Monday, March 30, 2009

Movie Review - He's Just not that into you...

was interested in this movie a long time back - actually i got the book while i went to london a few yrs back but just never finished it.

another 2+ hrs movie, yet i did enjoy it quite a bit. Although it's a bit "random", and probably trying to cover too many stories in 2 hrs. I think it's more a girly movie rather than guys' and it would be more fun if the ppl around laugh along @_@; yet I love (and feel touched!) for some of the stupid / idiot things mentioned

I think everyone (no matter it's girls or guys!) had at least once in their life desperately sit by the phone and chking constantly on her/his voicemail / email (or Myspaced me!) hahaha... and I just love Drew Barrymore (and surprise to know she's one of the Producers from the Credits show at the end!) Chk out one of her interview here for being one of the the film's producers.

it's a light hearted love comedy, just enjoyed the film a lot (and totally agree all girls love those little "date decorder" - which seriously i think guys never meant for!! LOL

some of the interesting quotes:
  • We are all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you.
  • I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home, and then he emailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell, and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It's exhausting.
  • ...Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope.
yes, he's just not that into you - whenever he's not calling.... move on move on move on PLEASE!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Movie Review - K-20: Legend of the Mask

wow watched 2 movies over the wkend!

1st one was the kfun movie ticket hoon got: K-20 Legend of the Mask - as i wanted to watch Kakashi ma! hohoho... (oh, also i also like Takako Matsu a lot (since her Love Generation era)

This trailer has Chinese subtitle in case you wanna chk out more :D

To me the movie is a bit too long (2+ hrs!) the 1st 40 min is kinda so-so but overall it's alrite (i think if i've read the comics / original piece before it would be a lot better). It's more like a Japanese version of Batman (so kinda chessy) but hey, Kakashi is just wayyyyyy toooo cute so it make it allll up! HOHOHO~~ esp. the last scene when she told Takako he won't live w/ her... (wah his act is really worth dying for!!!) hahaha..

I would say it's a 3-4 out of 5 one... some part is entertaining... and again, just seeing kakashi is good enough! hahahaha

Speaking of which, i went all the way to tuen mun after visiting low dai & his family @ mei foo (as someone need 1+ hr to get ready V_V) *LOL*

it has been more than 20 yrs since the last time i went to Tuen Mun (ok maybe less than that but u know what i mean!) geez, total strange place for me! and the theater we went today is the very very old type:

regular show only ~30 per ticket... seriously speaking if i live in that area i don't mind to go there and watch movie!

*the pt is, it took me like 1.5 hrs to get home from Tuen Mun lor! LOL

thanks for hoon for the movie :D

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why bother?

sometimes i wish the "recall" function works on every request u've sent out - or "auto delete" after certain time period - at least like any request > 6 months old! (why they keep it as 'active' w/ such an extensive "idle" time!?

it has been 2 months and i think things will just go as it's - but nope suddenly there u r... i mean, WHY BOTHER at the very beginning?!

it's actually quite "shock" as i found the face I used to know is now so "憔悴/落晒型" - i mean, shouldn't you be happier w/o me tagging along? why aren't you a happier person?

deep down feels 心痛 to see the changes on your face.. but of course, there's nothing i can do except keeping the distance....

May life be good for you....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Phone addict!

I admit I'm a total phone addict. *LOL* ppl said "十年人事幾番新" that is something about me that hasn't changed all these yrs.. I guess this is called "江山易改,秉性難移" HAHA

Was reading island master's article 晚空的聲音, remind me those daily walk from the library to dorm, and talked on the phone once you're back to the dorm. (I would pull the phone alllllllll the way out to the dorm's corridor to avoid waking up my roommate). Glad the phone line was long enough! hahaha... and u know, back in those days there's no CELL PHONE or cordless! *LOL*

I can't remember how long it lasted, for like a few months i guess?! and we talked for another half an hr or so (consider the library closed at 2am.... or 12 back then!?) Actually I can't remember much in details anymore, just remember "such event", 都唔記得大家點解有咁多耶傾...

十年人事幾番新, maybe it's good that your choice back then - I guess it's better we never go out or else we'll probably treat each other as 陌路人 now. Appreciate the distance between us now (quite distant), but at least we can still "talk" whenever we meet.

It might be a sad story back then, but now when I look back, agree with IM mentioned, "回想起來,雖然過去,但還是很甜美。"

That's why long distance never work for me, need to cut down all long-D bill for a phone addict like me! :P

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Next destination - Osaka!

okay yeh it's kinda random but no more taxi ride in the morning for the next 1.5 months (like it safe a lot!) wakakkakaa.. OKAY, no more starbucks as well (alrite that's save up!!), as next trip planned:

Universal Studio - Osaka, Japan

It'll only be a short short trip (no holiday ah!) yet finger cross it'll really happen as planned :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How healthy are you - mentally??

Here's a test of your mental health provided by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong:



1. 覺得手上工作太多,無法應付。
2. 覺得時間不夠要,所以要分秒必爭。例如過馬路時衝紅燈,走路和說話的節奏很快速。
3. 覺得沒有時間消遣,終日記掛著工作。
4. 遇到挫敗時很易會發脾氣。
5. 擔心別人對自己工作表現的評價。
6. 覺得上司和家人都不欣賞自己。
7. 擔心自己的經濟狀況。
8. 有頭痛/胃痛/背痛的毛病,難於治愈。
9. 需要借煙酒、葯物、零食等抑制不安的情緒。
10. 需要借助安眠藥去協助入睡。
11. 與家人/朋友/同事的相處令你發脾氣。
12. 與人傾談時,打斷對方的話題。
13. 上床後覺得思潮起伏,很多事情牽掛,難以入睡。
14. 太多工作,不能每件事做到盡善盡美。
15. 當空閒時輕鬆一下也會覺得內咎。
16. 做事急躁、任性而事後感到內咎。
17. 覺得自己唔應該享樂。

計分方法:從未發生 0分,間中發生 1分,經常發生 2分




1 chk, 2 chk, 3 chk... wait a minute, I think most of us can score a 16 easily wor...

@_@''' what's wrong w/ us these days?!!?!

As Mr. Taurus (who's still online now at 02:58) said - since most of us can score a 16 "easily "- we an just simply ignore it :PPPPP

and at least they do indeed trying to offer for help at the end:

上述的測試主要是引發大家對精神健康的關注,若發現分數不理想或不切合你的狀況,請不必介懷。若你想獲得多些精神健康的資料,歡迎你致電 2772 0047 ,使用我們的心理健康熱線或與我們的輔導員傾談。

don't worry, even i score more than 16 i think i'm still fine - best Dr / cure is meeting w/ Mr. Chow :P

time for bed :P

Monday, March 09, 2009

Favorite - dark chocolate....

was reading airsama's 很久沒做的網路問卷, it's interesting to know actually many guys like to eat chocolate - thought only GIRLS like chocolate...

I especially like dark chocolates. I don't like the regular chocolate as it's way too sweet. I guess I'm not a chocolate lover - or I should say I'm just a DARK CHOCOLATE lover. I love the pure taste (just coco taste), especially the bitter part of it...

收到的 Godiva 85% dark chocolate, 起初是真的不捨得食 - 當然唔係因為錢嘅問題,而係當時係覺得好 precious, 食一粒少一粒。。。


已很久沒有食了, 睇完空氣個blog,看看那久違了的禮物: 到而家,都仲有成盒係雪櫃(當初怕佢溶嘛 - but 其實好傻,雪了邊好食呢?)

有時 D o野就係咁,錯過了最好的時間, 係miss咗就miss 咗。。。

All I can to do now is to absorb more PEA (phenylethylamine) :P

Relationship..... again....

"如果個男仔肯為你想吓,點都會同你 plan 吓呱,真係仲細咩!?一對情侶點都會發吓白日夢,吹吓水第時個婚禮係點,日後生活又點點點。。。唔係講起就 sweet咩??"

同 D 姐妹傾開,感情這回事,真係有又煩,無又煩。。。。究竟一個想同你買樓(但唔肯commit你嘅人)衰 D,定係一個而家同你一齊,但又無諗過同你將來/一講起將來就迴避嘅人衰 D?

兩者也應判死刑!was reading 島主's 活在桃花島 article 情侶買樓 ... afterall, the guy just take advantage of the gal.....

anyway... i guess at least i get out of it... wish sis all the luck and get it sorted out sooner or later.....

and was being so lazy for the wkend, geez, slept like 20 hrs yesterday! *LOL* i think maybe i'm sick or sth...

and today after another 11+ hrs zzz I finally get myself together and work on some work stuffs.. well, for a few hrs so it's good i spse. Also got a call from 水瓶座 and she was sooooo upset b/c of her ex's ridiculous act! Oh geez... i guess it's also b/c of her tremendous pressure from work... that's not much I can really do... just wish she can stay strong and handle it...

Oh also a little 插曲 on the way to home today after work @ yekini's.. my 2nd time in life that 720 stopped on Eastern Corridor... I still remember the 1st time it was on my way back to Sara... and was SMS someone and saying how scared i was... it has been so long ago.... at least this time i was w/ someone i know - and get home safe afterall...

OH WELL OH WELL.... Monday tmr... X_X

Thursday, March 05, 2009


"... 我「中度熱愛」自己的工作, 難度適中, 鑊鑊新奇鑊鑊甘的情節定期上演, 所以也不會「悶」。每天都在累積一樣名為「經驗」的東西, 月底還有一點錢逗, 夠我一嚐偶一為之的心頭好, 我覺得比上不足、比下有餘。 晚上如果還記得, 更會在床上感謝上天。 如果不喜歡自己的工作, 一天八小時都可以是好很長。有年輕人每天逼自己上班, 度日如年, 浪費生命, 何其不幸。..."

Reading one of the random blogs 追揸沽... esp like he said, "鑊鑊新奇鑊鑊甘的情節定期上演" *LOL* Although i'm not a boss boss yet, i do feel more and more "現在已經毫不介意員工準時下班。我懺悔, 以前真的介意過員工準時走。現在呢? 反而多謝都來不及,"

i really don't want my sub coordinate to work that late.. i don't want them to burnt out...

hope things will be better soon...

Monday, March 02, 2009

"...逐秒擴張 惦記你滋味

尋不到 飛得走的客機..."

typical Justin... maybe "no surprise"... but still like it

MBA? Master in Engineering Enterprise Mgmt?

"... A job will never satisfy you all by itself, but it will afford you security and the chance to pursue an exciting and fulfilling life outside of your work. A calling is an activity you find so compelling that you wind up organizing your entire self around it -- often to the detriment of your life outside of it. "
- Michael Lewis Dec 10, 2008 on

Was thinking once again to pick up my Master degree studies, talked to Charles and wittybb earlier tonite and feel so much refreshed and "focus" once again - thx wittybb for getting my schedule on your calendar, and thx charles for sharing Michael Lewis' article that clear up my thoughts...

now is a matter of MBA? or Master in Engineering Enterprise Management (IE in UST). Also need to sort out the Finance part (if going for the MBA).

Will sit down and do some planning next sat...