Thursday, February 17, 2005

More On Caffeine...

Starbucks' genius blends community, caffeine

So it does have a few points about social status, and "RIGHT" in terms of paying extra for "warming up the milk".... BUT this guy doesn't really consider "service & investment charges" on personal level (well, he does deduct 1/3 of the $ for costing I guess), but that is an investment in company-wise - at home it maybe another story?
  1. An expresso machine like what they've in the store costs around USD300-500
  2. I think I read somewhere that electric power consumption is HIGH for something like an expresso machine... I don't want my electric bill to shot up b/c having one of those...
  3. Wait, where is room for an additional expresso machine?
  4. I will NOT buy Starbucks coffee bean even I've an expresso machine at home - I'll consider buying something higher quality which cost less in the "names"
  5. Milk, sugar... etc etc... although it's "free in store", it's not REALLY FREE and cost nothing - you will not run into any Starbuck's counter to pour some "free" sugar for your cereal in the morning
  6. I HATE doing the clean ups afterward XDDDD
  7. Who has the time to get up early enough to do all these before heading to work?
  8. Food and Drink is not allowed on MTR (who has that extra hand to hold it from home to work?!)
  9. Last but NOT LEAST - I don't really buy a coffee every day (well, maybe every other day - I DID skip my coffee this morning and started yarning every other minute XDDDDD

So I think afterall the extra $1.37 isn't really just "heating up the milk", to me the added value is the level of convenient and SO, I don't know whether it's really a "emotional" rather than "logic" choice :PPPP

*P.S. I did manage to skip the coffee this morning - but had one in the afternoon :PPP*

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