Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010


So as Cees suggested worked around the last Aug 1st deadline - and ending up sending over the last ultimate answer just blogged 2+ few wks back as the "final answer"...

只想講,有時D嘢又唔係話突唔突然,其實好多時自己一早已知道結果,只不過 difference 係幾時去確認/接受/處理 一個現實+ confirmed 嘅結果。。。


CRAZY Wine Tasting Wkend...

CRAZY Wine Tasting wkend with (myself) and Kim XDDDDDD kekekeke (also repost from Facebook la):

1. 2007 Apatsagi Tramini (Gewürztraminer) from Hungary

Review: Benchmark: M&S Gew
- Darker and not as clear as French
- Similar Viscosity (maybe a bit more viscous)
- Less aroma
- Drier(and a lot stronger alcoholic taste!)
- a lot stronger lychee after taste (which is good)
- price: $125 (vs $88)
- Comment: M&S still my favorite :)

2. 2007 Wiltinger Riesling (Trocken), Germany, Solar Fine Wine (Kowloon City)

- price: $198
- Comment: I never really like Riesling as I kept thinking it's usually very try, but turn out this German Riesling is very smooth, not sweet, but not dry either. A bit bitter and less aroma, this is an okay easy Riesling to me (although, not as easy as normal Gewürztraminer.) While I think this one is a bit overpriced, encourage me to maybe try Riesling after my round of Gewürztraminer study :)

3. 2007 Veldenzer Elisenberg, Riesling Kabinett - Watson's Wine

Benchmark: 2007 Wiltinger Riesling
- Color: Lighter
- Similar Viscosity (maybe Less viscous)
- A lot stronger aroma (both smell and taste, strong Plum aftertaste)
- Not as Dry
- price: $14x (vs $198)
- Comment: I like this one more, less in depth, yet very easy and similar "like" level as M&S gew! :)

(but probably this is not as good as the benchmark as it's less "depth") but i don't care, i like stronger sweeter taste wine for the moment! :DDDD

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Book Exhibition 2010 :)

This yr's harvest from Friday's visit: 15 books, in 3 hrs XDD can't get any further as backpack is totally packed (and sooo heavy), and that didn't buy ANY Taiwanese books as i'll get them from TAIWAN!

kekekekekke :) wanna buy more English books (generally 30% off!) and other smaller HKese books.. too bad won't make it before it closed on Tuesday... OH WELL....

Thanks my book exhibition leg for all these yrs - Yekini, to bring me in (although, u're half an hr late!) wakkakakak :D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


真的想爆粗!黐 X 線!!! 已經忙到死,做乜 X 嘢仲咁 X 得閒去學事非。。。



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Love in a Puff 志明與春嬌 DVD

Repost from Facebook :)

有時 D 嘢是不可強求嘅 - 不過踏破鐵鞋無覓處,皇天不付有心人,終於俾我擁有咗 my best movie 2010 watched so far - 志明與春嬌
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (and delivered July 25th!) XD

Monday, July 19, 2010


MBA schedule was out last wk, checked the schedule and for some LUCKY reason only ONE CLASS per wk during Oct end *LOL*

taking off from work should be okay ;)

so, 下一站。。。關西?I mean, for real?!!?!?

Friday, July 09, 2010

The ultimate answer - 普通朋友

sometimes it's not necessary to know how to answer the question, as i think this song describe exactly what's going on.. except that i'm David Tao in the song... =_=~~


但你說 I only wanna be your friend 做個朋友
我在你心中只是 just a friend 不是情人
我感激你對我這樣的坦白 但我給你的愛暫時收不回來
So I 我不能只是 be your friend I just can't be your friend

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

懂得愛,才能享受愛 by 蔣慧瑜


Picked this up @ Popular bookstore Monday while waiting for Natasha. Very easy and light reading, although i don't know (and haven't care!)much about 九型人格.

Anyway, recommend to those who's looking for something light and easy. I should have finish reading it at the bookstore instead of buying the same.


Saturday, July 03, 2010

Love-Hate Relationship - Fast Fact

Fast Fact:

  1. Wise man said, "You can't make someone to like you, but for sure you can do plenty to make someone hate you for the rest of his/her life"...

    Or at least i believe in that, and for the record, i'm DAMN good at it.

  2. A "typical" Scorpio:
    "...A Scorpio is extremely loyal and will go to the length of laying down his life for his loved ones. He has an exceptionally good memory. He never forgets an act of benevolence and always remembers to repay it. Similarly, a Scorpio also remembers any pain caused to him, though the reaction may differ. ... "

  3. 愛人往往還不如朋友。不能寬容,不能傾述,也不能原諒。 她要用最決絕的話,最後悔的詞語來表態,她其實是在提醒男人:我要的只是一點溫柔而已..."

心如...刀割... :~((