Thursday, March 05, 2009


"... 我「中度熱愛」自己的工作, 難度適中, 鑊鑊新奇鑊鑊甘的情節定期上演, 所以也不會「悶」。每天都在累積一樣名為「經驗」的東西, 月底還有一點錢逗, 夠我一嚐偶一為之的心頭好, 我覺得比上不足、比下有餘。 晚上如果還記得, 更會在床上感謝上天。 如果不喜歡自己的工作, 一天八小時都可以是好很長。有年輕人每天逼自己上班, 度日如年, 浪費生命, 何其不幸。..."

Reading one of the random blogs 追揸沽... esp like he said, "鑊鑊新奇鑊鑊甘的情節定期上演" *LOL* Although i'm not a boss boss yet, i do feel more and more "現在已經毫不介意員工準時下班。我懺悔, 以前真的介意過員工準時走。現在呢? 反而多謝都來不及,"

i really don't want my sub coordinate to work that late.. i don't want them to burnt out...

hope things will be better soon...


Anonymous said...

i hate to do repetitive job/task...
however, i don't quite agree of staying office late.. it's really depends on what he/she did during the hour. staying late because of 'blow water' during the day, worked on something else during the day (i.e. personal call, personal stuff), or the person just be inefficient, or the company's process or procedure are being efficient ... anyway, i think as long as you "earn/learn" something to put on your resume... being busy at work is worth it.. however, pay does matter... note that i don't have OT pay ah ... i am a salary-woman.
bottom line is to analyze the situation from all possible perspectives...
- WittyBB

Jasper222 said...

wittybb.... sometimes work in HK is that even u don't socialize at work (other than lunch time) u still can't finish your work....

and for the record, i don't get OT pay anymore either :P