Monday, July 28, 2014

談政治 - 悼主場新聞

主場新聞嘅閉幕,我想令很多好似我咁懶鍵嘅盤戰士頓失一個既方便,又環保嘅平台read and reshare quickly.

無嘅,唯有刁轉D read / reshare less posts。 不過,有時真的希望蘇生真係純粹在商言商唔想每月倒貼/過咗之前set嘅 expected return of investment period 而摺埋主場。。。

區家麟係我其中一個喜歡嘅blogger, will definitely bookmark his page

Also a collection of my FB post and thoughts throughout the wkend:

衛斯理30年前的預言(填詞人 梁柏堅)
雖然,我並不特別認同倪生嘅生活方式/態度,曾幾何時我也可算是佢嘅粉絲(嚴重到俾呀媽落聖旨唔准睇!).人大了,就更佩服這些"科幻小說"作家天馬行空嘅想法(你諗吓當年 Startrek 都有類似ipad / speaker phone 等technology)...

1984 的來臨,暨悼主場
認同作者指出近日情況:歪理變真理。我唔係話我所相信嘅係真理,而係好多時候問/與對方討論佢會話 sth like "你睇多尐電視就知。。。
huh? I really think i am trying my best to receive info from multiple sources (including 張融 page, 元秋小姐果版未轉 page 無得follow 佢又未 authorize my friend request so cant git updates)...
有時真的希望蘇生真係純粹在商言商唔想每月倒貼/過咗之前set嘅 expected return of investment period 而摺埋主場。。。grey

i believe my mom, and also many HKese in her age group, thought in a very similar way. my mom, although may not have 講出口,她,也說笑簽名有$2xx贈品係邊度呀... 不時我都問自己,難道真的有問題是我們嗎?是我們不懂感恩?ask for too much?maybe this is an example of stockholm syndrome...

Other links
我又覺得,唔駛 unlike 晒唔同嘅聲音,and the list is a good reference to keep in mind the standpoint behind each different media
House News 主場新聞 (232597 like) 執笠,作者和讀者流向甚麼媒體好?以下有一些推介 (含個人喜好及閱讀習慣),歡迎補完。

I. 去 like 這些吧:
D100 一呼百應 還聲於民 278640 like
香港獨立媒體網 155158 like
PassionTimes 熱血時報 43901 like
輔仁媒體 40191 like
SocREC 社會記錄頻道 35217 like
謎米香港 27856 like
852郵報 24340 like
評台 Pentoy 14573 like
本土新聞Local Press 9888 like
USP United Social Press 社媒 8220 like
惟工新聞 7206 like
膠登時報 Polymer 6112 like
hkpeanut 5770 like
民間電台(CITIZENS' RADIO) 3533 like 3148 like
城寨 2236 like
Real Hong Kong News 2008 like
龍獅報 883 like

II. 去 like 這些吧 (非新聞類頁面,但評論貼市又獨到)
高登。時事台 39809 like
福佳與林忌創作 20612 like
拒絕香港大陸化 11170 like
The Glocal [全球新聞頻道] 8265 like
立法會重要議案表決紀錄 6501 like
港語學 6317 like
黑衣會 5260 like
議員票數自動標籤系統 4078 like
The Hong Kong Originals 3802 like
東南亞觀察社 (Southeast Asia Observer) 2301 like
Little Post 「一小步」 2218 like

III. 也可以 like 這些:
蘋果日報 868885 like
雅虎香港新聞 381763 like
South China Morning Post SCMP 93815 like
信報財經新聞 93185 like
am730 60471 like
EJ Insight 2798 like

IV. 立即 unlike 這些:
東方日報 431311 like
巴士的報 96746 like
港人講地 48151 like
時聞香港 47110 like
經濟日報 43054 like
正思香港 13279 like
DBC 16210 like
頭條日報 15387 like
星島日報 3193 like
英文虎報 1540 like