Monday, February 28, 2005

Music Review - Forever Love (Lee Hom)...

未聽晒成隻碟,不過覺得聽 Lee Hom's music 聽得好舒服. 不知 why he never really target HK market?!

其中一隻主打歌係 Forever Love, 隨了 melody 容易上口,我相信歌後的故事也是一個很大的賣點 - 這係歌是他作給前度女友的禮物 - to be exact - WEDDING Gift!!!

Oh so sweet that is!!! & also added a bit 悽美 to the song (sad endings)...

Who said music can be separate from visual?!

Forever Love
詞:王力宏/十方/何啟宏/于景雯 曲:王力宏

愛你 不是因為你的美而已
我越來越愛你 每個眼神觸動我的心
未來這些日子 要好好珍惜
愛我 有些痛楚 有些不公平
如果真的愛我 不是理所當然的決定
感到妳的呼吸在我耳邊 像微風神奇
溫柔的安撫 我的不安定
所以我~要 每天研究你的笑容 ooh 多麼自然
forever love forever love 我只想用我這一輩子去愛你
從今以後 你會是所有 幸福的理由

愛情 是場最美最遠的旅行
沿途雨季泥濘 偶爾阻礙我們的前進
感到妳的體溫在我懷裡 像陽光和煦
巧妙的融化 我的不安定
不可思議 證明我愛你的理由 ooh 多麼自然
forever love forever love 我只想用這一輩子去愛你
從今以後 妳會是所有
妳感動的眼睛 我沉默的聲音 彷彿就是最好的證明
就讓我在說一次 I love you oh (直到永遠)

forever love forever love 我只想用我這一輩子去愛你
從今以後 妳會是所有 幸福的理由
Forever love forever love forever love

Thursday, February 24, 2005

V-Day 2005 - CHINESE calandar...

So today's the 15th day of the first month in Chinese calendar - the Chinese Valentine's day.
As a matter of fact I don't really "remember" it - at least it's not as easy as remembering the "western" one. Oh well, probably another reason is that it doesn't really "add-on" value to me?! (well.... maybe I was wrong – at least we got a free KFC tea/dinner today at work for this excuse)...


Sad fact is that this v-day is the same as the western v-day a wk back – work is cutting me up into pieces daily. East Africa trip planned next week is delayed again. Oh well, no big deal at all, afterall it's not like I really want to go and get some REAL work done. Hahaha~~ So definitely great for me! :PPPPP Probably I should really plan a trip to go to Korea / Romania instead...

Oh, tonight I also got Kuo's concert's – my! I've dialed for AGES in order to get those tickets!!!
It's just nice to have a chance to go to concert.

Didn't get home until almost 10. Exhausted. ICQ is DEAD tonight – gosh, I can't believe I'm SO attached to my “circle of friends’ by ICQ. Isn't it sad??

Well, at least one of the GOOD things of switching to MSN tonight is to get a chance to catch up a bit with an ex-colleague - which is very nice to talk with him - I think one of the BEST things of working in a smaller firm is that you really get to know each other very well– or maybe it's a culture to get into more personal levels? I know this guy like friends you've known for years.

Grateful to be able to know some friends in this level after working for some years.

Maybe I should really plan for yearly skiing trip is to go to India instead of US/Japan/Korea~~


Oh, not to mention, FINALLY I got my FIRST SMS message saying Happy V-Day! Haha although not from a valentine, felt funny as I didn't get any last wk (Feb 14) XD

Thursday, February 17, 2005

More On Caffeine...

Starbucks' genius blends community, caffeine

So it does have a few points about social status, and "RIGHT" in terms of paying extra for "warming up the milk".... BUT this guy doesn't really consider "service & investment charges" on personal level (well, he does deduct 1/3 of the $ for costing I guess), but that is an investment in company-wise - at home it maybe another story?
  1. An expresso machine like what they've in the store costs around USD300-500
  2. I think I read somewhere that electric power consumption is HIGH for something like an expresso machine... I don't want my electric bill to shot up b/c having one of those...
  3. Wait, where is room for an additional expresso machine?
  4. I will NOT buy Starbucks coffee bean even I've an expresso machine at home - I'll consider buying something higher quality which cost less in the "names"
  5. Milk, sugar... etc etc... although it's "free in store", it's not REALLY FREE and cost nothing - you will not run into any Starbuck's counter to pour some "free" sugar for your cereal in the morning
  6. I HATE doing the clean ups afterward XDDDD
  7. Who has the time to get up early enough to do all these before heading to work?
  8. Food and Drink is not allowed on MTR (who has that extra hand to hold it from home to work?!)
  9. Last but NOT LEAST - I don't really buy a coffee every day (well, maybe every other day - I DID skip my coffee this morning and started yarning every other minute XDDDDD

So I think afterall the extra $1.37 isn't really just "heating up the milk", to me the added value is the level of convenient and SO, I don't know whether it's really a "emotional" rather than "logic" choice :PPPP

*P.S. I did manage to skip the coffee this morning - but had one in the afternoon :PPP*

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Museum for Anode & Cathode

Something I've spent for almost an hour tonite... oh well, fun to do this type of games to kill time once in a while... :)

Movie Review - Constantine

Watched Constantine tonite with colleagues... my gosh, how come someone can be as GREAT looking as Keanu?! hahaha... he's a breath taker! :PPP

alright, have to admit that the story is not THAT NEW - but I think that's a fairly good story plot line (very scary at some point, and not much boring scene). Also, all the digital edition is just right. Not too much or unrealistic / too much (like Matrix)... so still worth to go watch in Theater :)

and I just HAVE TO repost these here...

*in case my offtopic posts would be killed soon!*


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

V-Day 2005

SO, it's the V-day... actually turn out to be one of the BUSIEST DAYs for MONTHS - yep yep, just from work. Hermione must have been stealing my time all day long - never have enough - well, let's see... the first time I check out the time it was already LUNCH TIME! And then 2nd time was 5+pm! my! Boss wasn't back yet, so buffer myself some time for the report I wanted to do during the weekend - yeah, it's late...

some times I wonder if I should ever do those reports - as nobody ever asked! when I present them, well, most of the time, feedback is "oh good job... very useful information" .... yadayadayada... but then I have NEVER get a chance to execute what I've proposed - b/c I've no time! >.<

Let's see, I've opened 3 L/Cs this morning – yes, those I've prepared DURING the holiday – other it'll be WORSE… follow up on some of the emails… got home "early" - I think around 9? Ate instant noodles and then watch a bit TV – then get back to work. Man, I don't know anymore if having a small notebook is a GOOD thing afterall… Or maybe I should be grateful TV can be on at home while working!

News Roundup is over but stupid sales figure never add up to the right amount… It's probably too late - if I've additional 12 hrs then the report will be "PREFECT"... but no, obviously I don't when the midnight rerun show is over – great, past 1:30 and I still haven't take shower yet GRRRRRRR… FINE, I'll just present part of it tomorrow - at least to get some initial feedback before I went too far off....

Checklist for work tomorrow… I have to finish (I should say MUST) 2 big items: Feedback to Marc on next year's soda ash projection (well, at least that have to get approved from boss first), so probably that can wait until the 2nd half of the day... and then I've to finish up the soda ash quotation to PZ... I really don't wanna do it but I've to. Hmm.. I think that's about it?!

I hope there's not much email to follow up - and how come ppl don't reply emails?! I've already asked so just answer me - no need for me to ask and chase you the SAME thing again and again for like entering the email's marathon!!! my gosh !#W$%^$#@

Wait, let's check again... I hope I didn't left out anything major on the list... oh, yes, claims settlement & summary list of Ganesh's request...

What a great V-day - perfect date w/ WORK... >.<
Well at least I start feeling a bit sleepy now so hopefully I can have a good night's rest - Chow Kun (God of Sleep), please don't leave me~

P.S. Probably time to re-read Harry Potter which might help a bit! :)

Monday, February 14, 2005

EMP 5488

er.. upon request... is it okay now!??!

*okay okay, I know I owe you this - as a matter of fact, yes, I DID search my nick before... and as you can find, my "present" w/ this cyber identity can backdate as far as back in the late 90s!! HAHAHAHAHAH*

As a matter of fact, I just realize I've TOTALLY LOST all my HTML coding knowledge - not that I know much 5-6 yrs ago, just that I know NOTHING about all those most ancient basic HTML now! >.<

BTW, for whoever who might check this out - yes, the above link is from one of my BEST buddies in the world - well, kinda~ XDDDD and hey, don't ask me why in the world the page's title as EMP 5488 (as I am VERY sure I'm not the ONLY / FIRST to ask~~) Afterall, who's gonna remember it - except you my dear friend that is?!?!?!

hehehehe XDDDD

So check out his page when you've time la~~ :)

Friday, February 11, 2005

Chinese New Year...

Had finished the first 2 days of this long holiday... gosh, I felt sooo lazy - REALLY DID NOTHING other than staying home DOING NOTHING... tomorrow I'm going to start doing SOMETHING - AT LEAST SOMETHING - maybe start to check & clear some work's emails? (gosh, so pathetic that my life has nothing other than work!) >.<

Was talking to Vince earlier about feeling old after working a few year - actually I was telling him not to b/c
  1. he's YOUNGER than me and
  2. we ain't really THAT OLD, afterall we've only been graduated for a few years.
But actually I DO feel old - it has been FIVE YRS since I left Purdue. my, that's A LONG time ago - doesn't feel THAT LONG. From time to time I wondered what I've done / achieved in these few years - sad fact is that I don't feel much "have been achieved"... I don't feel so much difference than when I first graduate - oh, probably the only difference is that I lost that passion, the dedication... a symbol of getting old?! I don't know... I don't know how to get engaged in work anymore... (I only stayed in this job for a yr!) Changing job obviously isn't the answer...

I remember when I started my first job I told myself I'll give myself "5 yrs" to "observe" and decide what I want to do for my life, for my career, and so on... and now "time is up" - but what do I want out of myself/my life!? I feel I'm at the same "starting point" as I were 5 yrs ago... Maybe is that I didn't really STOP and THINK carefully. I just go along with everyday time-consuming "busy" life - busy w/ daily work but not constructive.

I got an email from Ana Paula - whom I met in high school. We haven't talked for YEARS so you can imagine there's so much to catch up with. She now became of what she'd decided - I still remember the first year I know her in Boise she said that she want to be a lawyer when she grows up - and here she is now, she is a PROSECUTOR in Brazil. WOW... proud of her - but then who am I? I ain't a Chemical Engineer - not even in my entire life. Gosh, I feel depress about it. Of course I can't go back for now - and what can I do? Whatever I'm doing now doesn't require whatever school taught me... actually I feel shame to let others know that I was studying ChemE when I was back in college...


And she's also telling me she's getting marry in April... WOW, just get to the stage more and more people I know are getting marry - 4 pairs this year already!

I guess this is another sign of one getting old? Well, probably I should be glad that at least I'm still in the "people around getting marry" stage - not yet to a stage that I'm so OLD that I'm in the stage of going to other's funeral....

Getting Old getting old... we're all getting old daily~~~

Sunday, February 06, 2005

EMP 5488

Something I should have done a long time ago~~~ okok, ed, i owe you credit of getting me on blog :P


Saturday, February 05, 2005

My First Tiffany...

Well Being, Chinese = 幸福

我雖然沒有看過 Breakfast at Tiffany,不過一直也想擁有一隻 Tiffany 的介子,覺得只要擁有一隻,JUST ONE, is a symbol of well being :)

Naive it's, part of me, or plainly just spoiled XD Felt so well being tonight... Here's the day I got my first Tiffany :)

*but after getting the ring I felt empty - how nice it would be if well being is really that easy to obtain... *

Friday, February 04, 2005

With or Without Cafferine...

With or without.. that's a tough question. I was having insomia earlier this wk, and I blame it on cafferine - but life without cafferine is just NO FUN - I Mean NO FUN at all... i thought i was doing okay - cutting coffee for a few days already - but then when boss heading out and ask if i wanna get a coffee (on him) i just CAN'T INSIST to say NO...


*worst is i feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO REFRESH after having the coffee*



To have or not to have, that's NOT the question - b/c i'm going to HAVE it no matter what - HOW MUCH shall i have is THE QUESTION

*oh maybe time to think of decaf?*

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Can sleep well...


連天失眠,疲倦不堪,歸根究底,解鈴還須繫鈴人,決定後言出必行! 現在如釋重擔,優哉悠哉,有覺好訓!!


how come?!

i couldn't access to some of the older posts if the title is / contain Chinese?!?!? (but only SOME, not ALL)

gosh, stupid bugs! >.<

Thoughts of ...

Thoughts of 扶靈。。。

有時在電視/電影中看到出殯事宜,都會安排大約 8-10 個仙人生前摯友當 "扶靈人", 送仙人最後一程..

now i am wondering who finalize the list of 扶靈人? Wait, shall be one step back - is ALL funeral requires those “friends” to serve as “扶靈人”?? okay, let's say it's a "yes”for the above question – so back to my original question – who's the one who FINALIZE this list?! 點 verify (with the one who passed away) that these ppl are really MEANT a lot to him/her?!

Actually I was thinking, if one day I die – will I have that TEN ppl on my list? 係未要係遺囑上交待一下呢? WAIT, let me think… I think I can ONLY count about 5 or 6 in my mind now? Oh no!!! I have so little REAL FRIENDS…. and who knows if I will still be in touch w/ them by the time I die? Or will they actually know I died? Wait, even they do know I ain't here anymore, are they WILLING to serve as my 扶靈人? 有時 D 唔可以咁一廂情願嘛。。。駛唔駛問定先? but wait, 倒過來說,我又會唔會係某某's list? If not for my entire life, shall I feel shame on myself??

啋! 大吉利是,百無禁忌!!!


I've been staying up until VERY LATE in the last few days... doing nothing particular... Just DON'T WANT TO go to bed! my gosh, i'll probably late tomorrow again! >.<