Monday, April 02, 2007

In memory of Leslie...

I won't say I'm a super fans of Leslie - yet the older I get the more I think his songs' "shelf's life" is a lot longer than most of today's "entertainers'"....

Can't believe he has been gone for FOUR yrs (since 2003) already.... Anyway, thanks for CPMF14 to find the MV of one of my favorite songs of his (well, a lot have to do the w/ the movie)... Anyway, enjoy the MV

歌手:張國榮 | 作曲:Dick Lee
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:George Leong

這一生 也在進取 這分鐘 卻掛念誰
我會說 是唯獨你 不可失去
好風光 似幻似虛 誰明人生樂趣
我會說 為情為愛 仍然是對


#一追再追 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒
 原來多麼可笑 你是真正相標
 一追再追 追蹤一些生活最基本需要
 原來早不缺少 Wo...
 有了你 即使平凡卻最重要
 (只得你 會叫我彷彿人群裡最重要)#

好光陰 縱沒太多 一分鐘那又如何
會與你 共同渡過 都不枉過
瘋戀多 錯誤更多 如能重新做過
我會說 願能為你 提前做錯


有了你 即使沉睡了 也在笑

1 comment:

JC said...

I LOOOOOOOVE this song