Saturday, July 03, 2010

Love-Hate Relationship - Fast Fact

Fast Fact:

  1. Wise man said, "You can't make someone to like you, but for sure you can do plenty to make someone hate you for the rest of his/her life"...

    Or at least i believe in that, and for the record, i'm DAMN good at it.

  2. A "typical" Scorpio:
    "...A Scorpio is extremely loyal and will go to the length of laying down his life for his loved ones. He has an exceptionally good memory. He never forgets an act of benevolence and always remembers to repay it. Similarly, a Scorpio also remembers any pain caused to him, though the reaction may differ. ... "

  3. 愛人往往還不如朋友。不能寬容,不能傾述,也不能原諒。 她要用最決絕的話,最後悔的詞語來表態,她其實是在提醒男人:我要的只是一點溫柔而已..."

心如...刀割... :~((

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