Sunday, March 15, 2009

Phone addict!

I admit I'm a total phone addict. *LOL* ppl said "十年人事幾番新" that is something about me that hasn't changed all these yrs.. I guess this is called "江山易改,秉性難移" HAHA

Was reading island master's article 晚空的聲音, remind me those daily walk from the library to dorm, and talked on the phone once you're back to the dorm. (I would pull the phone alllllllll the way out to the dorm's corridor to avoid waking up my roommate). Glad the phone line was long enough! hahaha... and u know, back in those days there's no CELL PHONE or cordless! *LOL*

I can't remember how long it lasted, for like a few months i guess?! and we talked for another half an hr or so (consider the library closed at 2am.... or 12 back then!?) Actually I can't remember much in details anymore, just remember "such event", 都唔記得大家點解有咁多耶傾...

十年人事幾番新, maybe it's good that your choice back then - I guess it's better we never go out or else we'll probably treat each other as 陌路人 now. Appreciate the distance between us now (quite distant), but at least we can still "talk" whenever we meet.

It might be a sad story back then, but now when I look back, agree with IM mentioned, "回想起來,雖然過去,但還是很甜美。"

That's why long distance never work for me, need to cut down all long-D bill for a phone addict like me! :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am (was) the opposite of you ... LOL ... i am always too lazy to make phone calls ... coz i prefer face-to-face talk ... (no video conference, please). -WittyBB