Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Can't help it...
Feeling Blue....
Last day in Tianjin, weather is fabulous, sky is so clear w/ that awesome 20deg C temp.... however i feel like as rainy as HK's weather....
Jasper222 Tianjin, April 26, 2007 23:48
- for something i shouldn't be jealous at the first place - i KNOW i shouldn't (AND more importantly NOT entitle to), but.... just can't help it
- for saying good bye to Maggie & Jim. I know i shouldn't feel sad as we will see each other in the future... but can't help it...
- for the uncertainties lies ahead - i KNOW i shouldn't (b/c i ASKED for it)... but can't help it....
Last day in Tianjin, weather is fabulous, sky is so clear w/ that awesome 20deg C temp.... however i feel like as rainy as HK's weather....
Jasper222 Tianjin, April 26, 2007 23:48
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Last Trip - Tianjin...
Some of you may have noticed the # of posts i've posted in the last month has a sharp drop - well, one is b/c my notebook's space bar is DEAD and just tired of using the "full stop" in between *LOL*, and 2ndly is that i've decided to move on from current job - so brain is very "busy"....
it's not an easy decision. really not - from the PERSONAL point of view I guess. YES current company has a lot of POTENTIAL, but then maybe i'm really ruling by my heart (rather than head) - i decided to go. I don't know if it's a right or wrong decision.... but i think once i decided, don't think twice
Some times one just have to take chances, and just do it w/ no regret. In some sense i wanna challenge myself what's my tolerance bottom line - stupid you may say, w/ my career to risk over...
so here i'm on last biz trip - yep, after talking to vijay on the flight i realize i'm REALLY prepared for an exit... and here I'm in Tianjin
I lost count how many times i've been to Tianjin - maybe 4 or 5? but i've never really see the town... hmm.... too bad... but Maggie did show me some very VERY good place for food - Dumpling is SUPER! (north chinese style) both TASTE and price is GREAT... no one can beat!! that place also have some "Ching" style (the dynasty) and it's just GOOD....
of course, their chestnuts during winter time is good (still hot when Maggie gave me!)... I also remember one time Maggie got me some strawberry - and it's so FRESH and SO SWEET!
actually i feel sad to leave Maggie, she has been very very good to me. Not only a colleague, but REALLY a friend.
feel the same when talking to Pawan, Rajesh, and of course, Jai
ak just called earlier as well, i feel bad that the family drag him into this b/c of me... but then i told him the reason of taking a career 2 yrs back is for the education - so now i'm really no return ticket! i think it's good that i make this "sacrifice" - b/c i really wanna do my MBA deep down. I know i'm not going to make it in US - and i know i'm not going to make it FULL time - but now i've a chance which can "buffer" me more (of course i skip the salary is 2 yr ahead schedule when discussing w/ ak!)...
Anyway, i hope i didn't make a wrong choice, and that i can really work toward my dream - a post graduate education which can help and equip for a higher role....
it's not an easy decision. really not - from the PERSONAL point of view I guess. YES current company has a lot of POTENTIAL, but then maybe i'm really ruling by my heart (rather than head) - i decided to go. I don't know if it's a right or wrong decision.... but i think once i decided, don't think twice
Some times one just have to take chances, and just do it w/ no regret. In some sense i wanna challenge myself what's my tolerance bottom line - stupid you may say, w/ my career to risk over...
so here i'm on last biz trip - yep, after talking to vijay on the flight i realize i'm REALLY prepared for an exit... and here I'm in Tianjin
I lost count how many times i've been to Tianjin - maybe 4 or 5? but i've never really see the town... hmm.... too bad... but Maggie did show me some very VERY good place for food - Dumpling is SUPER! (north chinese style) both TASTE and price is GREAT... no one can beat!! that place also have some "Ching" style (the dynasty) and it's just GOOD....
of course, their chestnuts during winter time is good (still hot when Maggie gave me!)... I also remember one time Maggie got me some strawberry - and it's so FRESH and SO SWEET!
actually i feel sad to leave Maggie, she has been very very good to me. Not only a colleague, but REALLY a friend.
feel the same when talking to Pawan, Rajesh, and of course, Jai
ak just called earlier as well, i feel bad that the family drag him into this b/c of me... but then i told him the reason of taking a career 2 yrs back is for the education - so now i'm really no return ticket! i think it's good that i make this "sacrifice" - b/c i really wanna do my MBA deep down. I know i'm not going to make it in US - and i know i'm not going to make it FULL time - but now i've a chance which can "buffer" me more (of course i skip the salary is 2 yr ahead schedule when discussing w/ ak!)...
Anyway, i hope i didn't make a wrong choice, and that i can really work toward my dream - a post graduate education which can help and equip for a higher role....
Monday, April 16, 2007
Wise Man said "Professional..."
"A Professional LOVES his/her job and what they do - NOT the company"
while discussing with low dai, i do agree w/ his comment:
"... it does matter with the company, your job is affected by the company's culture, if you don't like the culture..or don't fit in won't do good job..."
So I guess I'll revised wise man's quote to the following:
Being professional is all about the job itself - you should LOVE what your job is - however, don't stay behind just because you LOVE the company
Or, I'm just not professional enough? hmmmm
while discussing with low dai, i do agree w/ his comment:
"... it does matter with the company, your job is affected by the company's culture, if you don't like the culture..or don't fit in won't do good job..."
So I guess I'll revised wise man's quote to the following:
Being professional is all about the job itself - you should LOVE what your job is - however, don't stay behind just because you LOVE the company
Or, I'm just not professional enough? hmmmm
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Productive day!
wow, seem like a productive day today!
P.S. Went to watch Sunshine yesterday - my gosh, it's just like one of the WORST movies I've ever watched!!!! i mean, story line is terribly weak - absolutely no LOGIC across the whole time (going out movies w/ ENGINEERS!!! hahahahahaha....) AND - it spse to be a sci-fi: but for some reason the director wanna make it as some type of HORROR film at the end w/ that slimmy captain from the first ship?! oh PLEASE! #$%^&^%$#@%$^ AND THE WORST WORST WORST thing is that - the main actor is REALLY UGLY loh - i mean, if you don't have the story - pls at least get a cute guy/gal to please the audiences ma!! *wakakkakakakakaka*
- officially off today - but i did reply a 500+ words QUALITY email to boss at 02:30. I hope he can use the same and satisfy
- talked on phone for like an hr w/ a friend hahahahahaha..... it's nice to catch up :)
- spent more than 3 hrs in the Hong Kong Museum of History in the afternoon w/ john, gerry & bagger, it's a bit crazy, but I do have fun (only complain is that my feet sour!!) hhahaha SOOOO tired! For those of you who haven't gone, definitely worth a trip - there's so much to see (and they did a great job!!!) - and Best of all - admission is only 10!!
- gave Elvin a bath!!! :)e
- did laundry (wash & fold!!!! geez, never ending)
- emptied part of the closet... which is good
P.S. Went to watch Sunshine yesterday - my gosh, it's just like one of the WORST movies I've ever watched!!!! i mean, story line is terribly weak - absolutely no LOGIC across the whole time (going out movies w/ ENGINEERS!!! hahahahahaha....) AND - it spse to be a sci-fi: but for some reason the director wanna make it as some type of HORROR film at the end w/ that slimmy captain from the first ship?! oh PLEASE! #$%^&^%$#@%$^ AND THE WORST WORST WORST thing is that - the main actor is REALLY UGLY loh - i mean, if you don't have the story - pls at least get a cute guy/gal to please the audiences ma!! *wakakkakakakakaka*
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Mr. Nice: If don't u love me?
自警方大力嚴打,近年在本港肆虐的種金黨、祈福黨經已收斂不少。可是政府沒有提醒大家,一直令到情場中人迷迷癡癡悶懨懨的MR. NICE - 友好先生黨,繼續一直讓不少人受騙。
回歸正題,何謂MR. NICE呢?根據小弟從朋友堆中觀察,這一類MR. NICE多為三十歲以上,樣子不會特別出眾(就是他的不出眾才令許多人中計),屬老實斯文成熟事業有成的藍籌股類別;這一類男人的吸引力在於NICE。他與受害者搭上後,會做出一連串讓受害者產生遐想、幻覺、妄想的舉動。但到底他們做了甚麼事情,有這樣的能耐,叫受害人只敢在心?說:「你不愛我,為何又纏?我?」這句又愛又恨兼而有之的對白呢?唔!又是我出賣朋友作案件重演以回饋大家多年愛戴的時候。綜合各受害者的經驗,歸納出MR.NICE的行為模式。
1.由於MR. NICE多是寡言的一群,但面對受害人就會話題不絕,只除了私人感情話題。2.不管MR. NICE是否獨身,甚至結了婚,他們都會自動現身報到。我見過最厲害的,是每天自動早午晚三call以上(甚至趁女友去了洗手間,也要致電受害人)、一星期四天晚飯、一套電影,還統統不許受害人出錢。3.讓受害人認識他的朋友,而他在受害人的朋友面前表現大方。
要明白MR.NICE其實不難。試想一個全情投入工作的男人,有很多根本連朋友也不多,到他睡醒已是中年;可幸MR.NICE不是電車男,至少整潔妥當。一個三十歲的男人連感情也沒有一段,多少是有點問題的。所以,MR.NICE根本是不愛你的。你只是剛好在他那個狹小而沉悶的世界?出現,他只要一個願意欣賞陪伴他,脾氣不算壞的人,就算不是他的類型,也是樂意奉陪,只因為他要人陪。MR.NICE對你的NICE,只是出於他的教養,與愛無關,他對全世界也NICE的。故你身邊正伴?一位這樣的男人,你與他相處長達一年,而你三番四次向他明示暗示也沒有結果,請立刻離開他,別浪費時間,MR.NICE是不會愛你的;除非你願意當他的朋友。別似我朋友,與MR.NICE一起出雙入對三年後,浪費了三年的時光。某天,MR.NICE宣布他與一個相識一個月的人拍拖(半年後他們同居了 - 這就是男人呀!)。我那朋友只好回家聽楊千嬅的「友誼萬歲」、吳倩蓮的「心亂如麻」或是薛凱琪的「男孩像你」……知驚未!
自警方大力嚴打,近年在本港肆虐的種金黨、祈福黨經已收斂不少。可是政府沒有提醒大家,一直令到情場中人迷迷癡癡悶懨懨的MR. NICE - 友好先生黨,繼續一直讓不少人受騙。
回歸正題,何謂MR. NICE呢?根據小弟從朋友堆中觀察,這一類MR. NICE多為三十歲以上,樣子不會特別出眾(就是他的不出眾才令許多人中計),屬老實斯文成熟事業有成的藍籌股類別;這一類男人的吸引力在於NICE。他與受害者搭上後,會做出一連串讓受害者產生遐想、幻覺、妄想的舉動。但到底他們做了甚麼事情,有這樣的能耐,叫受害人只敢在心?說:「你不愛我,為何又纏?我?」這句又愛又恨兼而有之的對白呢?唔!又是我出賣朋友作案件重演以回饋大家多年愛戴的時候。綜合各受害者的經驗,歸納出MR.NICE的行為模式。
1.由於MR. NICE多是寡言的一群,但面對受害人就會話題不絕,只除了私人感情話題。2.不管MR. NICE是否獨身,甚至結了婚,他們都會自動現身報到。我見過最厲害的,是每天自動早午晚三call以上(甚至趁女友去了洗手間,也要致電受害人)、一星期四天晚飯、一套電影,還統統不許受害人出錢。3.讓受害人認識他的朋友,而他在受害人的朋友面前表現大方。
要明白MR.NICE其實不難。試想一個全情投入工作的男人,有很多根本連朋友也不多,到他睡醒已是中年;可幸MR.NICE不是電車男,至少整潔妥當。一個三十歲的男人連感情也沒有一段,多少是有點問題的。所以,MR.NICE根本是不愛你的。你只是剛好在他那個狹小而沉悶的世界?出現,他只要一個願意欣賞陪伴他,脾氣不算壞的人,就算不是他的類型,也是樂意奉陪,只因為他要人陪。MR.NICE對你的NICE,只是出於他的教養,與愛無關,他對全世界也NICE的。故你身邊正伴?一位這樣的男人,你與他相處長達一年,而你三番四次向他明示暗示也沒有結果,請立刻離開他,別浪費時間,MR.NICE是不會愛你的;除非你願意當他的朋友。別似我朋友,與MR.NICE一起出雙入對三年後,浪費了三年的時光。某天,MR.NICE宣布他與一個相識一個月的人拍拖(半年後他們同居了 - 這就是男人呀!)。我那朋友只好回家聽楊千嬅的「友誼萬歲」、吳倩蓮的「心亂如麻」或是薛凱琪的「男孩像你」……知驚未!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Little Horse's Wii Family.....

no no no, i haven't buy a Wii yet (and NOT planning to buy one), yet since like most of you who's reading my blog ALREADY got one at home - just think of the same will happen to me when i'm playing your Wii loh! whahahahahahahahaha
So for those of you whom I might have missed to send MSN offline msg , check thisd out, super funny!!
Little Horse's Wii Family
when a scropio meet a scropio...
can be fatal, or at least quite serious....
well, used to believe feelings fade out as time goes - but is it b/c we were just "running away from the feeling (and just ignore it) so we "thought" that we don't have the same feeling anymore? (but deep down we still do?)
maybe really need to learn how to "let go".... I thought I did, but i guess i haven't really - until we talked on the phone again today - gosh, can't believe I still haven't get over it - it has been like... six WHOLE MONTHS?? gosh, I know probably it's a better idea to "stay away" and i know i really need to get going!!
One of very few non-scropio "feature" of me i guess - can't let go for someone who has "betrayed" me?? but i guess maybe deep down i know it's not a matter of betray - it's just a matter of everyone has his/her own way and get going w/ his/her own life...
i wonder how long i'll need to get over this completely..
of course, life still go on as usual.... i guess i did pretty well w/ the 'surface kungfu" all along, but i know deep down it's still bothering me... i know i've to be stronger.... maybe just need to do an reinstall all over again....
i still remember i start liking faye b/c one of my good friends... the more i listen to her the more i like her voice - and i love the way she sing 但願人長久 - even better than other/original (Teresa Tang's) version....
但願人長久 ~蘇軾
明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今昔是何年
*我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影
轉朱閣 低綺戶 照無眠
不應有恨 何事長向別時圓 (別時圓)
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久
well, used to believe feelings fade out as time goes - but is it b/c we were just "running away from the feeling (and just ignore it) so we "thought" that we don't have the same feeling anymore? (but deep down we still do?)
maybe really need to learn how to "let go".... I thought I did, but i guess i haven't really - until we talked on the phone again today - gosh, can't believe I still haven't get over it - it has been like... six WHOLE MONTHS?? gosh, I know probably it's a better idea to "stay away" and i know i really need to get going!!
One of very few non-scropio "feature" of me i guess - can't let go for someone who has "betrayed" me?? but i guess maybe deep down i know it's not a matter of betray - it's just a matter of everyone has his/her own way and get going w/ his/her own life...
i wonder how long i'll need to get over this completely..
of course, life still go on as usual.... i guess i did pretty well w/ the 'surface kungfu" all along, but i know deep down it's still bothering me... i know i've to be stronger.... maybe just need to do an reinstall all over again....
i still remember i start liking faye b/c one of my good friends... the more i listen to her the more i like her voice - and i love the way she sing 但願人長久 - even better than other/original (Teresa Tang's) version....
但願人長久 ~蘇軾
明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今昔是何年
*我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影
轉朱閣 低綺戶 照無眠
不應有恨 何事長向別時圓 (別時圓)
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
it's OVER! (well almost!)
so tonite was the Purdue dinner - and man, i'm just glad it's all done!!
kinda "sad" that President Jischke is taking off (stepping down in June) - i mean, yeah, he wasn't really my president president when i was in Purdue - but then i think he's a great leader and really have made purdue to a 'higher level' - sad to see such a great leader is leaving..... Anyway, i'm glad the event is done - a GREAT learning experience, yet a bit too much for now :)
kinda "sad" that President Jischke is taking off (stepping down in June) - i mean, yeah, he wasn't really my president president when i was in Purdue - but then i think he's a great leader and really have made purdue to a 'higher level' - sad to see such a great leader is leaving..... Anyway, i'm glad the event is done - a GREAT learning experience, yet a bit too much for now :)
Monday, April 02, 2007
In memory of Leslie...
I won't say I'm a super fans of Leslie - yet the older I get the more I think his songs' "shelf's life" is a lot longer than most of today's "entertainers'"....
Can't believe he has been gone for FOUR yrs (since 2003) already.... Anyway, thanks for CPMF14 to find the MV of one of my favorite songs of his (well, a lot have to do the w/ the movie)... Anyway, enjoy the MV
歌手:張國榮 | 作曲:Dick Lee
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:George Leong
這一生 也在進取 這分鐘 卻掛念誰
我會說 是唯獨你 不可失去
好風光 似幻似虛 誰明人生樂趣
我會說 為情為愛 仍然是對
#一追再追 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒
原來多麼可笑 你是真正相標
一追再追 追蹤一些生活最基本需要
原來早不缺少 Wo...
有了你 即使平凡卻最重要
(只得你 會叫我彷彿人群裡最重要)#
好光陰 縱沒太多 一分鐘那又如何
會與你 共同渡過 都不枉過
瘋戀多 錯誤更多 如能重新做過
我會說 願能為你 提前做錯
有了你 即使沉睡了 也在笑
Can't believe he has been gone for FOUR yrs (since 2003) already.... Anyway, thanks for CPMF14 to find the MV of one of my favorite songs of his (well, a lot have to do the w/ the movie)... Anyway, enjoy the MV
歌手:張國榮 | 作曲:Dick Lee
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:George Leong
這一生 也在進取 這分鐘 卻掛念誰
我會說 是唯獨你 不可失去
好風光 似幻似虛 誰明人生樂趣
我會說 為情為愛 仍然是對
#一追再追 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒
原來多麼可笑 你是真正相標
一追再追 追蹤一些生活最基本需要
原來早不缺少 Wo...
有了你 即使平凡卻最重要
(只得你 會叫我彷彿人群裡最重要)#
好光陰 縱沒太多 一分鐘那又如何
會與你 共同渡過 都不枉過
瘋戀多 錯誤更多 如能重新做過
我會說 願能為你 提前做錯
有了你 即使沉睡了 也在笑
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