Friday, September 24, 2010


Agree w/ 陳俊偉 that the mooncake is all about "在乎心意". Although, of course, in some sense it's very 一廂情願 for me to think that it's "sweet"...

今年中秋並沒有什麼特別嘅安排,除了因為要在課室中渡過外(咩學校嚟 ga,中秋都要上堂上到 9 點幾,仲未計放學後要傾 project。。。傾傾傾傾到成十一點幾先返家。。。), So anyway, 今年就連最"行貨"嘅 BBQ / Hot Pot 等活動諗都無諗過安排 - 真的是太忙了~~

只望多了一天不用上班可 catch up 一下功課 Orz...

Well actually it wasn't really THAT bad. Turned out last Friday I got all the ready-to-make Icy Mooncake ingredients and try my FIRST ICY MOONCAKE EVER - it was a blast and just to fool around here and there. And thanks for Yekini to come and help out *LOL*

Although someone said he got stomach ache after eating TWO of them (my friend of course la, how can you eat so much at one time ga!! 諗返都真係覺得幾搞笑!) hahaha... luckily someone's mom who happened to eat at the same time don't have any problems jae...

都係果句,係食果個人嘅問題囉,同我 D 冰皮月餅完全無關!。。。 XDDDD

hehehe j/k... at least he isn't too sick or anything like that... XD

I still haven't eat the traditional one this year, hopefully to have some when i got home tonite - well, i mean AFTER tutorial Orz... Well anyway, happy mid-autumn festival~~ (although it's way past it!) XD LOL... and hopefully next year i got someone to share the mooncakes - together...








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