other than the nature of job duty) that impact one's decision to stay in a company for a long time or to look for (or to accept invitations to join another company) a new challenge. If only loving/liking the job, this is not professional enough. There are times that someone who hates a project, but you don't know the end result or the long term effect of the project that would impact your later career development. A professional should be all rounded, not just one-dimensional. You want to be a team player to be a part of the company. You ask yourself, other than what you are hired to do, what else could you improve the company's image/sales record/customer services/internal organization process, etc?
When the "don't stay behind" ... is added to your quote - I feel like the professional is no longer like/love the job. You don't feel like you are staying behind ... you would feel like the relationship continue and you are happy to continue being a professional in the company.

An entry from March 2007.

JC said...

who's the wise man?

You don't necessary love the company per se. But you love the people you work with and work for. That said, I think loyalty is one of the qualities of being professional.

However, you can move on to a better job, a better career path, yet at the same time be professional on that matter. It all depends on how you handle it.

CPMF14 said...

My view is that if I don't like the job, it's hard to motivate myself to come to work everyday, and eventually may lead to poor performance on the job. At least this is my thinking of it. I don't mean I get discouraged because of just one lousy project, but as a whole and the work I do everyday over a long period of time. We are all human being and as such we tend to look after ourself and try to make sure that we would have good career path/growth in the company. If we don't see it, it's natural for us to look for a better job elsewhere either within the same company or outside of it.

Jasper222 said...

i guess the tough decision is that i think i DO LOVE what i'm doing - the nature i mean. However under the current circumstances I feel lost b/c the gap is getting wider and wider between mgmt and myself.

it's like i can SEE the potential w/in the group, and the group has been treating me VERY WELL, but are those so-called "potential" REALLY out there - and more important question is - FOR ME??

$ wise i'm probably making a 2-yr ahead schedule (if compare w/ staying behind); but career-wise i'm probably going BACKWARD like 2 yrs back WHAT SHALL I DO LEI????

Anonymous said...

I do read your blogs! :-) interesting... do i love my job...

Anonymous said...

if i didn't like my company i wouldn't like my job

Jasper222 said...

hi hi munon~~~~ nice to see your message~~~ :D

i still don't know... tough decision... too many "empty promises" if you know what i mean...

let's wait and see...